Internet References for: ANNUAL EDITIONS: Anthropology 12/13, 35e

Internet References for:
ANNUAL EDITIONS: Anthropology 12/13

Thirty-Fifth Edition

Some websites continually change their structure and content, so the information listed here may not always be available.

General Sources

American Anthropologist Association

Check out this siteÑthe home page of the American Anthropology AssociationÑfor general information about the field of anthropology as well as access to a wide variety of articles.

Anthropology Links

George Mason University’s Department of Anthropology website provides a number of interesting links.

Latin American Studies

Click on Latin American Studies to access an extensive list of resourcesÑlinks to encyclopedias, journals, indexes, almanacs, and handbooks, and to the Latin American Network Information Center and Internet Resources for Latin American Studies.

The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI)

The world’s longest established scholarly association dedicated to the furtherance of anthropology in its broadest and most inclusive sense.

A Sociological Tour through Cyberspace

This is an excellent starting point for anthropological resources, using links.

Web Resources for Visual Anthropology

This UR-List offers a mouse-click selection of web resources by cross-indexing 375 anthropological sites according to 22 subject categories.

UNIT 1: Anthropological Perspectives

Archaeology and Anthropology Computing and Study Skills

Consult this site of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology to learn about ways to use the computer as an aid in conducting fieldwork, methodology, and analysis.

The Institute for Intercultural Studies

Established by Margaret Mead, the institute is directed by her daughter, Mary Catherine Bates. With links, it promotes accessibility to Mead’s work as well as that of several of her associates, including Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict, and Gregory Bateson.

Introduction to Anthropological Fieldwork and Ethnography

This class outline can serve as an invaluable resource for conducting anthropological fieldwork. Addressing such topics as The Interview and Power Relations in the Field, the site identifies many important books and articles for further reading.

Theory in Anthropology

These web pages cover sub-disciplines within anthropology, changes in perspectives over time, and prominent theorists, reflecting 30 years of dramatic changes in the field.

UNIT 2: Culture and Communication

Center for Nonverbal Studies

This site is from a private, non-profit research center with links to relevant news stories.

Exploratorium Magazine: “The Evolution of Languages”

Where did languages come from and how did they evolve? This educational site explains the history and origin of language. You can also investigate words, word stems, and the similarities of different languages.

Hypertext and Ethnography

Presented by Brian Schwimmer of the University of Manitoba, this site will be of great value to people who are interested in culture and communication. Schwimmer addresses such topics as multi-vocality and complex symbolization.

International Communication Association

The I.C.A. sponsors conferences and publishes books and journals having to do with cross-cultural communication.

Intute: Social Sciences

This site provides links to linguistic associations, journals, and links to websites and data bases dedicated to the preservation and study of languages.

Language and Culture

This is a good introduction to the subject of linguistics and includes related websites.

Language Extinction

“An often overlooked fact in the ecological race against environmental extinction is that many of the world’s languages are disappearing at an alarming rate.” This article investigates language extinction and its possible consequences.

Nonverbal Behavior

This site is the gateway to links to many other sites having to do with nonverbal behavior and communication. The site includes links to publications, research centers, experiments, and conferences.

Showcase Anthropology

Examples of documents that make innovative use of the web as a tool for “an anthropology of the future”Ñone consisting of multimedia representations in a nonlinear and interactive formÑare provided on this website.

UNIT 3: The Organization of Society and Culture

Smithsonian Institution Website

Looking through this site, which provides access to many of the enormous resources of the Smithsonian, will give a sense of the scope of anthropological inquiry today.

Sociology Guy’s Anthropology Links

This list of anthropology resources on the web is suggested by a sociology professor at Trinity University and includes cultures of Asia, Africa, the Middle East; Aztecan, Mayan, and aboriginal cultures; sections on Mythology, Folklore, Legends, and Archaeology; plus much more.

UNIT 4: Other Families, Other Ways

Kinship and Social Organization

Kinship, marriage systems, residence rules, incest taboos, and cousin marriages are explored in this kinship tutorial.

Sex and Marriage

This is a good cross-cultural survey of marriage customs, residence rules, and the treatment of homosexuality. Related websites are included.

Wedding Traditions and Customs

Marriage customs are summarized for every region of the world.

UNIT 5: Gender and Status

Heal Africa

The mission of Heal Africa is to provide holistic health care for the People of the Democratic Republic of Congo, train health professionals, strengthen communities, encourage women in community leadership roles and support education and vocational training.

It’s Time: African Women Join Hands against Domestic Violence

The is a unique project working to reform the justice systems and combat domestic violence in South Africa and Ethiopia, in partnership with the Justice Education Society of BC, the South African National Prosecuting Authority and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association.

Reflections on Sinai Bedouin Women

Social anthropologist Ann Gardner tells something of her culture shock while first living with a Sinai Bedouin family as a teenager. She provides links to sites about organization of society and culture, particularly with regard to women.

Women Watch

As part of the United Nations, Women Watch serves as a
conduit for information and resources on the promotion of
gender equality and empowerment throughout the world.

UNIT 6: Religion, Belief, and Ritual

Anthropology Resources Page

Many topics can be accessed from this University of South Dakota website. Repatriation and reburial are just two.

Apologetics Index

This site offers resources on religious cults, sects, religions, and doctrines.

Magic and Religion

This site deals with the various aspects of folk religion and magic along with related Internet links.

Yahoo: Society and Culture: Death

This Yahoo site has an extensive index to diverse issues related to how different people approach death, such as beliefs about euthanasia, reincarnation, and burial.

UNIT 7: Sociocultural Change

Association for Political and Legal Anthropology

As a branch of the American Anthropological Association, this organization supports workshops, lectures, and publications having to do with issues of contemporary importance in the fields of political and legal anthropology, such as nationalism, colonialism, and post-colonial public spheres, multiculturalism, and globalism.

Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance

Through this site you can conduct research into a number of human rights topics and issues affecting indigenous peoples in the modern era.

The Indigenous Rights Movement in the Pacific

This article addresses issues that pertain to the problems of the Pacific Island peoples as a result of U.S. colonial expansion in the Pacific and Caribbean 100 years ago.

Murray Research Center

This site promotes the use of existing social science data to explore human development in the context of social change.

RomNews NetworkÑOnline

This is a website dedicated to news and information for and about the Roma (European Gypsies). Visit here to learn more about their culture and the discrimination they constantly face.

Small Planet Institute

This organization promotes the right of everyone to one of the essentials of lifeÑwholesome, nutritious, and safe food. It is activist as well as educational in its search for solutions to the environmental crises facing us today.

WWW Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies

This site presents resources collected by the Center for World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, Central and South America, Europe, and the Pacific.