Name: ______Period:______Date:______

Colonial Encounters Mural

Project Reflections

Please answer in complete sentences and in pen. Use another page or type if necessary.

PART I: The Project

Consider all that we read and looked at: DeBry’s illustrations, John Smith’s “Description of New England,” “The Thirteen Colonies,” “Puritans, Puritans, and More Puritans,” “Of Towns, Schools, and Sermons,” “Massacre at Mystic,” “Patuxet,” “King Phillip, ” “The Captive” by Mary Rowlandson, and readings you did for your specific mural. Now, you have two questions to answer:

1. If you had to write a nuanced, developed thesis to describe the encounters among Pilgrims, Puritans, Wampanoag, Pequot, Narragansetts, and other Indians, what would your thesis be? (1-2 sentences)

2. How does the story of your mural “fit” into your thesis for the unit? What part does it play in developing this thesis?

PART II: Self Evaluation

I turned in all my individual and group work so far. (Please check.):

_____ DeBry Illustrations Webquest

_____ New World Travel Poster and Description

_____ Thanksgiving Chopped to Pieces Collage

_____ Individual Research and Analysis

_____ Group Mural Proposal

_____ Group Artists’ Statement

_____ Mural

_____ Project Reflections

1. How do you think you performed in the week and half before the process of planning and painting the mural began? How would you evaluate your individual performance in group discussions, Harkness, small group projects, reading, etc.? What did you do well? What could you have done better? How did you push yourself to do your best?

2. Regarding the mural: What did you learn about yourself and how you work within a group?

3. Regarding the mural: What were your strengths within your group? What was challenging to you?What would you do differently if you had to work on this project again?

4. What was your favorite part of the project? Your least favorite?

5. On a scale from one to ten, (ten being outstanding and one being extremely poor) how would you grade the contributions of each of your group members? Please explain your reasoning using examples from your time working together.

6. If you had to give yourself a percentage grade for your overall work on the project—the reading and research, the proposal, the planning, the sketching, the painting, the artists’ statement—what grade would you give yourself? Why?