Cumbria Local Strategic Partnership and Thematic Partnership Joint Chairs Meeting


Jill Stannard – Cumbria County Council – Chair

Roger Roberts – Eden Local Strategic Partnership

Mandy Dixon – South LakelandPartnership

Steven Murray – Furness Partnership

Trevor Hebdon – Carlisle Partnership

Mike Heaslip – West Cumbria Partnership

Cathy Wynne – Healthy Communities and Older People Thematic Partnership

Gill Durie – Cumbria Vision

Jerry Graham – Safer and Stronger Thematic Partnership

Bill Lowther – Cumbria Strategic Partnership

Also in attendance

Ned Kemp – Carlisle Partnership

Dawn Roberts – Cumbria County Council

Duncan McQueen – Cumbria County Council

Liz Gill – GONW

Fiona Ferguson – Cumbria Strategic Partnership (note taking)

John Marsh – Cumbria Strategic Partnership


Sue Stevenson – Cumbria Strategic Partnership

Steve Ratcliffe – Environment and Heritage Thematic Partnership

Moira Swann – Children and Young People Thematic Partnership

1. Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. This was the first meeting of the new Cumbria Strategic Partnership (CSP) structure. As part of this new structure, the Joint Chairs Group bringstogether the Thematic Partnership and Local Strategic Partnership Chairs.

2.Leading Cumbria Together in Partnership

The Chair reminded the group of the key themes of discussion which had emerged regarding the Leading Cumbria Together in Partnership paper at the CSP Full Meeting of 5 November. A key concern that had emerged was that of the role and engagement of the Third and Private Sectors, and the partnerships represented at the meeting were invited to detail their engagement with the PrivateSector and the Third Sector. The partnerships represented at the meeting outlined the relationships they have with both sectors. Although almost all partnerships have strong links and ties with the Private and Third Sectors, both the Healthy Communities and Older People Thematic Partnership (HCOP) and the Safer and Stronger Communities Thematic Partnership (SSCTP) only have involvement with the Third Sector. The PrivateSector is not involved with these partnerships at present, but would however be involved should it be desired. Cumbria Vision currently has no full time representation from the Third sector but representatives from this sector were involved when needed.

The Chair explained that the Cumbria Leadership Forum (CLF) was yet to meet, and thatthe CLF will discuss engagement with Third and Private Sectors when the group is up and running. The Chief Executives’ Groupwill revisit this topic once all membersof the refreshed Chief Executives’ Group were present at a future meeting.

Consideration was then given to key aspects of the business management of meetings for the Joint Chairs’ Group

Process to agree agendas

After a short debate, the Partnerships agreed that agendas were to be prepared and circulated through the CSP team.An agenda planner will be maintained and a call for items will be raisedprior to future meetings. The agenda planner will be a standing item on all future agendas in order to be constantly reviewed.

Partners wishing to suggest agenda items for the Leadership Forum and the Chief Executives Group partners should discuss the item with their District Council Leader and Chief Executive who can then put the item forward.

Substitutes and observers

A number of LSP Chairs expressed a view that they would like to nominate an officer to attend future meetings. This was accepted by the Chair and the group with the condition that the officer attending is consistently the same one where possible. It is up to the partnerships themselves to decide locally who attends future meetings.

Officer Support

It was decided that the CSP Office should provide Officer Support to this meeting.

Final Implementation of the Model

As neither of the other two groups in the new CSP model, the Cumbria Leadership Forum and the Chief Executives Group, had met yet, it was decided to wait until these groups had met before deciding on the final implementation of the model.

3. Progress in delivering Cumbria Community Strategy Outcomes

3.1Cumbria Community Strategy Performance Report

Cumbria County Council Performance Manager introduced the two reports detailing Quarter 2 performance against LAA targets. Thematic Group representatives were invited to provide comment and further elaboration on performance issues of note within their partnership’s remit. Local Strategic Partnership representatives were invited to provide comment and observation based on performance issues within their geographical area.

Safer and Stronger Communities Thematic Partnership

Attention was drawn towards the following:

  • Declining crime rates in Cumbria
  • Cumbria’s excellent standing as regards public perceptions of crime and safety in England and Wales (Cumbria is currently equal first)
  • “Stronger” now has its own delivery task and finish group which reports back to SSCTP. This was formed as it was felt that too much emphasis was being placed on “Safer” in SSCTP meetings
  • SI 09 – (Percentage of repeat victims of domestic abuse) - Due to measures now in place to aid the reporting of domestic violence, this has led to an increase of victims’ confidence in drawing attention to their situation, and thus an initial increase in the statistics for repeat victimisation as more victims come forward to report their experiences.
  • The Joint Chairs’ attention was drawn to concerns over future funding for domestic violence projects and the Scafell Project, which currently rely on Northern Rock funding

Cumbria Vision

Attention was drawn towards the following:

  • SI 01/ (Number of people moving from incapacity benefit into sustained employment) - While statistics for the number of Benefit Claimantsin Cumbria areincreasing, it should be stressed that current levels are still reasonably low compared to the rest of the North West. It was noted that Job Centre Plustends to focus its support on the newly unemployed and Cumbria Vision is working to address this
  • The Future Jobs Fund is creating 128 jobs between January and May
  • The Joint Chairs were asked to note that NI 165 – (proportion aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least level 4)is an area for concern. Cumbria Visions’s representative provided reassurance that firmer engagement with The University of Cumbria was being undertaken.
  • NI163 – (proportion aged 19-65 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least level 2) was highlighted due to concerns regarding the reliability of data for this indicator.The Joint Chairs Group was reassured that measures are being taken to include local indicators as well as the current NI targets to ensuregreater data integrity in the future

Healthy Communities and Older People

Attention was drawn towards the following:

  • SI 05 – (Stopping Smoking) – the Joint Chairs Group was informed that although performance figures have improved , there still remains a performance issue, as such levels are not on target. The group was provided with clarification as regards the statistical methodology behind the calculation of performance levels for this indicator, and there was some evaluation of the implications of this for approaches that partner organisations may wish to take in respect of encouraging their employees to stop smoking and contribute to meeting LAA targets upon this indicator. CSP Partners were encouraged to think creatively about how they can encourage people within their own organisations and areas to help Cumbria to meet the target.
  • SI 06– (the % of adults taking part in moderate intensity sport and active recreation)This Stretch Indicator is measured through a telephone questionnaire. The process for this telephone questionnaire was outlined, and it was noted that response rates for telephone surveys are variable, and often prove to be unsatisfactory.The survey results will be published in December 2009. CSP Partners were encouraged to think creatively about how this figure can be improved on in their own partnerships and areas, and also about encouraging people to answer the telephone questionnaire if they are selected.


  • The Joint Chairs Group noted the performance issues which were highlighted by the Second Quarter performance reports
  • The Joint Chairs Group resolved to encourage members of their partnerships – and by extension – the wider partners of Cumbria Strategic Partnership as a whole to look towards identifying and implementing innovative approaches which may have a positive impact on those performance issues which had proved to be consistent concerns.
  • The Joint Chairs Group tasked the CSP Office with responsibility for producing a performance bulletin which would disseminate the group’s concerns on these issues, together with suggested ways in which partner organisations could work towards delivering improvement

3.3 Delivering the Climate Change Strategy

The group looked at the Cumbria Climate Change Action Plan 2009-14 Monitoring Report Form which had previously been circulated to all CSP Partners. Concerns were raised over the ability of LSPs to commit to the actions and it was suggested that simplified versions be produced for LSPs and other umbrella groups to complete. Concerns were also raised over the complexity of the form and the sheer number of actions contained within it.

A number of LSP representatives commented that they have been raising awareness in their areas through events and meetings in the past months. It was suggested that LSPs and Thematic Partnerships look at what they can do for their partnership for climate changes, for example choosing central venues and arranging joint travel.


  • The Performance Manager CCC agreed to speak to the Sustainability Manager CCC to ask him to producea simplified version for LSPs, thematic partnerships and other organisations. This will be circulated as soon as it has been prepared.

3.4Anti Poverty Strategy

This report was presented at the CSP Executive Board on 20 October 2009 but due to time pressures at the meeting it was not given the attention it needed.

The document at present is a high level document which is failing to get collaborative buy in. Discussion of the document considered the mixed geography of poverty across Cumbria. Particular stress was placed upon the contrast that exists between the characteristics of urban poverty and rural poverty in Cumbria. Consequently, members of the Joint Chairs Group were keen to see that a flexible approach was developed to ensure that as many wards as possible across Cumbria could benefit from the delivery of the strategy.

In addition, it was stated that if the Single Community Strategy for Cumbria was produced then this could be a high level document which could envelop the Anti Poverty Strategy, and possibly other strategies. The LSPs could then include anti poverty in their local level Community Strategy action plans.


  • The Joint Chairs Group noted the strategy and its objectives.

3.5 Performance Reward Grant

This item was deferred to the next meeting.


  • The CSP Office was tasked to place this item onto the agenda planner for this group.

4Moving Towards a Single Community Strategy for Cumbria

The Chair updated the group on the view of the Chief Executive Group on the proposal for a single community strategy for Cumbria. They had currently reached no agreement on the proposal, although there was support from District Councils it was felt, in some districts, that a single county wide strategy would not allow for alocal focus. The proposal is that the single community strategy is an overarching document for Cumbria, each area will then have its own action plan. This will free up valuable officer time to allow for action planning and delivery at local level, rather than strategy development.

It was suggested that the Strategy should have strong links to the Integrated Regional Strategy and also recognise Parish Plans and Local Area Partnerships.

A paper detailing the shape of the strategy is to be produced ; a copy of this paper will be presented to the next meeting of this group.

5Date of next meeting

Future meeting dates and venues will be circulated in due course. A number of LSP representatives stated that as they would be arranging their meetings around ours they would like the dates as soon as possible.