Course: Reading / Grade: 3rd – 5th grades / Date: 1/11/2010
Lesson Title: Document Camera Vocabulary Charades
Author: Mary Meloni /Kelly Liberal Arts Academy/ USD259
Content Objective(s):
Kansas 5th Grade Reading Standard
Standard 1: Reading FIFTH GRADE
Reading: The student reads and comprehends text across the curriculum.
Benchmark 3: The student expands
Fifth Grade Knowledge Base Indicators
The student…
1.  ▲ determines the meaning of words or phrases by using context clues (e.g., definitions, restatements, examples, descriptions) from sentences or paragraphs.
Literacy Performance Objective(s):
Reading vocabulary words.
Speaking choices of the words that might apply to actions in class discussion for consensus.
Listening to others as they guess possible answers and using what is heard to make inferences..
Writing down their guesses on dry erase boards.
Time / Content / Process
/ Pre-Instruction Focus 5 min
__5__ minutes
Materials: Teacher Demonstration in front of classroom
Dry erase boards and markers / Vocabulary Words for Treasures Unit
Week 5 Review (or any unit review)
Sample words: robot, swagger / Teacher will demonstrate Charades as played normally.
Teacher will act out the sample words which students have in a word box on their desk. A wordbox is a simple list of the current vocabulary words.
Teacher will first demonstrate how the word “robot” (or any other word of your choice) would be acted out and allow students to infer which vocabulary word matches his/her actions.
Students will write down their choices on dry erase board.
Teacher will call “showdown” and students will reveal answers.
Students will come to consensus in class discussion.
Repeat with second sample word “swagger” or other word of your choice.
Tell students that they will learn a new way to play Charades using technology.
. / Learning Activities
__20__ minutes
Laptop with prepared lesson using Aver Media Software.
(sample lesson attached)
Dry erase boards and markers
Smart Board and projector / Using full list of 5th (or 3rd or 4th) grade unit vocabulary words during the sixth review week for each unit, students will practice making inferences from observing the clues demonstrated in the teacher prepared lesson.
Students will practice and learn unit vocabulary words.
Students will use the reading power of inference to select the word from among the entire list.
Student will write the choice on the dry erase board until “Showdown” (reveal) is called.
Student class will come to consensus through discussion as to the correct answer. / Teacher will show sample lesson words clues (made with aver media software and attached).
Students will go through the process of 10 words as they are demonstrated with photographs or videos.
Students will write choices.
Teacher will monitor who needs help.
Reveal dry erase answers for one word at a time.
Teacher will guide consensus discussion being careful to note ambiguities that might arise between words.
Differentiated Activities
Stop midpoint in above lesson and make modifications for those students that need extra help
(during above 20 minutes)__ minutes
Materials: same as above
Extra paper / Tier 1 Students – No modification.
Tier 2 Students – Work with a partner that is a Kagan support partner (usually a green and red combination.
Students needing extra stimulation may select words that they would like to demonstrate using Aver Media software and document camera to make presentations for peers in other classes. They will use the extra paper. / After about 5 minutes of the Core activity, teacher has observed which students may need extra support. These students will be paired with their shoulder buddy that represents a Kagan color combination of green and red usually. However, a blue and yellow could also be paired.
Tier 2 students should proceed with the activity as planned or be a support partner for a student needing extra support.
Higher level students may begin to plan which words they would enjoy preparing as a Aver Media program that can be shown to the class or to other classes. They will use the extra paper to select 2 or 3 words and plan how they would demonstrate them.
/ Review Key Concepts & Vocabulary
_5___ minutes
Materials: Same as core materials / The students will show an increased mastery of the unit vocabulary.
The student will apply their knowledge by generating a product showcasing one of the words. They products will be planned in partnerships so that all students have support. The higher students will lead the groups in implementing some of the ideas that they planned on paper.
The partnerships will each generate one product for one unit vocabulary word. / Pair students up into partnerships where one student is a supported student and the other student is one of the students that selected 2 or 3 words to use in a project.
Students plan together how to prepare a presentation project for 1 of the words out of the 2 or 3 that the higher student selected.
Student pairs may draw a picture, practice an acting out that can be captured by the document camera, or find a visual(s) that refer to the word.
The teacher will need to assist each pair in capturing the self done picture or found visual, or in capturing a dramatic acting out of the selected word.
Notes: / Students have done this activity in my classroom and really enjoyed the change of pace. Vocabulary can be pretty dry. The application piece in which they utilize their word knowledge and prepare something for peer audience is also highly motivating.

Course: Hour/Period: Date:

/ Evidence of the content and literacy performance objectives being met looks like…

Learning Services-5/08 Content and Process Lesson Planning