Development Web Pages Using HTML and JavaScript
Case 10
Extracted from
Creating Web Pages with HTML and XML
By Patrick Carey, Mary Kemper
Thomson Course Technology
Page 5.43
SkyWeb Astronomy
Dr. Andrew Weiss of Central Ohio University maintains an astronomy page for his students called SkyWeb. In his Web site he discusses many aspects of astronomy and observing. One of the pages he wants you help with involves the Messier catalog, a list of deep sky objects of particular interest to astronomers and amateur observers.
Dr. Weiss wants his page to contain a slide show of various Messier objects, displaying both a photo of the object and a text box describing the object's history and features. He wants his users to be able to click a forward or backward button to move through the slide show. The rest of the Web page remains unchanged as users view the presentation.
To create a presentation like this, you'll need to insert one floating frame inside of another. Dr. Weiss has created the text you need for the Web site. Your job is to create the fames needed to complete the Web page.
Incomplete HTML Source for case10.htm:
<title>The Messier Objects</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center<img src="skyweb.jpg" alt="SkyWeb"</center>
<h1<font face="monospace">The Messier Objects</font</h1>
<img src="messier.jpg" align="left" ?space="5">
<p<b>Messier objects</b> are stellar objects, classified by astronomer <b>Charles
Messier</b> in the 18th century, ranging from distant galaxies to star clusters to
stellar nebula. The catalog was a major milestone in the history of astronomy, as it
was the first comprehensive list of deep sky objects. Ironically, Charles Messier
wasn't all that interested in the objects in his list. He made the catalog in order
to <i>avoid</i> mistaking those objects for comets, which were his true passion.</p>
<p>Messier objects are identified by <b>Messier Numbers</b>. The first object in
Messier's catalog, the Crab Nebula, is labelled <b>M1</b>. The last object, <b>M110</b> is a satellite galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. There is no systematic ordering in the Messier Catalog. Messier entered objects into the list as he found them. Sometimes he made mistakes and once he entered the same stellar object twice. The catalog has undergone some slight revisions since Messier's time, correcting the mistakes in the original.</p>
<!-- Floating Frame Slideshow -->
<?????? src="m01.htm" align="?????" width="460" height="240" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" hspace="5" frameborder="no">
One of the great pursuits for amateur astronomers is to do a <b>Messier Marathon</b>,
trying to view all of the objects in Messier's catalog in one night. Unfortunately,
if you want to see all of them, you have to start looking right after sunset and continue
until just before sunrise — hence the term, "marathon." March is the only month
in the year in which an astronomer can run the complete marathon.</p>
<p>Use the buttons to view some of the more popular objects in Messier's catalog.</p>
<br clear="??????">
<table width="100%">
<td align="?????">
<font face="monospace" size="2">
| Home Page | The Night Sky | The Moon | The Planets | The Messier Objects | Stars |
Incomplete HTML Source for m01.htm:
<title>M1: The Crab Nebula</title>
<body link="black" vlink="black" alink="black">
<table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<font face="monospace" size="5">M1: The Crab Nebula</font>
<img src="m01.jpg" width="200" height="164" align="left">
src="m01desc.htm" width="250" height="164">
<table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th width="225" align="right">
<? ????="m57.htm"<img src="lbutton.jpg" border="0" alt="Previous" vspace="5"</?
<th width="225" align="left">
<? href="m13.htm"<img src="rbutton.jpg" border="0" alt="Next" vspace="5"</?
HTML Source for m01desc.htm:
<title>M1: The Crab Nebula</title>
<body bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<font size="2">
<p>M1, known as the Crab Nebula, is one of the most famous supernova
remnants in the night sky. The supernova was first noted on July 4, 1054 by
Chinese astronomers. At its height, the supernova was about 4 times
brighter than Venus and could be seen during the day for a period of more than
three weeks.</p>
<p>The remnant of the this supernova was discovered in 1731 by the British
astronomer, John Bevis. Messier himself found it in 1758 while looking for
Halley's comet. He soon realized it was no comet and the Crab Nebula became
the first entry in Messier's famous catalog of celestial objects.</p>
Incomplete HTML Source for m57.htm:
<title>M57: The Ring Nebula</title>
<body link="black" vlink="black" alink="black">
<table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<font face="monospace" size="5">M57: The Ring Nebula</font>
<img src="m57.jpg" width="200" height="164" align="left">
?????? src="m57desc.htm" width="250" height="164">
<table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<th width="225" align="right">
<a href="m51.htm"<img src="lbutton.jpg" border="0" alt="Previous" vspace="5"</a>
<th width="225" align="left">
<a href="m01.htm"<img src="rbutton.jpg" border="0" alt="Next" vspace="5"</a>
HTML Source for m57desc.htm:
<title>M57: The Ring Nebula</title>
<body bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<font size="2">
<p>M57, the Ring Nebula, is one of the most beautiful objects
in the Northern sky. It was discovered by Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix
in 1779. M57 is believed to be a planetary nebula, similar in
structure to M27.</p>
<p>The Ring Nebula contains a central star, discovered by the German
astronomer, F. von Hahn, in 1800. Observing the central star is one
of the great challenges of amatuer astronomy. The star itself is a
planet-sized white dwarf. The Ring Nebula was probably formed when
this central star exploded long ago.</p>
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