Enterprise in Education
Our school motto is “Alios Adiuva”, which means “Help Others”. This is reflected in the ethos of the school. We offer our pupils the opportunity to help others and grow through the curriculum, extra curricular activities and by giving them the opportunity to participate in Enterprise in Education. In doing so we are encouraging then to become better citizens and to contribute effectively to the life of the school and community.
The aims of Enterprise in Education within Saint Roch’s are as follows:
- To ensure all pupils have the opportunity to participate in at least one enterprise event in every year of their school life (S1-S6).
- To ensure pupils develop core skills associated with Enterprise in Education both through the curriculum and specific enterprise events.
- To promote an integrated approach to Enterprise in Education, encouraging both cross curricular links and local business and community involvement.
- To reinforce existing links with local organisations and businesses.
- To reinforce existing support from appropriate local authority or national organisations, such as Careers Scotland and Scottish Enterprise.
- To raise the awareness of parents and carers of the importance of enterprise in Education.
- To develop the capability in pupils for active and responsible citizenship.
What is Enterprise in Education in Saint Roch’s?
Saint Roch’s Secondary School believes that Enterprise in Education is pivotal in meeting the National Priorities in Education. Therefore, it is crucial that Enterprise in education permeates all areas of school life. Our aim is to develop a coherent and progressive strategy to build on skills from experiences from first to sixth year, leading on from what has already been achieved from nursery school through to Primary 7.
- Development of Core Skills
Communication NumeracyProblem Solving
Using ICTWorking with Others
- Development of Personal and Social Skills
Self EsteemSelf AwarenessSelf confidence
Inter-personalIndependence and Inter-dependence
- Development of Enterprising Skills
LeadershipPlanning and OrganisationEvaluating
InformationRecording and InterpretingCo-operating
Coping with new situations and Risk taking
Working with adults from within and out-with the school environment
- Personal Qualities
Being CreativeTaking Responsibility Making Decisions
Using initiative
Enterprise in Education is also taken forward effectively through the curriculum. The main purposes are to:
- Make a successful transition to the world of work.
- See that the clear purpose of school is as a relevant preparation for the future.
- Develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes which enhance employability.
- Make connections between different parts of the curriculum.
- Recognise that school is the first stage in a process of lifelong learning.
- Develop the confidence and skills to respond flexibly to the changing economic circumstance of the future.
- Develop independent thought and use creative forms of self-expression.
Enterprise Activities
Enterprise in Education is delivered in two ways. Firstly, it permeates the curriculum. Pupils are given the opportunity by departments through following methods:
- Display of Knowledge
Displays of WorkSchool Noticeboards
- Presentations
Individual TalksPerformances at Assembly Talent Shows
- Competitions
Maths ChallengesSchool Council Elections
- Campaigns
School captainNo Smoking DayShoebox Appeals
- Events
Fundraising (MacMillan Cancer Relief)GOALS Projects
Visits from Personnel from business/industry
- Selling
Design your own Christmas card
Please note that the above list is not exhaustive. There is scope for imaginative initiatives to be adopted within departments, to enable pupils to participate in an Enterprise Project within the Curriculum.
Each year group also has a main enterprise in Education event which are either one-day events or last over a period of time.
- S1 S1 participate in an enterprise challenge. This involves teamwork
and competitions as well as using other previously mentioned skills
- S2 Make it in Scotland Day
- S3 Industrial Awareness Day
- S4 Work experience
- S5 Conference in June
Work Experience
Work Experience
Some of these activities and events are supported by Careers Scotland.
Enterprise Activities
Each Year Group has one main Enterprise in Education event over the course of the school year. These are:
- S1. Eco schools Environmental Campaign
- S2. Make it in Scotland Day
- S3. Industrial Awareness Day
- S4. Work Experience
- S5. Conference In June / Work Experience
- S6. PALS / Work Experience / mentoring
(Some of these activities are sponsored by Careers Scotland)
Additionally, to achieve Saint Roch’s aim of having Enterprise In Education at the heart of the curriculum, it is vital that Enterprise permeates the curriculum. The Enterprise and Employability Officer carried out a survey of Enterprise In Education throughout the school for the New Learning Community. The findings are listed in Appendix A. (Please note that this is not an exhaustive list but a snapshot of what is currently underway) The criteria used for classification as an enterprise activity is in appendix B.
The following tasks have also been identified for the School Development Plan:
- WholeSchoolEnterprise In-Service (Feb 06)
- Faculties / Departments should provide at least one Enterprise Activity per session
- Selected staff to attend EEBL placements
- To deliver an Enterprise in Education Day to all pupils in Saint Roch’s Secondary (June 06)
Providing pupils with as much exposure to business, the world of work and possible career paths is a key factor in Saint Roch’s approach towards Enterprise In Education. This will in turn foster aspirations, motivation and attainment for our pupils. In addition to the numerous activities involving Saint Roch’s and including a plethora of local business and organisations within the community, Saint Roch’s continues to foster several well-established business partnerships. (See Appendix C).
Roles and Responsibilities
Senior Management Team
To support policy, allocating time and resources to enterprise projects. Renew and update policy. Include Enterprise in Education in School Development Plan. Support events and help co-ordinate Enterprise in Education events with Enterprise in Education Development Officer.
Development officer: Enterprise in Education
Support Enterprise events in accordance with Enterprise in education Calendar.
Raising staff, pupils’ and parents’ awareness of the importance of Enterprise in Education.
Development of Enterprise within the curriculum.
Develop and implement cluster plan and policy for Enterprise in Education.
Develop and maintain new and existing links with business/industry.
Develop Enterprise in Education using enterprise packs such as Up for Enterprise and Get into Enterprise. Train staff in the use of these packs through in-service provided in-house by PT Enterprise and Creativity or by outside agencies such as Careers Scotland.
Take forward national Priority Number 5 and the Recommendations of Determined to Succeed by including Enterprise in Education in School Development Plan and departmental plans.
All staff have a responsibility for encouraging the development of enterprising skills in pupils. They also have a responsibility to support events and to link subjects with business/industry as much as possible.
Monitoring and Assessing
Audit of Enterprise in Education within each subject on the basis of the recommendations made in Determined to Succeed paper. In partnership with each cluster primary school, audit of Enterprise in Education within individual primary schools.
Enterprise in Education Officer to implement and support Enterprise in Education within Saint Roch’s Secondary and to evaluate the effectiveness of Enterprise Education using pupil evaluation, responses from parents and staff and using 7 Quality Indicators/How Good Is Our School at industry links?
Up for Enterprise (S1-S2)
Get into Enterprise (S3-S4)
Careers Education in Scotland – National Framework
Enterprise in Education Links in Scotland
How Good Is Our School at Industry Links?
Determined to Succeed –
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