Lit. 7-365: American Culture and Melodrama in the 19th century
Instructor: Dr. Zoe Detsi-Diamanti

Office: 309A

Office Hours: Monday 11.30-13.30, Tuesday 09.30-11.00

e-mail: , tel. 2310 997448

Course Objective: the aim of the course is to introduce students to the genre of melodrama, the most widely-accepted form of popular entertainment. Melodrama will be studied alongside the cultural, political, and social discourses from which it sprang and to which it contributed.

Attendance Policy: Although attendance is not obligatory, students should realize that literature courses require a regular presence in the classroom and an active participation in class discussions

Course Requirements: a final exam at the end of the semester.


·  Introduction

o  The aesthetics of melodrama

o  The emergence of melodrama in the United States

·  Melodrama and Political Propaganda

Royall Tyler, The Contrast (1787)

The Patriot (film)

·  Women and Melodrama

Anna Cora Mowatt, Fashion (1845)

The Age of Innocence (film)

Julia Ward Howe, Leonora (1859)

Malena (film)

Thelma and Louise (film)

·  Urban life and Melodrama

Benjamin A. Baker, A Glance at New York (1848)

Crash (film)

·  Race and Melodrama

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1859)

12 Years a Slave (film)

·  Melodrama and the American West

Frank H. Murdoch, Davy Crockett (1872)

The Revenant (film)


Barefoot, Guy. Gaslight Melodrama: from Victorian London to 1940s Hollywood.

Brooks, Peter. The Melodramatic Imagination.

Cavell, Stanley. Contesting Tears: the Hollywood Melodrama of the Unknown


Gerould, Daniel C. American Melodrama.

Grimsted, David. Melodrama Unveiled: American Theatre and Culture, 1800-1850.

Hays, Michael. Melodrama: The Cultural Emergence of a Genre.

Kaplan, E. Ann. Motherhood and Representation: the mother in popular culture and


Karnick, Kristine Brunovska. Classical Hollywood Comedy.

Landy, Marcia. Imitations of Life: a reader on film & television melodrama.

McConachie, Bruce A. Melodramatic Formations: American Theatre and Society,


Mason, Jeffrey D. Melodrama and the Myth of America.

Πατσαλίδης, Σάββας. Μελόδραμα Ειδολογικοί και Ιδεολογικοί Μετασχηματισμοί.

Randall, Charles H. Hisses, boos & cheers; or, a practical guide to the planning,

producing, and performing melodrama.

Williams, Linda. Playing the Race card: melodramas of Black and white from Uncle

Tom to O. J. Simpson.