The Dispositions Assessment
The Dispositions Assessment is used to assess candidates’ ability to maintain professional dispositions throughout all Teacher Education programs. The assessment is also used to measure the effectiveness of the program in encouraging candidates toward ethical and responsible behaviors that lead to better-prepared professional educators. Dispositions address particular factors such as: filling the role of a professional teacher and being competent, caring, culturally-responsive, and committed. CSU Teacher Education Candidates are expected to demonstrate an awareness of the political, legal, and ethical issues that influence professional practices and be active participants in student learning, effective communicators, and collaborative colleagues. Further, they are expected to demonstrate responsibility, flexibility, and be attentive listeners.
When is it used?
The dispositions assessment is used to determine whether candidates need further instruction or guidance in the development of their professional dispositions. Candidates are assessed throughout the program but primarily during the practicum and internship semesters. Supervisors, education professors, subject area faculty, and mentors all complete dispositions assessments for candidates at some point in time in the program. Supervisors and mentors are required to submit this assessment for each intern throughout the practicum and internship experience.
How is it scored?
The dispositions instrument uses the following scale:
N/O = Not Observed;
*RI =Recommend Intervention(inappropriate student behavior worthy of serious concern in the demonstration of this disposition);
*1 = Unsatisfactory (difficulty or inconsistency in demonstrating this disposition);
2 = Developing (demonstrates with reasonable consistency but not quite proficient);
3 = Target (consistent proficient demonstration of this disposition);
4 = Exceeds Target(exceptional demonstration of this disposition well above target).
*If one of the outcomes on the instrument is scored with an RI (Recommend Intervention) or a 1 (Unsatisfactory) the evaluated candidate demonstrates a cause for concern and a dispositions deficiency report will likely be filed.
The Dispositions Deficiency Process
CSU Teacher Education Candidates are expected to demonstrate appropriate professional dispositions. If a candidate’s performance, attitude, or behavior raises concern about the student’s progress and/or suitability for advancement in the field of education, the Department encourages mentors and professors to address their concerns with the student and seek an informal resolution without the assistance of outside parties; except in egregious instances.
If a Teacher Education student is perceived as falling under any of the criteria above, their mentor or professor may choose to complete a Dispositions Deficiency Report (see below). The process is as follows:
- Individual professor or mentor referral of student for violation of dispositions using a "program deficiency report" (in triplicate).
- Professor/mentor submits copy of report to Program Coordinator.
- Program coordinator then notifies student and sets up a meeting with student and professor to discuss violation. (If program coordinator is the referring professor, a third person, the coordinator of field services, will be brought into the meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a venue in which the candidate may be counseled and re-trained
- During the meeting, student, professor/mentor, and third party develop and agree upon an action plan to address the dispositions deficiency, and stipulate a time for the plan to take effect. All sign the report.
- A second meeting is scheduled at that time to review progress.
- Coordinator stores a copy of the form in student's file and provides a copy to the department chair of Teacher Education.
- At the agreed-upon time, the second meeting takes place (same participants) to evaluate whether the student has achieved the goals of his/her/other’s plan.
- If the student has achieved the goals of the plan, a note to that effect is made on the form in his/her/other’s file and the case is closed.
- If student has not achieved the goals of the plan, further action will be taken - program removal is a likely option.During the conference, the professor and a third party will determine any next steps, the proposal will be forwarded to the department chair, and a final decision will be made at that level.
The Dispositions Deficiency Report
If an informal resolution is not achieved, there are three typical ways students may experience negative dispositions evaluations and trigger the dispositions deficiency report process.
- A score of RI on any area of the practicum or internship dispositions assessment will trigger an immediate deficiency report.
- A score of 1 on any area of the practicum or internship dispositions assessment may likely trigger an immediate deficiency report; however, the decision to begin the deficiency report process will remain with the evaluator.
- Inappropriate behavior by Teacher Education students in any subject-area classes or education content classes can trigger the deficiency report process. Initiating the process is up to the discretion of the course professor.
The Dispositions Report Conference Appeal Process
Whenever a student has a dispositions deficiency, the Department encourages mentors and professors to address their concerns with the student to seek an informal resolution without the assistance of outside parties. When that cannot be achieved, the report process should take place. If a student disagrees with the outcome of the report conference, the student is encouraged to begin the formal Appeal process. The various levels of the process are as follows:
- If an issue is not resolved to a student's satisfaction, the student may use the Dispositions Appeal Form to file a formal appeal of a Report Conference decision.
- The student keeps a copy of the appeal and submits a copy to the Teacher Education department chair. The objective at this level is to have another review of the student's concern. The chairperson will make a formal decision on the matter. If the issue is not resolved to student's satisfaction (or the professor's satisfaction in the event that the chairperson renders a decision),
- Either party may appeal the dispute to the dean's office for a Level III hearing.
Teacher Candidate: ______Course #: ______
Instructor: ______Date: ______
Program: Middle Grades ______MAT ______Secondary ______Music _____ Endorsement ______
Instructions: Complete this form for teacher education candidates when their performance, attitude, or behavior raises concern about the student’s progress and/or suitability for advancement in the field of education. When completing this form, address competency issues related to the Teacher Education Unit’s Dispositions Assessment and Conceptual Framework. Complete the sections for one or all of the categories as deemed appropriate and submit the form to the student’s Program Coordinator.
Concern / RecommendationConceptual Framework Component One - A CSU teacher-candidate engages in reflective practice
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates the success of his/her decisions to improve professional competence.
- Reflects regularly upon and makes changes to his/her practice.
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Conceptual Framework Component Two - A CSU teacher-candidate is competent
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Communicates effectively in speech and in writing
- Makes decisions based on researched Best Practices.
- Uses technology as a means of promoting learning
- Maintains good academic standing
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Conceptual Framework Component Three - A CSU teacher-candidate is caring.
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Shows compassion when working with all members of the education community.
- Demonstrates consideration and regard for self and others.
- Participates in extracurricular activities that support the educational community.
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Conceptual Framework Component Four - A CSU teacher-candidate is committed.
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Meets delegated obligations
- Shows initiative (e.g., contributes, volunteers)
- Maintains professional dress and grooming appropriate for the school environment.
- Demonstrates preparedness
- Demonstrates the behaviors of a life-long learner
- Accepts responsibility for what occurs in his/her classroom and for other school-wide responsibilities that contribute to student learning and a safe/orderly environment
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Conceptual Framework Component Five - A CSU teacher-candidate is collaborative.
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Interacts with others in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
- Demonstrates a positive attitude.
- Works effectively in group and team settings.
- Responds positively to constructive suggestions.
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Conceptual Framework Component Six - A CSU teacher-candidate is culturally responsive.
Deficiency (circle appropriate letter):
- Studies community and cultural norms and utilizes that knowledge to communicate in a way that is culturally relevant.
- Creates and fosters a respectful, tolerant and healthy classroom environment.
- Strives to consistently implement transformative multicultural education pedagogy.
- Seeks out, develops, and utilizes culturally-relevant curricular materials and assessments for all students.
Create an action plan for academic success
Meet with program faculty to develop a remediation plan with goals, action steps, assessment strategies and a timeline for successful completion.
Recommending Individual:
Printed Name______Signature______
Program Coordinator:
Printed Name______Signature______
Printed Name______Signature______
*The student’s signature indicates that s/he/other has read the report and agreed to the remediation plan. It does not imply agreement with the concerns.
Teacher Candidate: ______Course #: ______
Instructor: ______Date: ______
Program: Middle Grades _____ MAT _____ Secondary ____ Music ____ Endorsement _____
Today’s Date: ______Student ID#: ______
Student’s Ph. #: ______Student’s E-mail: ______
Instructor’s Name: ______
Name of class about which you have a concern (For example: English 1301):
Section # of class: ______Semester ______Year ______
I have attempted to resolve this issue with my instructor: Yes☐ No ☐
If yes, provide date(s) consulted and provide/attach email communication:
I have verified that this issue is addressed in the syllabus or during orientation:
Yes ☐ No ☐
Explanation of concern(s) or incident(s) (Include Student Help Desk Ticket number if applicable):
If this is a grade dispute, include the grade(s) of the assignment(s) you have a
concern with or your semester grade: ______
I have attempted to resolve this issue through a dispositions deficiency conference: Yes ☐ No ☐ (If no, the process stops here. Schedule a conference.)
If yes, list date of conference, names of attendees, and provide/attach a copy of report:
Date: ______Attendees: ______
What is your expected outcome on this issue after talking to the Teacher Education Department Chair about this concern or incident?
I hereby declare that the information on this form is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of information may result in disciplinary actions as stipulated in the CSU Student Code of Conduct.
Student’s Signature:______Date:______
Draft Created 9-15-11 Revised 11-12-11