The text below is essentially a summary of Act I, Scene iii. Read the summary and answer the

questions below on a loose-leaf, separate sheet of paper. Staple your answers to the back of

this sheet. The questions are divided up by line numbers so that you can reference the text

and get textual evidence.

Summary: The weather is horrible! Supernatural events are taking place in the streets!! Cassius is not scared to walk about outside. The gods are not trying to punish him with this weather, but instead the gods are angry because “like this dreadful night, a man no mightier than…me” (Caesar) is gaining too much power! Cassius thinks the Romans, plebeians and some senators, are a bunch of “stupid, sissy marys” without courage because they’re willing to abolish the Roman Republic and vote in a dictator (Caesar). Casca has heard the Senators are going to crown Caesar King tomorrow!! If Caesar gets crowned by the Senate, Cassius will kill himself! (Keep in mind the Romans considered suicide noble and brave.) Cassius hates Caesar so much he can’t hide his spite when talking to Casca. Casca agrees to form a group against Caesar and they shake hands. It seems the conspirators plan to kill Caesar in a VERY violent way!! Cinna feels Brutus has to be part of the conspirators’ group. Cassius plans to forge letters from fake citizens begging Brutus to save Rome and to stop Caesar from becoming king. However, Brutus has to be a part of it.

1) Lines 3-10 (#1) and 11-13 (#2)

1.)So, how’s the weather?Why’s the weather like this?

2.)What could this weather foreshadow?

2) Lines 15-24

1.)What strange things are Cicero and Casca seeing?

2.)What could these things foreshadow?

3) Lines 25-32

1.)What strange things are Cicero and Casca seeing?.

4) Lines 38-52

1.)Are the horrible and scary events keeping Cassius inside?Include textual evidence.

2.)What attitude does Cassius take toward being out in the horrible conditions? Include textual evidence.

5)Lines 53-79

1.)Why does Cassius think the gods are angry and sending all these portentous signs (weather, supernatural-scary events)? Include textual evidence.

2.)Who is angering the gods? Include textual evidence.

6) Lines 80-88

1.) How does Cassius describe the Romans for possibly allowing Caesar to have all the ruling power? Include textual evidence.

2.) What does Casca say is going to happen tomorrow? Include textual evidence.

7) Lines 89-99

1)If Caesar is given the crown, what will Cassius do? Include textual evidence.

2)In Rome, what Cassius is considering is thought to be noble and brave (Today, we view this action very differently.) Include textual evidence that shows that Cassius’ (and the Romans) view this behavior as a noble and courageous thing.

8) Lines 103-119

1.)Lines 103-106: Cassius is insulting both Caesar and Roman citizens. Interpret the insult in modern day English.

2.)Lines 107-119: The insults continue! Cassius hates Caesar so much- prove with more textual evidence. Interpret in modern day English.

3.)The last thing Cassius and Casca do is shake hands. What does this imply?

9) Lines 120-130

1.)Lines 127 to 130 contain a metaphor. Interpret and write the metaphor in modern English.

2.)What do you think the ‘conspirators’ have in mind for Caesar? Prove this with textual evidence which describes the seriousness of their actions.

10) Lines 131-148

1.)The conspirators are meeting in secret and talking. Pay careful attention to lines 140-148. Interpret 140 to 148.

2.)Who is the ONE person Cinna says must be part of the conspirators’ group?

3.)Why this person? Include textual evidence.

11) Lines 152-164

1.)Why do these politicians/ conspirators feel Brutus has to be part of their group? What qualities does he possess? What does the general public think of him? Provide textual evidence.

2.)If you wanted someone on your team of conspirators, would you choose Brutus? Why or why not?