7th grade /Speech Rubric
Students Name:Delivery Items / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Body Posture and Movement / Posture or movement interferes or distracts from presentation / Uses no purposeful movements and leans or shifts weight constantly / Uses purposeful movements but shifts or leans without distraction / Stands straight and still and uses purposeful movements
Eye Contact / Has no eye contact with audience / Only occasionally looks at audience / Maintains eye contact with most of the audience; most of the time / Maintains consistent eye contact with entire audience
Projection / Cannot be heard / Speaks softly causing some audience discomfort / Speaks loudly enough to be heard by most audience members / Speaks loudly and comfortably to be heard by entire audience
Structure of Speech / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Purpose Statement / No topic or purpose is stated / Attempts to state the topic or purpose / Either the topic or purpose is clearly stated / The topic and purpose are clearly stated
Organizational Pattern / The speaker is unorganized / The speaker attempts to use a pattern / The speaker uses a clear organizational pattern / The speaker signals and follows a clear and logical organizational pattern
Ending / The presentation ends abruptly or incompletely / The close of the presentation is mentioned / A clear appeal/ending is used to conclude the presentation / A clear final appeal/ending summarizes and concludes the presentation
Meeting The Purpose / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Assignment Expectations / The speaker does not meet time and topic expectations / NA / NA / The speaker meets time and topic expectations
7th grade /Speech Rubric
Students Name:Delivery Items / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Body Posture and Movement / Posture or movement interferes or distracts from presentation / Uses no purposeful movements and leans or shifts weight constantly / Uses purposeful movements but shifts or leans without distraction / Stands straight and still and uses purposeful movements
Eye Contact / Has no eye contact with audience / Only occasionally looks at audience / Maintains eye contact with most of the audience; most of the time / Maintains consistent eye contact with entire audience
Projection / Cannot be heard / Speaks softly causing some audience discomfort / Speaks loudly enough to be heard by most audience members / Speaks loudly and comfortably to be heard by entire audience
Structure of Speech / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Purpose Statement / No topic or purpose is stated / Attempts to state the topic or purpose / Either the topic or purpose is clearly stated / The topic and purpose are clearly stated
Organizational Pattern / The speaker is unorganized / The speaker attempts to use a pattern / The speaker uses a clear organizational pattern / The speaker signals and follows a clear and logical organizational pattern
Ending / The presentation ends abruptly or incompletely / The close of the presentation is mentioned / A clear appeal/ending is used to conclude the presentation / A clear final appeal/ending summarizes and concludes the presentation
Meeting The Purpose / Inadequate
(10 Points) / Needs Improvement (15 Points) / Adequate
(20 Points) / Professional Quality
(25 Points) / Total Points Earned
Assignment Expectations / The speaker does not meet time and topic expectations / NA / NA / The speaker meets time and topic expectations