Pre-AP World History

Teacher: Mrs. Estevez-Cummings

Email Address:

Textbook: World Civilization: The Global Experience (Sixth edition) Pearson

Online Textbook:

Introduction: Welcome to AP World History! The next chapter of your life starts today. The who’s, the where’s, the why’s, the how’s and the when’s are yet to be determined… By YOU!!!! This chapter of your life will contain a new subject titled Pre-AP World History. This courseis part of a two year sequence which will not only teach you about world history, but will prepare you to take the AP World History test in May of your sophomore year.

What is AP World History?

Advanced Placement World History is the College Board college-level survey course that introduces students to world civilizations and cultures. The course guide for this class is the College Board’s AP World History course description. A student’s performance on the AP World History exam determines a student’s eligibility to earn college credit. Course curriculum, materials, and expectations are designed to prepare students for the rigorous three-hour exam. The AP WH Exam is composed of 55multiple-choice questions, 4 short answer questions, 1 document based essay, and 1 Long Essay. It is important for all to realize that this is not a typical high school course. This is a college level course with expectations, course work, and grading which follows that template.


AP World History has a host of benefits. Providing that a student entering the class understands that we read and write frequently and that there is a high emphasis on independent work outside of the classroom, students will become better thinkers, better writers, and better readers. In addition, students will also have the ability to practice skills needed for other Advanced/College based courses in the future.

Course Themes and Periods For AP World History:

These themes are unchanged from the current AP World History course:

Theme 1: Interaction Between Humans and the Environment

Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures

Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict

Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems

Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures

These are the periods for the entire AP World History Course along with the amount of time a period is covered (denoted by weight). For 9th grade, we will primarily cover periods 1-4.

Class Materials: Students are expected to have the following materials for every class:

One AP World History binder separated according to the six time periods. This binder should only be used for AP World.

AP World History folder – only used for this course.

Two pens (blue or black)

Two pencils

One highlighter

College-lined notebook paper

Flash drive

Index cards, Post-it Notes


Students who take this course should realize that AP courses are taught and graded at the college level. Consequently, the course exceeds the demands and expectations for typical high school courses. This is demonstrated by the advanced readings, the advanced writing assignments, and the homework assignments given. But the class is truly manageable and I am aware that you have other classes and extracurricular activities. A pro-active approach, time management, and genuine accountability can make this a pleasant experience 

Marking Period Grade Breakdown: 4 quarterly averages- 20% each = 80%

Mid-term Exam 5%

Tests -40% Regents Exam/Final Exam 15%

Project - 20%

Quizzes - 20%

Homework - 15%

Class Participation - 5%


Marking Period Grade = 100%

Tests: Chapter tests will be given each marking period. Test content will include multiple-choice questions, essay writing, and other components which will assist in evaluating content knowledge. Test may include multiple chapters. All essays and tests will be graded with official College Board AP World History rubrics. Short writing assignments will use a rubric modeled on the official rubrics.

Quizzes: Approximately one quiz will be given each week. Quizzes will include material covered in class, as well as in homework reading. Quizzes will vary in format. It should be noted that quizzes will test material covered through homework reading and independent assignments. Quizzes will be evaluated using College Board AP World History standards.

Homework: Given the depth of the course’s time frame and material, homework is essential and will be given almost every night. Homework will vary in format as well as time requirement. Since this is a college level course, late homework may only be made up one day past the due date for ½ credit. All assignments can be found on the course website (see attached online textbook access code)and will be evaluated using College Board AP World History standards.

Class Work/Class Participation: Success only comes when there is a team effort. Therefore, it is expected that students will be working on task and participating positively. This includes following directions, asking questions, answering questions, and adding insight to the class discussion. Points however will be deducted for such actions as text-messaging, talking out-of-term, being late, etc.

Marking Period Project: Each marking period, students will have the chance to demonstrate knowledge through an authentic assessment or research assignment. Details for each project will be given with timely notice.

Reminder: Parents and students can monitor their grades as well as progress in the course by using parent portal. Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Extra Help: Should you need extra help, I am here to give you any assistance I can. Extra help will be on

Wednesday’s after School in Room 40 or by appointment.

Course and Classroom Rules: In order to maximize the level of excellence achieved, the following rules have been developed:

  1. Respect all of those you come into contact with.
  2. Always try your best and communicate any concerns (both positive and negative respectfully).
  3. Leave all cell phone/communication devices off and away.
  4. Be on time and prepared for class with all materials and a positive work ethic. This will increase your participation grade.
  5. Help to keep the room neat and orderly.
  6. All homework and class work will be due on the dates assigned. Even if a student is absent from a class, students are required to have all work and be prepared for the next class. It is expected that all assignments counting as a quiz, test, or project will be emailed on the submission date even if a student is absent. Failure to do so may result in a loss of credit. All work missing will have a grade of zero posted until completed.
  7. Should any rules not be followed, the following steps will be taken.


-Phone Call Home


-Issue to be discussed with school administration

Rewards for Success: / Reminders for Improvement:
  1. Positive Calls Home
  2. Positive Notes Home
  1. Brief Conversation
  2. Phone Call Home
  3. Note Home
  4. Parent-Teacher Conference
  5. Student Contract

Movies: In an attempt to make AP World History come to life, movie clips will be shown during class in order for students to visualize the key people and events being discussed. Please see the back page for more information.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Below, you will find signature lines for you and your student. Please read the statement and sign as you see fit.

Course Syllabus

I and my student have read and reviewed all course syllabus materials, have read the grading breakdown, and are aware of the open gradebook policy. Should I have any questions, I will contact Mrs. Estevez




All-Inclusive Movie Permission Slip

With my signature below, I am allowing my student to view all classroom movie clips and films. I also acknowledge that if I have a question or concern, I should contact Mrs. Estevez. By not signing below, I will ask my student to have a permission slip signed for every movie clip and film viewed.




Thank you again for all your continued support and cooperation!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ---Nelson Mandela