Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s

Usha & Lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management

Copernicus Lane, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

New Delhi – 110001

Management Fest “ASPIRE-2018”

Date: 24th February, 2018



  1. The team comprises of 2 students of a particular college (one team per college).
  2. Team composition once decided cannot be changed.
  3. There are 5 rounds. No elimination in round 1. Although, after round 2 the two lowest scoring teams will be eliminated considering the aggregate marks of both the rounds.
  4. From 3rd round onwards, the team scoring the lowest will be further eliminated.
  5. Only 4 teams will play for the final round.



  1. The selected song should be brought in a pen drive on the day of registration, failure of which would lead to cancellation of registration.
  2. Maximum 5 minutes are allotted for each participant.


  1. The selected song should be brought in a pen drive on the day of registration, failure of which would lead to cancellation of registration.
  2. Time limit is 5 minutes for each group.
  3. Maximum 15 members in each group.

Note: The participants are requested to bring the props (if any) on their own.


  1. Theme should be related to managerial issues like corruption, environment, marketing, HR etc.
  2. There should be minimum 5 members in a team.
  3. Time limit is 15-20 minutes.
  4. No separate tagline is required. The message should be conveyed within the skit only.


i.The team should comprise of 2 members.

ii.One member of the team will paint the face of the other member.

iii.The theme will be given on the spot.

iv.Participants are requested to bring the required material themselves.

v.Only colors and glitters are allowed (No Tattoos).

vi.20 minutes will be given to each team for painting and two minutes to explain it to the judges.

NOTE: Your painting should be original. By submitting a design you are guaranteeing that you hold the rights to everything and it does not contain any copyright material. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited; in case identified the team will be disqualified.


  1. A team should comprise of 3 members only.
  2. 2 rounds will be conducted.
  3. Time allotted : –

Round 1 – 1 minute

Round 2 – Preparing the Advertisement: 20 minutes & for advertising: 2 minutes

  1. Round 1 is pictograph & in round 2 an ad has to be formed creatively, evaluation will be done on the basis of creativity, innovation, tagline and product description etc,
  2. Topic will be given on the spot.

Note: - Round 1 will be eliminating round if the number of teams exceed the desired number.


  1. The team should comprise of 2- 4 members.
  2. The theme for Rangoli will be given on the spot.
  3. Participants are requested to bring their own material.
  4. Ten minutes for preparation and 30 minutes for Rangoli making will be provided.


  1. Participants are free to select a song either from the movie/album.
  2. Time limit for each performance is 5minutes.


  1. Only students pursuing undergraduate and post graduate courses are allowed toparticipate in ASPIRE 2018.
  2. Identity card is compulsory for registration.
  3. There is no registration fee for all the events.
  4. The teams must report one and a half hour before their respective event.
  5. The decision taken by the judges will be final and cannot be challenged.
  6. Evaluation will be based on creativity, innovation & presentation (verbal) of the idea/concept.
  7. Exceeding the time limit will lead to negative marking for the team.
  8. There will be 1 winner & 1 runner up for each activity.
  9. Maximum time allocated for group and solo performances can be changed at the discretion of the institute.

For further details contact:

1.Aditya (9654910689)2.Hardik(9871991100)


Or mail us at