Advance Animal Science

Lesson Title: Opportunities in the field of Animal Systems

Unit: Careers in SAE

TEKS: (4)(A)


The student shall be able to:

  1. Analyze the animal system
  2. Identify a variety of career opportunities in the animal system and career skills that are needed
  3. Discover the role and benefits the animal system has on SAE in agricultural education


PPT: Opportunities in the field of Animal System

HO: Lesson plan template (1 ea.) What is Advanced Animal Science? (teacher use Only; guideline)

WS: Career Goal Setting handout (1 ea.)


Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set / Teacher Notes
1. Link – That students have had their first Animal Science Class along with Principals to AFNR previously.
2. Motivation-Yesterday we discussed many different jobs that are classified under the agriculture industry.
What were some of those jobs?
Agribusiness Management, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Communications, Building Construction Management, Agriscience, Resource Development and Management, Parks, Recreations and Tourism Resources, Packaging, Horticulture, Forestry, Food Science, Animal Science/Livestock, and Fisheries/Wildlife.
Today we are going to, examine one area of the professions closer and discuss general career skills that are required. / Students who are enrolled in Advanced Animal Science have a curriculum background in Animal Science.
Ask questions to students. All should be a review from the day prior.
Teaching Plan and Strategy / Presentation of New Material / Teacher Notes
Detailed outline of subject matter (information, facts, questions, expected answers, etc.) needed for reference by the teacher.
Objective 1: Analyze the animal system
Who works in the animal system?
•People who work in the animal systems pathway work to develop better, more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products.
What do they study?
•They study genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth and development of domesticated farm animals.
•Some individuals inspect and grade livestock food products, purchase livestock or work in technical sales or marketing.
Is that all they do?
•Others advise agricultural producers on how to upgrade animal housing facilities properly, lower mortality rates, handle waste matter or increase production of animal products, such as milk or eggs.
• Animal care workers train, feed, water, groom, bathe and exercise animals. They also clean, disinfect and repair their cages.
Objective 2: Identify a variety of career opportunities in the animal system and career skills that are needed
•Animal Geneticist. Animal Nutritionist, Animal Physiologist, Animal Well-Being Specialist, Geneticist, Veterinarian ( Meat Inspector
Objective 3: Discover the role and benefits the animal system has on SAE in agricultural education
Entrepreneurship: Own and operate an agricultural business
•Owning and breeding livestock
Placement: Get a job or internship
•Part-time at a Vet, Local Zoo, Animal Shelter, etc.
Research and Experimentation: Plan and conduct a scientific experiment
•Science Fair at the State Convention
Exploratory: Explore careers in agriculture by attending an agriculture career fair, or creating a report or documentary over an agriculture career
•Veterinarian, Animal Boarding, Meat Butcher, etc.
Once lecture is complete students will complete handout over Career Goal Setting
Additional Resources to complete handout:

/ Techniques and media used to teach with (PPT, worksheet, video)
This objective will be met by examples of careers along with a short video.
This section of the lesson will be followed with a handout to seek students interest on SAE in the animal system area.
Students will have a chance to use in class computers to research any additional career that was not mentioned during lecture.

©Texas Education Agency, 2011

Name: ______Date:______

Career Goal Setting: Opportunities in the field of Animal System

Career Area:______


Connection to Agriculture:______

Answer the following questions by circling the response that most describes you:

1. How much time (outside of school) to devote to SAE?

a. Every morning and afternoon

b. Every morning or afternoon

c. 2-3 days per week

d. Once a week

e. A few days per month

f. Once a month

g. A few weeks per year

h. A few days per year

i. Once a year

2. Where would I like to be able to conduct a SAE? (circle all that apply)

a. My school

b. My home

c. My family member’s home or property

d. My friend or neighbor’s home or property

e. A local business

f. A state or city parks and recreation area

3. What benefits from conducting a SAE am I interested in the most? ______