工業高 English Lesson Plan 1年生
/ Introduce students to vocabulary and phrases used in ordering food at restaurants. Students will learn something about foods and restaurants from different cultures. Students will also get a chance to have fun making their own menus and practice ordering.Time
/ l Restaurants A: Introduction with vocabulary and food ordering dialogue.l Restaurants B: Menu vocabulary and practice.
l Restaurants C: Student project and presentation.
/ l Restaurants handoutl Sample Menu
/ l Ask students for their favorite foods and restaurantsVocabulary
/ l Repeat and translate restaurant vocabulary / ü Students translate.Dialogue:
Ordering Food
/ l Students repeat sentences after ALTl Students practice dialogue in pairs
l Students stand and demonstrate dialogue in pairs / ü Break up dialogue into small sections for each phase of ordering a meal.
Eigo-no-keigoPolite Speech / l Use sample dialogue to demonstrate polite speech patterns in English (Eigo-no-keigo):
Ø Can I get you~? / I’ll have~
Ø Would you like~? / Yes, I’d like~ / ü Japanese and English polite speech is similar: indirect, unassuming, and less demanding.
Sample Menu
/ l Review sample menuØ Students repeat menu items after ALT
Ø Explain each food item on menu / ü ALT, JTE, and students work together to translate food items.
Pair Practice
/ l Students get in pairs to practice entire dialogueØ Students use sample menu for practice
l Students demonstrate each phase of ordering with sample menu
Student Project
/ l Students get in pairs and create their own menusØ Students create menu items and prices
Ø Students draw and decorate menus / ü ALT and JTE help students translate new foods into English.
/ l Students practice dialogue with new menul Students demonstrate dialogue with new menu
Cultural Notes
/ l Explain differences in restaurant etiquetteØ Eye contact instead of “sumimasen!”
Ø Waiter handles check and payment at the table
Ø Leave a tip on the table