General Activities (October 21thh – October 25th, 2013):

October 21th Participants arriving at Beijing airport; transfer to Shijiazhuang Yujing Garden Hotel

Registration, welcome

October 22th Scientific presentations, conference dinner

October 23th Scientific presentations and discussion

October 24th Field trip to to the Luancheng Agricultural Experimental Station, Stone Bridge of Zhao County and Bailin temple, then transfer to Beijing

October 25th Departure from Beijing airport

Workshop Program (October 21th - 24th, 2013):

Date / Time / Activities
21.10 / Transfer from Beijing Airport to Shijiazhuang, arrival of all guests at Yujing Garden Hotel, Shijiazhuang
19:00 / Dinner, come together
22.10. / 8:30-9:20 / Welcome speech
Introduction by Hu Chunsheng from Center for Agricultural Resources Research
Speech by Ma Qijun from Center for Agricultural Resources Research
Speech by Lischeid Gunnar from ZALF
9:20-10:00 / Coffee break & group photo
10:00-12:00 / Chair: Yu Zhongbo
Keynote Lecture by JiangTong (National Climate Centre and National Centre on Climate Change of the China Meteorological Administration): Climate extremes in Haihe River and Poyang Lake, China
Sven Wagner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Hydrometeorological modelling for the Poyang Lake region, China
Liu Shaomin (Beijing Normal University): Measurements of evapotranspiration from eddy -covariance systems and large aperture scintillometers in the Hai River Basin, China
Zhai Jianqing (National Climate Centre and National Centre on Climate Change of the China): China droughts: History and future
Carsten Montzka (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH): A Particle Smoother with Sequential Importance Resampling for lysimeter soil hydraulic parameter estimation
Xu Ziwei (Beijing Normal University): Evapotranspiration processes observed by lysimeters in Huailai station
12:00 / Lunch
22.10 / 13:30-15:30 / Chair: Harald Kunstmann
Keynote Lecture by Zheng Chunmiao (Peking University): An integrated hydrological model for the North China Plain
Gunnar Lischeid (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research): Differentiating between measurement errors and natural heterogeneity
Hu Chunsheng (Center for Agricultural Resources Research, CAS): Best management practices for increased WUE and NUE to reduce nitrate leaching from root zone
Werner Aeschbach-Hertig (Heidelberg University): Tracing groundwater recharge and paleoclimate information in the North China Plain
Zheng Yi (Peking University): Integrated surface water-groundwater modeling at a coastal watershed in Northern China
Uwe Schindler (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research): Quantifying deep drainage and solute leaching on the basis of soil hydrological measurements
15:30-16:00 / Tea Break
16:00-18:20 / Chair: Zheng Chunmiao
Keynote Lecture by Nicola Fohrer (Christian-Albrechts University Kiel):Integrated ecohydrological modelling: Bridging the disciplines of hydrology and hydrobiology for an integrated assessment of environmental change
Cai Qinghua (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS): Spatiotemporal dynamics of trophic states of the Three Gorges Reservoir
Britta Schmalz (Christian-Albrechts University Kiel): Integrated modelling of aquatic ecosystems in China: Ecohydrological results from the Poyang lake region
Cao Guoliang (Peking University): Insights into variations of groundwater flow pattern from groundwater age simulation in the North China Plain
External Expert Oene Oenema (Wageningen University & Research Center, Netherlands)
Li Xiaoxin (Center for Agricultural Resources Research, CAS): Soil water and N losses simulation in North China Plain
TangTao (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS): Relationships of benthic algal biomass and nutrient loadings in Chinese rivers
18:30 / Dinner
23.10. / 8:30-10:10 / Chair: Gunnar Lischeid
Keynote Lecture by Yu Zhongbo (Hohai University): New Approaches Addressing Challenges in Hydrology and Water Resources under Environmental Changes
Harald Kunstmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): Observation and Modeling of Water and Energy Fluxes across Compartments
Tong Xiaoli (South China Agricultural University): Survival strategies of macroinvertebrates to flood events in South China
Mathias Kuemmerlen (Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum): Using freshwater species distribution models to understand the effects of land use and climate change
Zhang Lulu (Technical University of Dresden): A new approach for determining the impact of land management, catchment characteristics and variability in precipitation and potential evapotranspiration on annual runoff.
Yang Chuanguo (Hohai University): Evaluation of terrestrial water storage at basin scale with a coupled land surface hydrology model
10:10-10:40 / Tea Break
10:40-12:00 / Chair: JiangTong
Kai Schwärzel (Technical University of Dresden): Experimental partitioning of evapotranspiration for determining the basis for developing and implementing a water-conserving vegetation management
Speech by Heike Strelen from CDZ(15min)
Su Buda (National Climate Centre and National Centre on Climate Change of the China): Hydrological simulation for Best Practise of Landuses
12:00 / Lunch
14:00-18:00 / Topic 5: Lessons learned and next steps
-  Summary of achieved results
-  Research needs
-  Common papers
-  Common projects
18:30 / Dinner
24.10. / 7:30-11:30 / Visit Water conveyance systems of South-to-North Water Diversion
Field trip to Luancheng Agricultural Research Station
11:30 / Lunch in Luancheng County
12:30-16:30 / Visit of Zhaozhou Ancient Bridge (1400 years old)
16:30-19:40 / Transfer Germany participates to Beijing by bus
20:00 / Dinner at Beijing
25.10 / Departure from Beijing airport