Phrased, 64 count, Part A, and 64 count, Part B – A, B, A, B, A, A to Section 6.

4 wall,Intermediate Fun Dance – Try it contra line!!

Music: Snake in the Grass, 128bpm.CD: Best of (or Legend of) Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich.

16 count intro - Start on vocals

Choreographed March 2005 by: Annette Maidment, (aka Nettie)

Moonlight Shufflers,Tel: 01276 506565.


PART A - Danced to Front and Back Walls

Section 1 SideShuffleRight, Rock Back, Side ShuffleLeft,Rock Back.

1&2, 3, 4 / Step right, left together, step right, rock back on left, replace weight on right.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step left, right together, step left, rock back on right, replace weight on left.

Section 2 Right Diagonal Shuffle, rock forward, ½ turn, Left Diagonal Shuffle, Rock forward.

1&2, 3, 4 / Step right forward on right diagonal, bring left next to right, step right forward,
Rock forward on left, replace weight on right turning a ½ turn over left shoulder.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step left forward on right diagonal, bring right next to left, step left forward.
Rock forward on right replace weight on left.

Section 3 Side ShuffleRight, Rock Back, Side ShuffleLeft, Rock Back.

1&2, 3, 4 / Step right, left together, step right, rock back on left, replace weight on right.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step left, right together, step left, rock back on right, replace weight on left.

Section 4 Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Step ½ Turn, WalkLeft, WalkRight.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Point right to side, cross right over left, point left to side, cross left over right.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, walk forward right and touch left next to right.

Section 5 Side ShuffleLeft, Rock Back, Side ShuffleRight, Rock Back.

1&2, 3, 4 / Step left, right together, step left, rock back on right, replace weight on left.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step right, left together, step right, rock back on left, replace weight on right.

Section 6 Left Diagonal Shuffle, rock forward, ½ turn, Right Diagonal Shuffle, Rock Forward..

1&2, 3, 4 / Step left forward on left diagonal, bring right next to left, step left forward.
Rock forward on right, replace weight on left, turning a ½ turn over right shoulder.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step right forward on right diagonal, bring left next to right, step right forward,
Rock forward on left, replace weight on right

Section 7 Side ShuffleLeft, Rock Back, Side ShuffleRight, Rock Back.

1&2, 3, 4 / Step left, right together, step left, rock back on right, replace weight on left.
5&6, 7, 8 / Step right, left together, step right, rock back on left, replace weight on right.

Section 8 Point, Cross, Point, Cross, Step ¼Turn, Walk Left, Walk Right.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Point left to side, cross left over right, point right to side, cross right over left.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn right, walk forward left and right


PART B - Danced to Side Walls

Section 1 StompLeft, Hold,Stomp Right Hold, Step Left,TouchRight, Step Right, Touch Left.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Stomp left, hold, stomp right, hold.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step left to side, touch right next to left, step right to side, touch left next to right.

Section 2 Vine Left,Vine Right.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, brush right.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side and step down on left.

Section 3 Cross Right Strut, Left Strut Back, Cross Right Strut, Left Strut Back, on Diagonal.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Cross right over left stepping down toe, heel, toe strut back on left, toe, heel.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Cross right over left stepping down toe, heel, toe strut back on left, toe, heel.

Section 4 Vine Right with ½ Turn, Stomp Right, Left, Right, Left.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side with ½ turn, step down on left.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Stomp right, left, right left.

Section 5 Stomp Right, Hold, Stomp Left Hold, Step Right, Touch Left, Step Left, Touch Right.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Stomp right hold, stomp left, hold.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step right to side, touch left next to left, step left to side, touch right next to left.

Section 6 VineRight, Vine Left,

1, 2, 3, 4 / Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side and brush.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, step down on right.

Section 7 Cross Left Strut, Right Strut Back, Cross Left Strut, Right Strut Back, on Diagonal.

1, 2, 3, 4 / Cross left over right stepping down toe, heel, toe strut back on right, toe, heel.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Cross left over right stepping down toe, heel, toe strut back on right, toe, heel.

Section 8 Vine Left with ½ Turn, Vine Right with ¼ TurnRight, End Facing 12 o clock wall

1, 2, 3, 4 / Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side with ½ turn, brush right.
5, 6, 7, 8 / Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side turning ¼ to right, step left next to right.

Repeat Auntil end, replacing step ¼ turn with step ½ turn on Count 6 of Section 8, touch Right.

Ending on 12 o clock wall

Section 6 Part A - Music tails off during the Diagonal Shuffles.

1&2, 3, 4
5&6, 7, 8 / Step left forward on left diagonal, bring right next to left, step left forward, Rock forward on right, replace weight on left,
Step back right, left together, step back right, rock back left, replace weight on right.

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