League Director - Jim Vollinger - 386-795-6551 or

League Rules 2017Last updated 1/31/15

Home Teams will use the First Base Dugouts, Visiting Teams will use the Third Base Dugouts.
All standard baseball rules apply except for the following changes:
Batter: Each batter receives up to 6 pitches. The batter is out if they fail to hit the ball in play. If the ball is hit foul on the 6th pitch (excluding bunts), the at-bat continues until they either strike out or hit it fair.
Bunting: Players are allowed to bunt. If the 6th pitch is bunted foul, the batter is out. Batters are not allowed to "show bunt" and then swing away, if they do, it is a dead ball and the pitch counts as a swinging strike. If the batter shows bunt, players may rush in once the ball is released from the pitching machine. Fielders maynot start outin front of the release point of the pitching machine. Third and first basemen cannot be more than 1 full stride (3 ft.) in front of the baseline until the ball releases.
Ball Hitting Pitching Machine: If a hit ball strikes the pitching machine, the ball will be considered live and all runners may advance at their own risk. If the ball hits the machine and 1) winds up out of play (i.e. over fence or in the dugout) or 2) becomes lodged in the machine or under the machine, the ball is considered dead, the batter is awarded first base and the runners may advance 1 base from where they were when the pitch was made. If the ball hits a pile of balls on the ground or the bucket holding the balls causing the extra balls to scatter, it is considered a "walk", meaning the batter is awarded 1st base and any forced baserunners advance one base.
Runners: Runners may advance after the ball comes off the bat. Runners that leave a base before the ball is contacted are “out”.
Runners may advance one base on overthrows at their own risk. However, if the fielding player retrieves the overthrow and makes a play attempting to get a runner out, then any runners may continue running until another infielder possesses the ball. If the ball goes out of play, runners advance to the base they are heading to plus one additional base.
Once an infielder has the ball anywhere on the infield clay (including foul territory), holds the ball, lays "eyes" on the lead runner and makes no attempt to throw out a runner, then the runners must stop at the next base they are proceeding to and may not advance an additional base. If the fielder makes a throw attempting to get a runner out, then any runners may continue running until another infielder possesses the ball. There is no half way rule. If a runner has cleared the base, then they may proceed to the next base. If the infielder holds the ball up over their head, the ball becomes dead, all runners must stop at the next base they contact and no additional throws are allowed. However, if the runner(s) stop of their own accord, then they must return to the previous touched base. Once an infielder holds up the ball, they cannot "change their mind" and make a play. No outscan be recorded once the ball is held up in the infield...... the play is over.
Tagging up: Tag ups are allowed.
There is no "Infield Fly" rule.
Pitchers: If the ball hits the coach, it is a live ball and the opposing coach has the option of either accepting the result of the play or calling a "do over". If that is the case, then the at bat continues and the pitch does not count as one of the six.
Fielding pitchers must be touching the circle with one foot.
Fielding: Each team must field a traditional infield (1st Baseman, 2nd Baseman, Shortstop, 3rd Baseman, *Pitcher and Catcher). The catcher must remain in a squatted position until the ball crosses the plate.Teams may play without a pitcher if they are shorthanded.
Balance of players may be aligned in the outfield (must be in the grass)
Defensive team may have 2 coaches in the outfield grass and1 coach behind the catcher,who also functions as a ball retriever.
Scoring: Home team is responsible for 'Official' Scoring of the game. If visiting team wants to keep a back-up, they should confirm scoring at the end of each inning.
Inning: 3 outs or 5 runs per inning
Game Limit: 6 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes.A new inning cannot start after 1 hour and 15 minutes past scheduled start of game. *Playoff games will be 6 innings or until the outcome is determined, meaning the losing team cannot catch up.
Dress Code: Players must have on team shirt with number, tucked into pants, hat rims must face forward. Team must wear the same color baseball pants.