UNIT:Other Worlds – Appreciating Literature

UNIT OVERVIEW:This unit focuses on the exploration of the features of a novel from either another culture or time. Students will investigate the various perspectives of characters and how personal identity and representations of individuals are created.

ASSESSMENT: Persuasive Written – Letter to the Editor exploring perspectives in the novel(in class exam over three lessons)


No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria
(I know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / To investigate the background of the novel. (author, setting (time/place), historical background) / Describe the motivations of the author and key features of the setting, in particular how the setting (time/place) is different or similar to present day Australia.
2 / To apply reading strategies to aid comprehension of a text. / Understand what I am reading and use this to successfully complete activities for each chapter.
3 / Describe key events (plot) in the novel. / Recall key events in the novel to explain to peer/family.
Answer questions/complete activities that require knowledge of events.
4 / Analyse and explain the characteristics of key characters/groups in the novel, in particular their behaviours and motivations and justify these ideas with pertinent evidence. / Identify the key characteristics of each of the main characters/groups, in particular their motivations – their attitudes, values and beliefs.
Justify this point of view with evidence and quotations from the text.
5 / Identify the themes of the novel and explain their significance. / Identify the main themes via successful completion of class activities.
Contribute to class discussion on the themes.
6 / Describethe purpose and identifyand apply structural elements of a letter to the editor. / Recall analytical exposition structure.
Successfully identify structural elements in exemplars.
Formulate a thesis and three supporting arguments.
7 / To identify and apply the PEEL paragraph structure. / Deconstruct a PEEL paragraph by identifying and labelling each section.
Compose a paragraph adhering to the PEEL structure.
8 / Identify language features utilised in letters to the editor. For instance: conjunctions (adding information, cause and effect, contrasting ideas); tense (present tense; some past when referring to events in the past); third person. / Deconstruct exemplars identifying language features.
9 / Identify persuasive language techniques utilised in letters to the editor. (For instance: evaluative/emotive language, repetition, rhetorical question, hyperbole, sensationalism, modality, imperatives, statistics, expert opinion) / Recall key techniques.
Identify persuasive techniques in a letter.
Independently draw conclusions about how pertinent persuasive techniques add meaning to a text.
11 / To plan a letter to the editor in which you justify an opinion with arguments and supporting evidence. / Complete planning sheets in a detailed manner.
12 / To compose a letter to the editor draft in response to the assigned task. / Write a persuasive letter to the editor draft that demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the novel studied.
Correctly tick each feature in the checklist when proofreading my draft to ensure that I have met the structural requirements and included the pertinent language features.
13 / To evaluate and revise the draft to an improved standard. / Identify errors in my work and self-correct them to improve my work.