Schedule – Answers

  1. If it's not in your schedule, it doesn't exist.
  1. Create your schedule one year in advance, in this order:
  1. Every day off, holidays, vacations, birthdays, date nights, exercise sessions, Dr. appointments … everything that will create personal balance for you. Make sure to involve your family & friends.
  2. All the training you will do personally and professionally. Remember a minimum of two training events.
  3. All of the activities from your business plan ...role-playing, planning time, prospecting, lead follow-up, office meetings, staff meetings and your buyer and seller appointments.
  1. Once you've laid out your schedule for the year never make a commitment of your time without first reviewing your schedule.
  1. Be on purpose andoutcome driven versus distraction and emergency driven. When you don't have a schedule, your life and business are driven bydistractions and your reactions to them.
  1. To force you to stay on your schedule simply tell everyone about your schedule.
  1. You can get infinitely more done when you do everything in blocks of time (work expands to fit the time allotted).
  1. Your only job is to follow the schedule and not following the schedule is a symptom of meaningless goals.
  1. Accept the fact that your prospecting appointments are as important as your listing appointments. You can't do one without the other.
  1. Prospect first thing in the morning, before you do anything else PERIOD. Here are some reasons why:
  1. You have more energy.
  1. There are fewer distractions.
  1. People are more receptive.
  1. The people that you find home during the day while prospecting are the same people who canlist & sell during the day. This can help you eliminate some night & weekend appointments.
  1. Everyone struggles with their schedule in the afternoon because they have not scheduled specific, "monitorable" activities.
  1. When you don't complete your prospecting in the morning, you carry the guilt of it around with you all day.
  1. Most people in real estate never really work hard. They manufacture looking busy by reviewing their files, talking to other people, reviewing marketing plans, constantly filling things out, and working on the computer. They are always in a hurry. This is called the rocking chair syndrome: Lots of movement – but you're not going anywhere.
  1. Mental toughness is doing what you are supposed to do even on the days you don't feel like it.
  1. Discipline is the ability to make & keep promises to yourself.
  1. Notes: ______


  1. ______.
  1. Create your schedule one year in advance, in this order:
  1. Every day off, holidays, vacations, birthdays, date nights, exercise sessions, Dr. appointments … everything that will ______for you. Make sure to involve your______.
  2. ______you will do personally and professionally. Remember a minimum of two training events.
  3. All of the ______...role-playing, planning time, prospecting, lead follow-up, office meetings, staff meetings and your buyer and seller appointments.
  1. Once you've laid out your schedule for the year______.
  1. Be ______and ______versus distraction and emergency driven. When you don't have a schedule, your life and business are driven by ______and your ______to them.
  1. To force you to stay on your schedule simply ______.
  1. You can get infinitely more done when you do everything in ______(work expands to fit the time allotted).
  1. Your only job is to ______and not following the schedule is a symptom of ______.
  1. Accept the fact that your ______are as important as your ______. You can't do one without the other.
  1. Prospect first thing in the morning, before you do anything else PERIOD. Here are some reasons why:
  1. You have ______.
  1. There are ______.
  1. People are more ______.
  1. The people that you find home ______while prospecting are the same people who can ______during the day. This can help you eliminate some ______appointments.
  2. ______with their schedule in the afternoon because they have not scheduled specific, "monitorable" activities.
  1. When you don't ______in the morning, you carry the guilt of it around with you all day.
  1. Most people in real estate never really work hard. They manufacture looking busy by reviewing their files, talking to other people, reviewing marketing plans, constantly filling things out, and working on the computer. They are always in a hurry. This is called the rocking chair syndrome: Lots of movement – ______.
  1. Mental toughness is doing what you are supposed to do ______.
  1. Discipline is the ability to ______to yourself.
  1. Notes: ______