PSI Malawi Creative Brief

1 / Health Field / Diarrhea Prevention
2 / Item / Community IDPP Poster
3 / Background
3 to 4 sentences explaining need for campaign / During the Integrated Diarrhoea Prevention Project workshop, participants identified three main sources of water contamination and these are at the source, during transportation and at the point of use. PSI/Malawi would like to produce community based posters that would depict how water gets contaminated at the above sources.
4 / Target Group
/ 1 / Target: General Community / 2
5 / Research
What do we know about our Target Group from our research? / From the IDPP workshop it was agreed that there is need to create awareness to the general community on sources of water contamination.
6 / Behavioural Objective
What do we want people to do after they see this item? / Promote awareness of the sources of water contamination
7 / Communication Objective:
What are the 1 or 2 key messages you want to give the target group? / Be aware of sources of water contamination
8 / Positioning statement
Consider Target, Competition and Reason to Buy / N/A
9 / Call to Action
For example: “Buy Chishango condoms!” / Prevent water contamination at all sources
10 / Creative Considerations
Consider tone, brand personality, colour schemes, clothing to be worn etc. / Use colors, images and text examples from the IDPP leaflet.
Split the poster into three sections and use drawn illustrations to depict the three main sources of water contamination and the solutions side by side with headings and captions as follows:
1) At the source: Draw women drawing water from a borehole that is few meters below the pit latrine and has cracked apron with stagnant water all round
Solution: Draw the same woman at a clean, maintained borehole with the latrine below the borehole location. Run off from the borehole taken harmlessly away and drains into ground (no stagnant water)
2) During Transportation: Draw the same woman carrying water home in a ndowa and she has her fingers dipped in the water.
Solution: Draw the same woman carrying the ndowa on her head, cover the ndowa (see IDPP leaflet)
3) At the point of use or at home: Draw the same woman drawing water from a wide brimmed storage container in the home, dipping the hands in the water as he draws the water
Solution: Draw the same woman using the two cup system (see IDPP leaflet) from a narrow brimmed and covered storage container
11 / Logos / Donor / PSI / Other
12 / Technical/Program Specifications / Geographical placement / Countrywide
Other Languages? / Chichewa
Materials to be used / 150 gms art paper
Dimensions / A2
Pre-test required? BY WHEN? / TBA
DESIGN DEADLINE / June 15, 2007