City of University Place

DESCRIPTION:Telecommunication System Replacement

DUE DATE: February6th, 2015


Information Technology Department

Phone:(253) 566-5656

City of University Place

3715 Bridgeport Way West

University Place, WA 98466

Table of Contents


City of University Place


1.1Purpose and Scope

1.2Schedule of Events

1.3Communications Regarding RFP

1.4General RFP Procedures


1.6Conflict of Interest

1.7Codes and Standards

1.8Proposal Format



2.1Contact Information

2.2Vendor Background Information

2.3Manufacturer Overview

2.4Service and Maintenance

2.5Customer References


3.1General Assumptions

3.2General Requirements

3.3Cutover Requirements


3.5Project Work Plan


4.1System Architecture

4.2System Features

4.3Station/Set Features

4.4System Management / Administration


4.6Voicemail and Unified Messaging Requirements

4.7E911 Calling Line Identification


5.1Supporting Infrastructure

5.2Site Configuration and Itemized Pricing

5.3Addition and Deletion Pricing

5.4Optional Feature Pricing

5.5Telco Service Pricing

5.6Warranty and Maintenance Pricing


6.1No Unspecified Costs

6.2Payment Schedule and Terms

6.3Final System Acceptance

6.4Warranty Period

6.5Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights


6.7Contract Disputes


6.9Freight Terms


6.11Save Harmless




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1.1Purpose and Scope

The City of University Place Information Technology Department has prepared this Request for Proposal (RFP) document for the procurement of a new telecommunications system at all of their civil locations.

The City of University Place has a population of approximately 32,000.The City of University Place seeks a quality Vendor with experience in sophisticated, state of the art, telecommunications systemscapable of providing advanced features and using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) both between sites and to the desktop. Both on premise and hosted solutions will be considered. System availability (SLA), access to technical support and ease of administration are important factors that will be considered.

This RFP sets forth instructions regarding the required form and content of Vendor proposals, and the functional criteria for required hardware, software, and services. The successful response will include solutions for the proper management, maintenance and monitoring of the system.

Upon completion of the RFP process, the City of University Place intends to contract with the selected Vendor to provide all equipment, software and certain services including implementation planning, installation, training, and support.

The new system will service the following locations:

City Hall / 3715 Bridgeport Way West, University Place, WA
Public Works / 4951 Grandview Drive West, University Place
Civic Building / 3609 Market Place West, University Place
Senior Center / 2354 Grandview Drive West, University Place

The new system will replace and integrate these existing systems located at the four sites:

City Hall: Toshiba DK280

Public Works: AT&T Partner

Senior Center: 2-line SOHO with fax

Recreation Department: 2-line SOHO with fax

Thenew telecommunications solution must be easy to use, utilize existing network and voice infrastructure as much as possible, offer advanced integration via open industry standards, and meet the requirements established by the City of University Place as described on the following pages.

1.2Schedule of Events

The schedule of events is outlined below.

RFP IssuedJanuary 28, 2015

Deadline for QuestionsFebruary 3, 2015

Proposals Due @ 4:00 PMFebruary6, 2015

1.3Communications Regarding RFP

1.3.1Proposal Response Deadline and Delivery. Vendors shall provide proposals no later than 4 PM, February 6, 2015.All responses must be submitted as a Microsoft Word and/or Excel document. Paper response will not be accepted. Extensive marketing material and sales documentation are not required and will bear no weight in our evaluation. Limited sales and marketing literature may be used to provide clarity on specific items, as you deem necessary.Vendors may submit product information and additional documentation not specifically required in the body of your response in other formats including Adobe PDF.

1.3.2Contacts. Upon release of this RFP all Vendor communications concerning this acquisition shall be directed to the City of University Place IT Department contact listed at the beginning of this document. Vendors who seek information, clarification, or interpretations from City of University Place employees, other than the Network Administrator, are advised that such material is used at the Vendor's own risk and the Cityshall not be bound by any such representations.

1.3.3Vendor Clarifications and Questions. Questions concerning the RFP must be submitted in writing (E-mail preferred) by February 3, 2015.

1.3.4Oral Communications. Any verbal discussions or oral statements regarding this RFP will not be binding on the City of University Place; nor will they relieve the Vendor of any obligations hereunder.

1.3.5RFP Changes or Amendments. The City reserves the right to change the schedule or issue amendments to theRFP at any time. The City also reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFP atany time. Amendments or a notice of cancellation will be posted to the City’sweb site and will be distributed to all Vendors of record prior to the Response Due Date. It is the responsibility of each Vendor to monitor the City’s website or to ensure the City of University Place has their correct business name and contact information on file. Proposing Vendors must acknowledge and return a copy of all Addenda as part of their proposal.

1.3.6Clarifications. The City of University Place reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a Vendor's proposal or to obtain additional information necessary to properly evaluate a proposal. Failure of a Vendor to respond to a request for additional information or clarification may result in rejection of the Vendor's proposal. The City of University Place's retention of this right shall in no way reduce the responsibility of Vendors to submit complete, accurate and clear proposals.

1.4General RFP Procedures

1.4.1Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final Agreement This RFP and the Vendor's response, including all promises, warranties, commitments and representations made in the successful proposal, shall be binding and incorporated by reference into the City of University Place’s contract with the Vendor.

1.4.2Right of Selection/Rejection of Proposals. The City of University Place reserves the right to select a proposal for telecommunications services and equipment through competitive negotiations. The Cityreserves the exclusive right to select or reject any or all proposals for any reason, to waive any informality in the proposals received, and to waive minor deviations from the specifications. The City of University Place’s waiver of any informality or immaterial deviation shall in no way modify the RFP documents or excuse the Vendor from full compliance with the RFP requirements. Selection of a supplier shall not be construed as an award of a contract but as the commencement of contract drafting, discussions and negotiations. The City of University Place may award a contract on the basis of information in addition to that received in a proposal. It is emphasized that all proposals should be complete and submitted with the most favorable financial terms.

The City of University Place specifically reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Vendor who submits false, incomplete, or unresponsive statements in its proposal.

1.4.3Multiple Proposals. Vendors may submit more than one proposal in response to this RFP. However, each proposal must be a separate, complete package that can be considered independently of any other proposals from the same Vendor.

1.4.4Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final Agreement. This RFP and the Vendor's response, including all promises, warranties, commitments and representations made in the successful proposal, shall be binding and incorporated by reference into the City of University Place's contract with the Vendor.

1.4.5Errors in Proposals. If discrepancies between sections or other errors are found in a proposal, the City of University Place may reject the proposal; however, the City of University Place may, at its sole option, correct any arithmetical error in extended price calculations or the addition of line items. Vendors are responsible for all errors or omissions in their proposals, and any such errors or omissions will not serve to diminish their obligations to the City of University Place.

1.4.6Cost of Development of Proposals. All expenses incurred by Vendors related to the proposal or the selection process will be borne by the Vendor. No claim for reimbursement of time, material, or travel expenses shall be made by the Vendor against the City of University Place, regardless of the results of the selection process.

1.4.7Vendor Prime Contractor Responsibility. If a Vendor's proposal includes equipment, hardware, software, or services to be supplied by entities other than the proposing Vendor, it is mandatory for the proposing Vendor to act as prime contractor for the procurement of all products and services proposed to meet this RFP. The Vendor acting as the prime contractor must be the sole point of contact with regard to contract stipulations including payment of any and all charges resulting from the purchase of the proposed equipment, hardware, software, and/or services. The Vendor acting as the prime contractor must take full responsibility for the demonstration, delivery, installation, and acceptance testing of the items proposed to be supplied by its subcontractor.

1.4.8Period of Validity of Proposals. The Vendor must certify that its proposal will remain in effect for 90 days after the proposal due date.

1.4.9Proposal Disposition. All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of the City of University Place.


The Vendor certifies that his/her firm has not entered into any agreement of any nature whatsoever to fix, maintain, increase or reduce the prices or competition regarding the items covered by this Request for Proposal.

1.6Conflict of Interest

Through submission of a proposal, each Vendor hereby certifies that no officer, agent, or employee of the City of University Place has a pecuniary interest in this project; or has participated in contract negotiations on behalf of the City of University Place; that the Proposal is made in good faith without fraud, collusion, or connection of any kind with any other Vendor for the same Request for Proposals. The Vendor is competing solely in its own behalf without connection with or obligation to any undisclosed person(s) or firm(s).

1.7Codes and Standards

It shall be the responsibility of the Vendor to identify all codes, and/or agencies having jurisdiction and governing the execution of this proposal and to insure conformance with those codes and agencies. At a minimum, the execution of this RFP and all acts of the Vendor selected to perform work described herein, shall conform with and/or follow the guidelines of all state, federal, and local agencies.

1.8Proposal Format

It is essential that the City of University Place be able to easily match a Vendor's response with this RFP's requirements for information. Therefore, the RFP has been formatted as a Microsoft Word Form and must be utilized for the actual response.

Where asked, indicate compliance and/or note any exceptions to the requirements and provide responses to all questions. Response to the RFP shall include everything contained inSection 2 throughSection 6. Electronic copies of brochures, pre-printed technical documents, and blank contract agreements are not required.

To be considered responsive, proposals should address all items identified in this RFP. Failure to provide a complete response may be grounds for rejection. Emphasis should be on conformance to the RFP instructions, responsiveness to the RFP requirements, and clarity of content.

SECTION 1Introduction / Letter of Transmittal. This section need only be added should the responding vendor wish to cite a specific exception to an item in the section. Response to the RFP constitutes acceptance of all items and requirements defined in Section 1.

SECTION 2Vendor Information and Qualifications. This includes:

  1. The Vendor Contact Information.
  2. The Vendor Background Information.
  3. The Manufacturer Background Information.
  4. Service and Maintenance Information
  5. Customer Reference List

SECTION 3Project Plan / Implementation Requirements. This section asks for your project approach and a description of the steps included to plan, implement, train, and provide service and support to ensure a successful project.

SECTION 4System Requirements. Provide all requested information within this section. Supply any required supplemental information and documentation for any exceptions. Any information provided that was not included within the format of this section will not be considered when evaluating response.

SECTION 5System Configuration and Pricing. Follow the forms provided or modify your standard printouts to supply all information requested. Provide an itemized list with per item pricing for the installed cost of each and every component must be shown. The total system price must include all charges (installation, hardware, software, and training) related to providing the system.

SECTION 6Contracts / Agreements. Submit a copy of any proposed purchase agreements, software license agreements, or maintenance contracts in this section.


The City of University Place will initially check the proposals to validate all information required to conform to this RFP is included. Absence of required information may be cause for rejection. The City of University Place will evaluate the proposals for performance requirements compliance and technical merit. Proposals deemed acceptable will be reviewed to establish life cycle costs. The City of University Place will then select a preferred Vendor and enter into contract negotiations. The City of University Place may request additional information or hold additional meetings with the Vendors, post-proposal presentations are not guaranteed.

A contract shall be awarded to the most responsible and responsive Vendor based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  1. The quality of the system(s) proposed, conformity with technical specifications, ease of operation, and ease of administration.
  2. The ability, capacity and skill of the Vendor to provide the goods and services required, including the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the Vendor.
  3. The capital (purchase) cost and life cycle costs for all products and services considered or proposed.
  4. Training, maintenance and ongoing servicingissues.
  5. Additional system functions or capabilities beyond the specified requirements but pertinent to the City of University Place’s use of the system.
  6. Such other information as may be secured and have bearing on the decision to award the contract.

City of University Place Telecommunication System Replacement RFP Page 1 of 42


Please provide the following requested information.

2.1Contact Information

2.1.1Name of proposing company:

Click here to enter text.

2.1.2Name of Local Manager, Owner, or President of proposing company:

Click here to enter text.

2.2Vendor Background Information

2.2.1Years company in business in Seattle\Tacoma area:

Click here to enter text.

2.2.2Number of factory trained technicians for proposed system manufacture with trucks available for dispatch at any time during business hours and on a 24/7 basis in Pierce County.

Click here to enter text.

2.2.3If applicable, please state the type of support you would leverage to support the City of University Place, i.e. remote support, contract, branch office, main office.

Click here to enter text.

2.2.4Years firm has represented the proposed system manufacturer:

Click here to enter text.

2.2.5Number of systems installed locally, same manufacturer and model:

Click here to enter text.

2.2.6In the event of a natural disaster, fire, or other catastrophe, indicate the interval to install a working on-line system.

Click here to enter text.

Has your company either on a national or state basis been involved in this type of emergency? If yes, provide Customer reference.

Click here to enter text.

2.3Manufacturer Overview

Provide a maximum three-paragraph description for each category subsection below. This is intended for general overview and should highlight the reasons the proposed products and design are the best suited for the City of University Place.

2.3.1Name of manufacturer

Click here to enter text.

2.3.2Financial status

Click here to enter text.

2.3.3Brief history of manufacturer proposed

Click here to enter text.

2.3.4Indicate if a trade-in allowance is available should the City of University Place decide to upgrade to a more technologically advanced system with the same manufacturer at a future date?

Agreed?Yes ☐No ☐

Indicate the history of system upgrades and the costs incurred to maintain the most current system and software.

Click here to enter text.

2.4Service and Maintenance

2.4.1The proposed system must be accessible remotely by your service center for diagnostic routines, minor system alarms, major system failures, and minor program changes. Dispatch and contact procedures must be established as part of the implementation process.

Agreed?Yes ☐No ☐


Click here to enter text.

2.4.2The Vendor shall include warranty and maintenance covering at least the first year following cutover. The Vendor must be capable of providing on-site priority response during warranty and whenever under a contract for ongoing maintenance. The Vendor shall be an authorized installer and have manufacturer-certified technicians for the equipment it proposes.

Agreed?Yes ☐No ☐


Click here to enter text.

Provide detail if any components are warranted for more than one year.


Click here to enter text.

2.4.3The Vendor must be capable of responding to a major alarm condition within one hour and to minor alarm conditions within 24 hours. Acceptable response shall be either dispatch of a technician to the site or remote access by a qualified technician via a City of University Place approved connection to the system.

Agreed?Yes ☐No ☐


Click here to enter text.

2.4.4The vendor must be willing to take responsibility for diagnosing equipment problems and notifying the telephone company should the trouble be determined to exist in the LEC facilities. Your company must be responsible for any service charge billed to the City for service by the telephone company if it is determined that the trouble is in the interconnect equipment.

Agreed?Yes ☐No ☐
