
Feb. 4 – CAHSEE, English, 11th/12th grades only

Feb. 5 – Financial Aid College Workshop, 6:30 p.m., Ohlone College, Newark Campus

Feb. 5 -CAHSEE, Math, 11th/12th grades only

Feb. 6 – Basketball, Playoffs @ Cal Hills

Feb. 6 & Feb. 12 – Jostens on-site @ lunch

Feb. 11 – “Secrets” play, 7 p.m. FUSD Board Room

Feb. 12 – Not a minimum day

Feb. 13 – Minimum day, out @ 1:33 p.m.

Feb. 13 – Basketball, Championship game @ home court of higher seed, TBD

Feb. 14 – No school, (Staff Development for teachers)

Feb. 17 – No school (President’s Day)

Feb. 18 – Wyotech, 10:25-11:13 a.m.

Feb. 21 – Deadline for registration to CHSPE

Feb. 24 – “Secrets” play @ Irvington HS

Mar. 7 – Late deadline for registration to CHSPE

Mar. 9 – Daylight Savings Time Begins

Mar. 13 & 14 – Finals, Bell Schedule

Mar. 14 – End of 2nd Trimester

Mar.18 – OhloneApplication Workshop, 10 a.m.

Mar. 18 – Open House, 5-7 p.m.

Mar. 18 – CAHSEE, English, 10th/12th grades only

Mar. 19 – CAHSEE, Math, 10th/12th grades only

Mar. 22 – CHSPE Test, Hayward

Mar. 24-28 – Multicultural Week

Mar. 28 – Principal’s List Breakfast

Apr. 1 – ASVAB test, 8:45, Library

Apr. 8 – Ohlone Placement Test, 10 a.m.

Apr. 16-17 –Star Testing, grades 10, 11

Apr. 16 – School out @ 12:19 p.m.

Apr. 17 – Minimum day, out @ 1:33 p.m.

Apr. 18-25 – Spring Break

Apr. 29 – Parent Conferences, 3-7 p.m.


2-1-1 is a FREE telephone service for those needing information about health, housing, and human services. Whether you need information about affordable housing, the nearest shelter, public assistance programs, or hot meal providers, 2-1-1 can help. 2-1-1 is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week in multiple languages.

2-1-1 provee información GRATIS por teléfono – sobre viviendas, salud y servicios sociales disponibles en el condado de Alameda. 2-1-1 ofrece información acerca de los programas de… viviendas de bajos recursos, programas después de la escuela, derechos del inquiliono, assistencia pública, refugio de emergencia, asistencia para comida, ayuda con el pago de la renta yutilidades, servicios de violencia doméstica, y muchos mas. Simplemente marque 2-1-1.


If your student is absent for any reason, please call the attendance line at 657-9155 ext. 7. This number is available 24 hours a day. If you need to speak with the Attendance Clerk, Mrs. Barrs, please call 657-9155 ext. 49104.

Unverified absences will result in absences being marked “unexcused”. Students with 3 or more unexcused absences will receive a truancy letter based on Ed. Code 48260.

Automated calls will go out to students with absences in one or more periods. If you feel you have received a call in error, please call the attendance clerk or have your student see Mrs. Barrs in the office.

Students leaving campus for any reason must get an Off Grounds Slip from the office. Students leaving campus without an Off Grounds Slip will result in a cut.



Fremont Unified School District provides an online student meal prepayment service through a third party agency at To access this online payment system, visit the Fremont Unified School District website, and click on the Child Nutrition Services link. Once here, you may select the Pre-Payment Options tab on the top of the page, or the Payments icon at the bottom of the page. Now, you can select the Online Paymentlink,or the logo to create a meal prepayment account for your student(s).

Follow the few simple steps and you can begin making payments towards your child’s breakfast and/or lunch. Online payments are easy, as well as a safe andsecure method to access your student(s) meal account 24 hours a day. Alerts can also be set up so that your child will never go without a meal, and to avoid a negative balance on the account.

Child Nutrition Services also allows other methods of payment:

  1. Parents may write a check for meals
  2. Make cash or check payments before meal service
  3. Pay cash at the meal service line

Payments made at the meal service line often slow down the service line if the exact cash amount is not provided. The Child Nutrition Staff serving as the Cashier must provide change or place the overage back into the student’s meal account. This affects the playtime for students and can also leave some students without ample time to finish their lunch.

Prepayments made online, providing exact lunch money at the service lines, or providing a check before the meal service will all help make lunchtime at our schools more efficient. Checks should be made out to Child Nutrition Services. Please note your student(s) name and school site on the memo line.

PLEASE NOTE: charges a flat fee of $1.95 per transaction for up to $120. Payments made towards more than one student at the same time are considered a single transaction.



On March 22, all juniors and seniors by credits who have not passed one or both parts of the California H.S. ProficiencyExam will have another opportunity to take one or both portions of it. The exam will be in Hayward. Students must register one month in advance and submit payment. Please encourage your student to be prepared, rested, on time, and ready to do their best. The next opportunity will be on June 15.


Title IX of the Education

Amendments of 1972

“Protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


We have a few exciting presentations planned for the next couple of months:

  1. Financial Aid Cash for College Workshop will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at Ohlone College, Newark Campus.
  2. Ohlone Application Workshop, Mar. 18, 10 a.m.
  3. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), Tuesday, Apr. 1, 8:45 a.m.
  4. Ohlone Placement Test, Tuesday, Apr. 8, 10 a.m.

Take advantage of these opportunities to ask questions and obtain information.



Please use caution when driving through the Robertson parking lot. Look both ways when entering and exiting. Thank you.

Counselor’s Corner


1.Well, we are off and running with the new trimester! Your child’s teacher should be your first contact for information about their class. You’ve heard one side of the story from your child of what’s going on in class, now it’s time to talk to the teacher and hear the other side and formulate a plan for your child’s success with all concerned (parent, teacher, child) participating.

2.Teachers may be reached by email or voicemail. PLEASE understand that they may not be able to return your call the day it is received but they will return it as soon as they can or get in touch with you by email or note.

3.Most all teachers offer extra help to their students either during lunch or before or after school. Find out during conferences when that’s available and how to take advantage of it in case your child may need it now or at a later date.

4.Counselors run grade reports during week 3, 6, and 9 of the trimester to see which students are struggling academically. They meet with all students with 2 or more F’s and try to come up with a success plan. Please feel free to contact your child’s counselor at any time during the trimester. Mrs. Chai is the counselor for students with last names that begin with A-L; Mr. Hellerud is for students with last names M-Z.

5.Encourage your child to read daily. Read and discuss the newspaper, school text book, recipes, a novel…just read! There are many studies that show a correlation between the amounts of reading a student does and their success in school. Reading helps with all subject areas.

6.Attendance is your key to success here at Robertson. Please encourage your child to come to school daily and to be on time. Counselors will also meet with students who have 5 or more absences – don’t let your grade drop due to poor attendance.

7.Call your student’s counselor and make an appointment with him/her.

8.Make sure Ms. Barrs has your cell phone number and ask her to make it your primary number for staff to call. If you have an email address and that is an easier method to reach you, please send it in to Ms. Barrs or your student’s counselor.


The next session of adult school classes will begin in March, 2013. There will be a special registration for SENIORS ONLY. As soon as we receive the dates for registration they will be put in the Student Daily Bulletin. Don’t miss your opportunity to take one to three classes by not signing up early.


The next testing date for CAHSEE is February 4-5 for juniors and seniors (by credit) only. Remember to have a good night’s sleep and a “brain food” breakfast on those days.


The CHSPE is a test of English and Math that if passed, serves as a legal equivalent of a High School Diploma. A student must be 16 years old to take this exam, scheduled for March 22 in Hayward. For more information, you can visit the site, or contact student’s counselor.


For students, who are interested in getting information on getting a diploma by examination through the GED program, please see your counselor. In general, the GED exam is given to students who are within 60 days of their 18thbirthday and deficient in credits. Students who wish to do this MUST get an application to become a full-time adult school student from their counselor. Once this application is approved by the district and adult school the student and his/her family will be contacted to make an appointment at adult school to complete the process of enrolling for GED preparation classes.

SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION – According to Federal Law, all men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. You must register with Selective Service to stay eligible for, financial aid, student loans, government jobs, job training and obtaining or renewing a driver’s license in most states. Registration is easy and takes only a matter of minutes. Simply go on-line at or visit the local Post Office and ask for a registration card.



In June 2006, the City of Fremont passed city ordinance #12-16200A also known as the “Day Time Youth Protection”. Any minor under the age of 18, who is subject to compulsory education or to compulsory continuation education, must be in school. It is unlawful for minors under the age of 18 to be in or upon any public street, highway, road, alley, park, playground, or other public grounds, public place, public building, place of amusement, eating establishment, or vacant lot when the minor is required to be in school. This daytime curfew shall apply during the hours of 7:30 am to 2:30 pm on days when the minor’s school is in session.

Beginning November 1, 2006, minors violating the Daytime Curfew will be cited by the Fremont Police Department. The fine for the first violation is $75.00, the second violation $150.00 and the third violation $250.00.

The daytime curfew does not apply when –

The minor is accompanied by his or her parent/guardian

When the minor is on an emergency errand directed by his parent/guardian

When a minor is going or coming directly from his or her place of gainful employment or medical appointment

When the minor has permission to leave school campus for lunch or school-related activity

When the minor is authorized to be absent

When the minor is going directly to or from an event or activity that is directly related to any medical condition of a parent or other adult person having custody or care of the minor.

An entire copy of City Ordinance #12-16200A can be found on the Fremont Police Department and the Fremont Unified School District website.

It is the goal of the Fremont Unified School District and the Fremont Police Department to support the education of all students, and we encourage students to attend school daily. If you have any questions regarding the Daytime Curfew, please feel free to contact the Fremont Police Department or the Fremont Unified School District Pupil Personnel Services office.


Substitutes Needed

Adult substitutes are needed for Child Nutrition Services. Positions are 2 hours/day in our school cafeterias. Fingerprints and TB test are required. Please pick up an application in room 108 at the District Office, 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont.

Financial Assistance for Student Meals

If you need assistance paying for student meals, fill out an eligibility application. Only one Free and Reduced Price Meal application per family is required. Applications are available at your child’s school, the Fremont Unified School District Nutrition Services Department at 4210 Technology Drive, or on the district website, under Departments - Nutrition Services. Be sure to include all information requested so that the results of your application will not be delayed. Applications are accepted at all schools and at the District Office. A letter advising you of your application status will be mailed to your home.

Ayuda Económica

Si necesita ayuda para pagar los alimentos de su hijo(a), llene una solicitud de elegibilidad. Solo se requiere una solicitud para Alimentos Gratuitos/de Precio Reducido por familia.

Las solicitudes están disponibles en la escuela de su hijo(a), en el Departamento de Servicios de Alimentos (Nutrition Services) del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont ubicado en 4210 Technology Drive o en el sitio de Internet del distrito, , bajo la opción de Departaments –Nutrition Services. Asegúrese de incluir toda la información que se requiere para que no se demore su solicitud. Las solicitudes se aceptan en todas las escuelas y en la Oficina del Distrito. Se enviará por correo una carta informándole sobre el estado de su solicitud.


School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)