My Trip To Stubbington

Study Centre

Name: ______

School: ______

Date of trip: ______

Before Your Trip……Thoughts

It’s not long until you go to Stubbington Study Centre. Write down your thoughts and feelings about the trip.

Before Your Trip……Research

Go to this web address:

Search the website for answers to the following questions.

1. When is the tuck shop open? ______

2. What is the dining hall called? ______

3. What time is supper? ______

4. Circle the things below that you should bring with you.

pillows, toothbrush, two towels, sleeping bag, slippers, party shoes

5. If you don’t have your own wellington boots or waterproof coat, what does the website suggest?


6. Name two places you could spend your free time.

  • ______
  • ______

7. How many ponds are there at Stubbington Study Centre? ______

8. Which two species of mice are most common at Stubbington Study Centre?

  • ______
  • ______

9. What are the names of the two hides?

  • ______
  • ______

**Extra Challenge Question**

10. What are the scientific names for these two animals?

  • European Badger:______
  • Red Fox:______

During Your Trip……Notes Page

My dormitory/room is: ______

I share my bunk with: ______


During Your Trip……Word Search

q / y / u / u / f / j / c / m / o / t / e / a / m / w / o / r / k / b
i / t / g / m / w / y / e / n / v / i / r / o / n / m / e / n / t / v
r / s / a / n / c / y / i / i / z / u / g / q / l / y / h / q / o / r
k / m / a / p / s / b / k / w / e / u / b / n / t / k / i / z / v / e
f / m / t / o / c / y / q / f / e / f / h / i / s / s / k / h / m / s
x / v / v / s / q / q / i / b / f / c / l / f / e / c / d / z / s / p
c / f / t / x / t / l / d / e / o / i / c / l / x / u / y / e / j / e
t / k / k / l / d / u / r / i / b / u / e / o / e / o / p / r / q / c
s / m / t / l / o / u / b / i / n / m / h / k / m / l / n / t / d / t
y / e / i / t / t / l / s / b / s / a / a / p / u / p / i / d / e / m
w / w / a / a / n / n / w / e / i / u / o / v / h / r / a / p / v / d
n / k / n / s / o / v / l / z / q / n / s / y / l / d / m / s / h / w
r / m / g / p / h / e / a / h / l / e / g / h / x / f / q / d / s / n
m / l / s / l / m / o / t / l / p / g / b / t / l / i / e / l / s / x
p / e / v / f / b / r / r / l / g / i / e / g / o / p / f / j / c / g
r / p / k / e / a / z / u / e / h / s / l / p / v / n / r / q / g / m
o / e / k / e / k / v / n / a / d / v / e / n / t / u / r / e / b / k
t / s / z / c / o / n / s / e / r / v / a / t / i / o / n / m / i / t
  • maps
  • nature
  • compass
  • respect
  • seashore
  • teamwork
  • wildlife
  • adventure
  • earthquake
  • Meles meles
  • environment
  • Stubbington
  • conservation
  • Vulpes vulpes
  • responsibility

During Your Trip……Stubbington Quiz

So, how much do you really know about Stubbington Study Centre?

Answer as many of these questions as you can.

1. How many people can you name that work at Stubbington Study Centre?

2. How many Stubbington Badgers can you name? (Hint, their names were given to you in Monday’s wildlife talk.)

3. What are the names of the classrooms and what are they named after? (Be specific!)

4. Why is the dining hall called the Snuffle Hole?

5. How many of the ponds can you name?

‘Phone a friend!’

During Your Trip……Crossword Puzzle

2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7
10 / 11
12 / 13
15 /
1. A decaying pile of leaves, teabags and fruit and vegetable waste from the kitchen (7)
3. The process of making sunlight into food (plants)(14)
4. The group of sea creatures that have two parts to their shells(8)
5. The moon controls this sea movement(4)
6. Stubbington – Where _____ comes to life(8)
10. Blending in with surroundings(10)
11. Both birds and mice sleep here(4)
12. Where you sleep at night(11)
15. The culprit in the ‘Broken Mammal Hotels’ mystery(8) / Across
2. The ability of looking after yourself and making sensible decisions (keyword)(14)
7. Special features which help an animal to be suited to its environment(11)
8.The family of sea creatures that look a bit like snails(6)
9. What you show to everyone around you (keyword)(7)
13. The water between Stubbington and the Isle of Wight(6)
14. A sport that involves navigating from point to point using a compass and a map(12)
16. Another name for animal poo(9)

**The letters in the darker boxes can be rearranged to spell another word!**

During Your Trip……Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. All lines of the poem should relate to or describe the topic.

Shines brightly

Up in the sky

Nice and warm on my skin

Can you write an acrostic poem about your stay at Stubbington Study Centre?












During Your Trip……Anagrams

Can you solve these Stubbington related anagrams?


RBDIS ______

WTESN ______

SNODP ______

GDABRE ______



ILMANSA ______

LSAMAMM ______

TPERXSE ______


**Extra Challenge**

Make up three of your own Stubbington anagrams and see if your friend can solve them.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

During Your Trip……Small Mammals

Room no.
Box letter
Body length (mm)
Tail length (mm)
Mass/weight (g)

In the box below, draw a sketch of one of the mammals.

**Challenge** Make notes around your sketch to show three ways your mammal is adapted to living in its environment. Remember to think about whether your mammal isnocturnal or diurnal!

During Your Trip……Badger’s Adventure

Badger is always getting himself in to all sorts of problems and strange situations. Draw a comic strip of one of his adventures.

Your title:

During Your Trip……Stubbington Sudoku

The rules of Sudoku are:

  1. Each bold box contains 1 of each picture.
  2. Each column contains 1 of each picture.
  3. Each row contains 1 of each picture.

During Your Trip……New Friends

While you are here, you have the opportunity to make friends with children who are from a different school than you. Find out their names, school, year group and three things that you have in common. Here are some ideas of things you can talk about:

  • Favourite book, film or TV programme
  • Favourite sport or game
  • Favourite food
  • Pets
  • Families
  • Interests, e.g. fashion, music, after school/weekend clubs

Name /
3 things in common
/ Name
3 things in common
Name /
3 things in common

Hints for writing a brilliant diary:

  • Write in the past tense and in chronological order.
  • Use pronouns, e.g. I, we, us, we’re, I’m.
  • Use sequential connectives to help the reader understand the order of events.
  • Add lots of details about the people, places, events and objects that you’re writing about.
  • Remember to include personal thoughts and feelings about things that happened.
  • Explain why events happened and your feelings about them.
  • Use your senses (smell, taste, etc.) in descriptions to help the reader feel like they were there too.

This may help you!

Each day at Stubbington is structured in a similar way:

  1. Rising Bell
  2. Breakfast
  3. Inspection
  4. Morning activity
  5. Lunch
  6. Afternoon Activity
  7. Long play
  8. Dinner
  9. Evening session
  10. A wildlife talk, a game or S-factor
  11. Supper
  12. Showers (maybe a game or

badger and fox watching in the hide)

Diary – Monday

Diary – Tuesday

Diary – Wednesday

Diary – Thursday

Diary – Friday

After Your Trip……Reflecting

"The person who has lived the most is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one with the richest experiences."


Which of these things did you do?

While I was at Stubbington Study Centre……

□I tried new food.

□I tried to be organised and remember things.

□I helped to keep my room tidy.

□I shared an idea with my team.

□I felt proud of myself.

□I talked to someone new.

□I made a good decision by myself.

□I overcame a fear.

□I made my teacher smile.

□I became more confident.

Finish this sentence.

Now that I’ve been to Stubbington Study Centre I know that I can …….

After Your Trip……Looking Forward

The National Trust made a list of 50 things to do before you’re 12. Tick the activities you’ve done here and circle the activities you would like to do after your trip to Stubbington:

□Build a den

□Run around in the rain

□Fly a kite

□Catch a fish with a net

□Hunt for treasure on the beach

□Swing on a rope swing

□Take a look inside a tree

□Feel like you're flying in the wind

□Hunt for bugs

□Hunt for fossils and bones

□Feed a bird from your hand

□Find some frogspawn

□Track wild animals

□Call an owl

□Discover what’s in a pond

□Go on a nature walk at night

□Plant it, grow it, eat it

□Find your way with a map and compass

We have only included 18 of the 50 suggestions but you can find them all at this website:

After Your Trip……Future Projects

Here are some ideas for future projects:

  • Design a Stubbington page border.
  • Write a Stubbington poem.
  • Create an advertising poster for Stubbington
  • It could be aimed at children in your school, persuading them to visit us if they get the opportunity or
  • it could be aimed at teachers and head teachers, persuading them to send their schools to Stubbington.

*You could do a PowerPoint presentation, letter or another way to promote and persuade.*

  • Make a poster to advertise the Stubbington Souvenirs and Tuck Shop. (We are looking for some of these to display around the centre.)
  • Invent a new activity for Stubbington Study Centre. Don’t forget to explain how it works, list the resources needed and think about health and safety.
  • Write a non-chronological report about an animal that you saw while you were here.
  • Create a comic strip of something funny, interesting or exciting that happened while you were here.

We would love to see your work, so please email us a copy or a photo.

We will not be able to return any work that is sent to us in the post as we may display it in the future.

Thank you so much for coming to visit us.

We hope you have had a truly fantastic time.