2018 Blackberry Festival Signature Page

As the festival grows, unfortunately so do the rules and regulations we all must follow. Please carefully read the safety rules for both the Fire Department and the Health Department. Booths will be checked between 9:00-9:30 A.M. before the festival opens and periodically throughout the festival. ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

I acknowledge that I have read this entire document (and the Guidelines before signing) and I agree to all Blackberry Festival terms and conditions.

Release: The undersigned hereby assumes all risk of accident and expressly agrees that in consideration of participating for Blackberry Festival, Bremerton Rotary Foundation, City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton, I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby for myself, executors and administrators waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for loss, damages or injury to my person or property arising out of my performance or failure of performance from Blackberry Festival, Bremerton Rotary Foundation, City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton and the owners of any event sites, any other participants, their agents, representatives successors and assigned.

Hold Harmless: The undersigned vendor hereby assumes responsibility for any liability claims made in conjunction with vendor's activities at the Blackberry Festival and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, Blackberry Festival, Bremerton Rotary Foundation, City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton for any such claims made against them arising out of vendor's activities.

Print Name: ______Date: ______

Write Legibly

Signature: ______

Vendor Name: ______(As submitted with online application)

Vendor Payment Name if using PayPal ______

Booth Name: ______

For those NOT selling (or giving away) FOOD or SKIN Products or candies/treats:

I am not selling (or giving away) food or skin products; therefore, I request a waiver of insurance. If wrapped candy (or any food) is given away, you MUST provide the festival with an insurance certificate naming Bremerton Rotary Foundation, City of Bremerton, and Port of Bremerton as Additional Insured Holders.

______Signature or Person in Charge of Booth Date

Food vendors: I understand that I must purchase all beverage products I sell from Coca-Cola. NO other beverages, unless I have prior approval, may be sold at the festival. Representatives from Coca Cola will be on site during the festival.

______Signature or Person in Charge of Booth Date

Please notify your insurance carrier that Blackberry Festival, Bremerton Rotary Foundation, City of Bremerton and Port of Bremerton must be added as certificate holders on your insurance policy. Please bring extra electrical cord of 100’ 12 gauge rated for your needed capacity and also potable water hoses for food booths. If you have a craft booth and electrical is approved by our committee and you need electrical FOR ANYTHING (cash registers etc.) please bring a heavy duty 100 ft. extension cord with you.

Bremerton Blackberry Festival Signature Page

360-377-3041 /19/2018