Pershore Health and Wellbeing Group Minutes

28th January 2013


Emma Gardner – Health Improvement Coordinator (NHS Worcs)

Kate Walton – Pershore Volunteer Centre

Lorraine Warren – Blossom Vale Children’s Centre

Samantha Lloyd – Pershore Medical Practice

Steve Knight – Pershore Market Town Partnership Manager


Val Wood – Councillor

Ted Dinsdale – Pershore Older People’s Forum

Jeannette Giles – Abbottwood Medical Practice

Sam Lloyd was introduced to the group – great to have GP practice representation on the group

Minutes of previous meeting

Haven’t met since July

Actions all covered in the agenda later

Minutes approved

Update on Projects

Dementia Café

Alzheimer’s Society have put in an expression of interest form for funding to the PMTP.

Still concerns about funding and sustainability.

Medical Practice not aware of this service. Sam will take the idea to the next CCG meeting for potential funding as this is high on the priority list given the population of our area.

It is also possible to advertise the café in the surgery

ACTION: Emma to follow up with Café lead to see how the café is going and also see if we can get some leaflets to go in the practices.

Emergency Services Day

Group agreed that we would still like to go ahead with this project.

Run the event concurrently with the river festival as opposed to being part of it.

Discussion about a possible route/treasure hunt/stamp challenge around Pershore to take in the fire station and end up on the riverside.

ACTION: Emma and Steve to speak to Richard Grantham and see what their plans are and how we can fit in. Feedback to group and look at creating a smaller sub group to sort out this event.


Ted is ill at present. Jeanette Dowling does the admin for the sessions

ACTION: Emma / Kate to follow up with Jeanette

Expression of interest bids to the PMPT

Steve advertised for expressions of interest for the funding for 13-14. As mentioned earlier, there was only one Health bid from the Alzheimer’s Society.

Lorraine interested in working with the Riverside Youth Centre on a project to help teenage mums. Alex was possibly putting this bid in as the children’s centre are not eligible.

All applications to the partnership need to be in by Friday.

ACTION: Lorraine to follow up with Alex Mellor

Action Plan, Priorities and going forward in 2013-14

Emma talked through the priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

4 Priorities are:



Older people and Long term conditions

Mental Health

Thoughts are to link in with these priorities by mapping what we are already doing and then look at the gaps that we could fill.

It is also a chance to look at other areas as well.

Emma and Helen Perry from the CCG are looking at gathering data for the Wychavon District to identify if there are any specific issues in different areas.

ACTION: Emma to email round the template for all to complete

Day Care provision is an issue. There is a lack of more structured day care provision and as a result people in this area are being signposted to Worcester.

ACTION: Kate to follow up with Jackie Layton (Social Worker) to see what they would be looking for in a more structured day care model and see whether there is anything we could do to address this.

The surgery is currently delivering weight management programmes but this is to be tendered out. Thoughts are to link up voluntary programmes with the weight management to give a service with added value. Sam to keep group in the loop

Membership of the group was discussed.

In Droitwich there is a steering group that attend meetings and then a virtual list of people that received updates but do not come to meetings.

This might be the way of increasing our knowledge of what is going on and also increase awareness of the group.

ACTION: Emma to send round members of the group at present and see if we have the original list for the Droitwich virtual list


Peter MacKenzie-Shaw is being made redundant and the thought is that there may be a gap left without the funding bulletins being sent out -a lot of CVS organisations find this very useful.

Steve mentioned about the Directory of Social Change is a website which allows groups to subscribe to a vast database featuring information on Trust funding, Government Funding, Grants for Individuals and Company Giving. Steve was keen to pay for the subscription to allow groups within Pershore the access to this facility. Kate seemed happy to be the ‘holding’ body of the license.

ACTION: PMTP to progress with the idea of providing a licence to hopefully reduce the impact (if any) of Peter’s redundancy.

Partner Updates / AOB

Kate – Rationalising their fleet of vehicles! Donating the mini bus to a local group who will dismantle it!

Rural Transport Funding has come to an end. Getting volunteer drivers in the rural areas has been the major issue.

Sam said it would be possible to put an advert in the patient newsletter

ACTION: Kate to send info to Sam

Lorraine – lots of changes happening in the Children’s centres, however this will not affect services or service users. Just staff and internal changes

Issues with swimming pool being too cold for the children’s swims – have spoken to Kay McBride but they say the temp is right.

Sam – Nothing but has found the meeting very useful in terms of knowing what is going on in the community.

Sam also coordinates the screens in the medical practice so it might be possible to advertise local services on there. All to email Sam if they want anything on them.

Emma asked about Patient Participation Group. There is one at Pershore Medical Practice that could be tapped into for intelligence.

Next Meeting

29th April 2013

2-4 pm

Conservatory at Civic Centre, Pershore