A meeting of Mumby Parish Council was held in Beckets on Wednesday 20th July2016at 7.00pm

Present:CouncillorsJean Bradley (Chairman), Joan Stapleton, Roger Gilburd, Selma Harrington, Dianne Baxter, Mick Spencelyand Jean Morlini (part)

Also Present:5 members of the public.

CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed all those present and invited the public to speak.


  • A resident noted that crossing over the A52 to the church and bus stop was dangerous and there had been several near misses. The resident believed that a zebra crossing was required. Speeding on the road through the village was a problem. The council noted that they had tried to get a crossing but this was not allowed on a main A road. Cllr Baxter suggested that white fencing be put at the verges on the road which may bring motorist’s attention to the fact that it is a village with a 30mph limit but the problem with this would be where to place them. It was suggested that we again contact the police and ask for them to do a random check and again borrow the smiley face display. Cllr Spencely will contact the police.
  • A question was asked whether the land at the old post office house on Mill Lane which had now been sold would be used for building. The council did not know at this stage but would look carefully at any planning applications which may be put in.
  1. APOLOGIES – None – Cllr Morlini arrived at 7.30 p.m.
  1. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTThe Chairman declared an interest in item 10A.
  1. NOTES OF LAST MEETINGheld on 18th May 2016 (AGM) wereunanimously approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman. The notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the same day were also approved and signed.

The grass cutting contractor had been instructed to cut the hedge between the bungalow and the cemetery as soon as the birds had finished nesting. All other outstanding matters were included on the agenda.


No councillors were present to give a report.

  • The Chairman reported that she had attended the public meeting regarding the ELDC Draft Local Plan. The 700+ page plan was available on the web site,Council’s Customer Access Points and Libraries across the district for everyone to see. The Chairman recommended that everyone have a look at it – see also item 9.
  • The Chairman also attended the Code of Conduct meeting at Manby run by the monitoring officer which enforced that the DPI (Declaration of Pecuniary Interests) should be adhered to. All councillors had been given a copy of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct document and most had attended this course.
  • Letter from the National Grid concerning Viking Link Project. Also noted was the letter delivered to each household to inform that various public meetings were being held, the nearest one being at Huttoft on the 5th August between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.
  • LALC AGM and Conference notification for 18th October 2016. Three councillorexpressed an interest in attending.

a)It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved that the Financial Statement for the three months to 30th June showing a balance of £12160 be approved and was duly signed by the Chairman. The clerk will look into transferring more into the NS&I account.

b)Payment of accounts was unanimously approved for £64.48 to the clerk for expenses which included the cost of refreshments for the APM, and £567.50 to Robert Aldrich for grass cutting.

c)With regard to the internal auditor’s note on payment of PAYE, the clerk confirmed thatshe did not pay PAYE on a monthly basis but had agreed with HMRC that she could declare self-assessment on her annual salary which is paid once a year.

d)The Standing Orders dated 1st August 2015, having previously been circulated, were duly reviewed and unanimously agreed that there should be no alterations.

  1. ELDC LOCAL PLAN (see also item 6)

From a letter from ELDC introducing the Consultation on the Draft Local Plan, the Chairman reported that she had checked with ELDC to confirm that the village was classed as a ‘Medium Village’. The Chairman confirmed that from the document there were no plans to put housing in the Mumby Parish but recommended that all the councillors read the appropriate clauses in the document. In discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the village could not sustain further development as the sewage, drainage and village infrastructure could not support any major development. The clerk would download the form, complete and return it with these comments.


a)The Chairman left the room whilst this item was discussed. After consideration it was agreed to support Planning Application N/125/01371/16 for extension and alteration to provide an ensuite and utility room at 8A Mumby Meadows.

b)Application number N/125/00458/16 for erection of a garage at 31 Mumby Meadows has been given Full Planning Permission.

c)Planning Enforcement No. EC/125/00684/15 in relation to Hill Rise. Letter from Planning and Regeneration Department dated 6th June stated that from a check of the compliance with the Section 215 Notice issued in March the requirements had not beencomplied with. The garden has now become overgrown and a further Section 215 Notice has been served on all parties who hold an interest in the site and a period of 28 days given for the notice to ‘take effect’. The Notice takes effect on 4th July and the owner is required to remedy the condition within 28 days of the Notice. It is further noted that an abandoned car is parked on the verge outside the house which has become very overgrown with grass. The Clerk will write to Highways with copies to the County and District Councillors to get this problem resolved.


a)Churchyard trees. The clerk reported that consent had been given from ELDC for the work to the churchyard trees as described in the arborist’s report. The conditions were noted. Out of the seven tree surgeons contacted, only two have replied (Greencuts have quoted and B&B had looked at the work to be done). The Chairman asked the Clerk to contact B&B to obtain the quote and also point out that his firm had been recommended by the LCC arborist.

b)The clerk made note of an email received from the District Councillor which informed on the reduction in grass cutting on roadside areas around the county. From March 2017 amenity grass cutting, generally carried out in built-up areas, approaches to major junctions and central islands on roundabouts, will stop. Flail grass cutting on grass verges in rural areas will be reduced to twice a year.


The owner of Whitehouse Farm had made an enquiry whether the council would be interested in buying some of his land for a Community Hall. After discussion it was unanimously agreed that it would be too expensive to build a Community Hall, that the location would not be right, and the Church was already a Community Hall for the village. This offer was therefore declined.


The next meeting date was confirmed as Wednesday 21st September, 7p.m. at Becketts.


Cllr Gilburd brought the Council’s attention to the fact that there had been an attempted theft of a garden ornament from a property in the village.

Cllr Gilburd had also been contacted by the local PCSO offering to give a talk at a Council meeting – to be fixed for the September meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.10 p.m.

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