MSJC Student-Athlete Code of Conduct Contract 1


The purpose of this contract is to set out the goals and objectives, regulations, policies and procedures of the Mt. San Jacinto College Athletic Program. It is intended to assure a systematic and efficient organization and operation. MSJC requires all student-athletes to demonstrate good moral conduct and ethical judgmentwhich reflects favorably upon themselves, the college, and the community at large. Student-athletes are subject to the policies and procedures as set out in this contract, as well asfederal, state and local laws. It is important to note that due to the high visibility and increasing public scrutiny of all athleticprograms, student-athletes are expected to meet higher standards of personal conduct andappearance.

Expectations of Student-Athletes

MSJC student-athletes have a responsibility to be students first, with the primary goal of earninga degree. Understand that personal accountability is the foundation not only of each individual’ssuccessful academic and athletic experience, but their personal life as well. All student-athletesmust be mindful that at all times they represent Mt. San Jacinto College and it’s athletic department,as well as their individual teams. Upperclassmen have the responsibility to serve as exemplaryrole models for new student-athletes. Each Student-Athlete Shall:

Initial Eligibility

To be eligible to play, you must follow these rules:

  1. You must be enrolled in (and actively attending class) 12 or more units. If you drop below 12 units, you will not be eligible to continue to play.
  2. If you your sport overlaps two semesters (i.e. Basketball), you must have been enrolled in 12 units at the end of the fall semester, if not; you are ineligible until you are actually attending 12 units in the spring.
  3. Of the 12 units, at least 9 must count toward your associate degree, remedial work, or transfer.
  4. Short-Term/ late-start courses can be used toward eligibility as long as you are actively attending 12 or more units throughout the entire semester.
  5. If at any time you drop below 12 units during a season, you become ineligible, and will remain so, until you are once again actively enrolled and attending class for at least 12 units. The team will have to forfeit any games that you played in while being ineligible.

Second Year of Participation

In order to be eligible for a second season of competition you much complete the following requirements:

  1. You must complete and pass 24 units or more with a 2.0 GPA, prior to the start of the semester of your secondseason competition.
  2. You must complete 6 or more units during the preceding academic term in which you were enrolled full time. (New rule-effective July 1, 2015)

Summer School

Summer unit limitation:

  1. A student athlete can take up to 8 units in the summer to be used toward eligibility purposes for the following season. Effective FALL 2015
  2. If you are a transfer student- athlete from another California Community College only 8 of the 12 units to meet residency can be used in summer prior to transfer.

Athletic Counseling

  1. Academic counseling: helps you planning your schedule and get you ready to graduate to meet NCAA/NAIA transfer requirements.
  1. Career counseling: helps you to determine your current and future employment outlook, and how to prepare for a job and meeting NCAA progress toward degree requirements if transferring to a NCAA institution.
  1. Personal counseling: helps you with personal, family, or other social problems related to your education.
  1. Student Educational Plan: You are required to complete a Student Education Plan (SEP) prior to your season of competition each year. The SEP is your “blueprint” for completing your degree and transfer requirements. The SEP is a form that lists the courses you need to take. You need to set up an appointment with an athletic counselor to complete the required SEP.
  1. CCCAA/ NCAA/ NAIA Advisement: advise you on up-to-date information regarding NCAA, NAIA, and CCCAA rules, regulations, and requirements that may affect your academic and athletic goals.

Code of Conduct

All members of the MSJC Athletic Department shall adhere to the following rules and standardsof conduct in addition to the MSJC Code of Student Conduct.

Drug and Alcohol Use: It is the policy of MSJC to prohibit the unlawful use, sale,dispensing, transfer or possession of controlled substances, alcoholic beverages ordrugs not medically authorized. The use or possession of drugs and/or alcoholicbeverages by any student during any practice, activity or competition is prohibitedand will result in the participant being removed from that activity. Any athleteinvolved in the unlawful use of drugs or alcohol or who violate the alcohol or drugpolicies in the Mt San Jacinto College Code of Student Conduct may face suspension ordismissal from the team and /or MSJC, as well as legal action. All student-athletesare subject to all local, state and federal laws.

As a student-athlete you are a highly visible representative of the college. It is very importantthat you act in a manner that will not embarrass either yourself or the college. Therefore, inaddition to any college sanctions that may be imposed for misconduct, student-athletes may beconsidered for suspension or dismissal from participation for any of the following:

  1. Academic dishonesty.
  2. Violation of MSJCcode of conduct.
  3. Arrest for any crime other than a minor traffic offense.
  4. Possession of any illegal drug, including the unlawful possession or consumption ofalcohol.
  5. Unauthorized possession of any steroid.
  6. Fighting with, threatening the safety of, or harassing any individual.
  7. Destruction or theft of MSJC property.
  8. Unauthorized entry into any MSJC building.
  9. Any conduct that reflects unfavorably upon MSJC or it’s Athletic Program.

Head coach, or designated appointee, will be responsible for imposing disciplinarysanctions. The sanction imposed may also be indefinite pending the outcome of aninvestigation, hearing, or other future event.

First Offense: May result in suspension from the next contest or removal/dismissal from theteam depending on the severity of the misconduct and the surrounding circumstances.

Second Offense: May result in suspension from team activities and removal/dismissal fromthe team.

Subsequent Offense: In most cases, may result in suspension or dismissal from the team.

Disciplinary Appeals: Should a student-athlete believe that he or she may have a grievancesubject to appeal, that student-athlete may file a written appeal with the Athletic Directordescribing the specifics of the grievance. The Athletic Director will then hold an informalmeeting with the student-athlete and the head coach. If the Athletic Director and the coach areone and the same, then the Vice President of Student Services will hold an informal meeting. Ifthe complaint is not resolved, the student-athlete has a right to request a hearing with theJudicial Affairs Board.

Team Conduct During Travel

Student-athletes are expected to adhere to the following travel rules:

  1. Instructors must be informed prior to the trip and all efforts must be made toassure assignments are complete.
  2. Be on time at scheduled departure times and location.
  3. To travel to and from a school authorized event in school authorized transportationunless released by the head coach.
  4. To conduct themselves in an appropriate manner as an official representative of Mt. San Jacinto College.
  5. Any damage done to hotel/motel rooms is considered a violation and will be paid forby the student.

Conduct Policy for Social Media

1. Understand that any post(s) made in reference to Mt. San Jacinto College related to your own accounts are subject to the MSJC Code of Conduct.

2. Learn and understand the use of privacy settings for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of social media.

3. Assume that anything you post on your personal account could be read by staff, opposing teams, recruits, recruiters, alumni, and future employers. Be smart and understand that you are “always” representing Mt. San Jacinto College and are subject to the guidelines put forth in the to the Code of Conduct.

4. Student-athletes who post negative, embarrassing, derogatory, inflamatory or any other comments that are inappropriate or negatively represent the Athletic Department or college will be immediately suspended and/or dismissed from the Athletic Department.

5. Keep in mind that we have set forth these policies not only to protect the college and the athletic department, but also to protect our student athletes.


The information contained in this Code of Conduct and Contract is not intended to be all inclusive. Each Mt. San Jacinto College student-athlete is encouraged to speak with his or her coachwhenever any problem, concern or questions arise regarding their academic or athleticexperiences at MSJC.

The College reserves the right to inform parents, guardians or immediate family members of students who are found to be in violation of the Student Athlete Code ofConduct. This is to be used primarily for, but not limited to, alcohol, drug, or threats ofharm to self and others. I also grant permission for the coach, or designated appointee, to provide informationon either my academic performance or my financial account, to my parent/guardian.

By my signature below, I attest that I have read, understand and have received a copy of theAthletic Code of Conduct. My coach has explained the team rules to me and I agree to theterms mentioned above.


Printed name of Student AthleteSport


Signature of Student AthleteDate


Signature of CoachDate


Signature of Athletic DirectorDate