Unit II: Implementing the Constitution

Key Terms

Federalists Democratic-Republicans Louisiana Purchase War of 1812

Alien & Sedition Acts Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

Steamboat National Road Nullification Indian Removal Act

Impressments Nationalism Cotton Gin Eire Canal

Election of 1800 Precedent

Key People

George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton James Madison James Monroe

John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Napoleon

Lewis and Clark Tecumseh Eli Whitney

Essential Questions

How does judicial review protect the Constitutional rights of individuals and the states?

What precedent did the Election of 1800 set?

Why was the Louisiana Purchase the most significant accomplishment of Jefferson’s Presidency?

What was the main goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

How did the Louisiana Purchase set the stage for negative impacts on Native Americans by westward expansion?

How did Native Americans feel about white settlers moving west?

How did Tecumseh resist westward expansion of white settlers?

How did the beginning of westward expansion cause events that led to the War of 1812?

How did Great Britain attempt to undermine the U.S. government during Madison’s term as President?

How did the war of 1812 improve the sense of unity in the nation?

What were 3 significant effects of the war?

How did advancements in transportation contribute to the Era of Good Feelings?

How did Americans view Andrew Jackson as the Election of 1824 approached?

How did Jackson create a new idea of democracy?

1.  George Washington

a.  Precedent-Whiskey Rebellion

2.  Creation of Political Parties

a.  Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton (Federalists/Democratic Republicans)

b.  Alien and Sedition Acts-Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

3.  John Marshall-Judicial Review

a.  Judicial Review

4.  Thomas Jefferson

a.  Election of 1800

b.  Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark Expedition

5.  Tecumseh

a.  Native American Resistance

6.  Cause and Effect- The War of 1812

a.  Causes of the War

b.  Effects of the War

7.  America becomes a world Power

a.  James Monroe-The Era of Good Feelings

b.  Rise of Andrew Jackson

c.  Jackson’s legacy