4401 Line Item 4

Summary of Editorial Changes

Note: Original section number and at least one full sentence are required in “FROM” and “TO” fields.

1 / FROM:Table R3-1
(as balloted)
TO: Table R3-1
Add a row for traditional Chinese as suggested by AMEC 1
Justification: (If necessary)
2 / FROM:Table R3-1
(As balloted)
TO: Table R3-1
Added an alternate translation for Caution for the simplified (and traditional) Chinese to enable the industry to continue to use the existing translation as currently stated in SEMI S1-0701. Note: The addition of the alternate Chinese translation for Caution is also intended to minimize confusion with the Japanese translation of the “Caution”.
Justification: (If necessary)
3 / FROM:Table R3-1
(As balloted)
TO: Table R3-1
a) Remove thefooter and footer notations, andb) change citation (for the source of the translation) to a footnote in the format specified by the related copyright agreement.
Justification: (If necessary)
Motion / To approve the above editorial changes
Motion by / 2nd by / Ed Karl (Applied Materials) / Steve Barcik (High Tech Design Safety)
Discussion / Updated Table presented.
Bevan Wu (Bevan Wu & Associates) confirmed which characters were accurate.
Sean Larsen (AMEC) asked what Chinese people are used to seeing: existing translation or new translation.
Thomas Pilz (Pilz Automation) said committee should use recommendation of native Chinese speaker.
Bevan Wu said that if “Caution” is the word you want, use the accurate translation.
Lauren Crane (Applied Materials) said there wasn’t a significant difference.
Concerns expressed about updated table not synchronizing with ANSI Z535.4
Clarification: Changed table is consistent with new version of ANSI Z535.4. Not making change is consistent with old S1.
Len Kamlet (MKS Instruments) asked if grandfathering existing equipment includes replacing labels on existing equipment.
(Answer: Section 3.3 addresses this.)
Bevan Wu said that the meaning is not THAT important, but the updated version is the correct translation.
Lauren Crane said that Section 3.3 notwithstanding, grandfathering is often subject to negotiation between user and supplier.
Chris Evanston (EarthTech) suggested referring the matter to the Taiwan EHS Committee.
Eric Sklar noted that the committee had a representative present.
Motion to divide the question – a) part 2, b) parts 1 and 3:
Eric Sklar (Safety Guru LLC) /Steve Barcik (High Tech Design Safety),
Vote: 14-2, Motion passed.
Divided Motion to approve part 2:
Discussion: Chuck Mello proposed allowing both symbols now, remove inaccurate ones at next 5-year review.
Eric Sklar asked how the task force voted on the matter.
Vote: 15-3, Motion passed. (Change #2 above approved.)
Divided Motion to approve parts 1 and 3, in that order:
Motion to divide the divided motion: a) part 1, b) part 3:
Ian McLeod (SEMI) / Brian Epstein (ENT Consulting)
No discussion, Vote: 13-0, Motion passed.
Sub-divided motion to approve part 1:
No discussion, Vote: 19-0, Motion passed. (Change #1 above approved.)
Sub-divided motion to approve part 3:
Discussion: Ian McLeod (SEMI) explained problems with removing source of citations.
Motion to further sub-divide into 3a and 3b:
Brian Epstein (ENT Consulting) / Eric Sklar (Safety Guru LLC)
No discussion, Vote: 10-2, Motion passed.
Sub-divided Motion to approve 3a:
No discussion, Vote: 11-2, Motion passed. (Change #3a above approved.)
Sub-divided Motion to approve 3b:
Move to amend from “striking” to “changing to format specified by Style Manual”:Eric Sklar (Safety Guru) / Ron Macklin (Applied Materials). No discussion, Passed w/o objection.
Byron Yakimow (Cymer) asked if the footnote is still true, given the changes to the table.
Steve Barcik asked about copyright concerns.
Ed Karl said that the copyright issue is being settled.
Brian Epstein said that permission to use occasionally comes with conditions of no changes.
Steve Barcik said the notice looks like an advertisement.
Move to further amend to “changing citation to footnote in a format specified by the related copyright agreement”: Len Kamlet (MKS Instruments) / Ian McLeod (SEMI). No discussion,Passed without objection.
Vote / 11-0 Motion passed
A&R / Not approved