Best Practices for Managing Your Public Web Space and Private Work Spaces

So You’re an Administrator to a Committee, Round Table, System User Group or Task Force? This Guide will introduce you to best practices and show you how to use web features that will enhance your public web presence and private group work space. First some definitions:

Public Web Space: Your public web space is viewable by both MLA members and non-members. It includes committee pages, round table pages, system user group pages, and task forcepages. These pages are your opportunity to share your work with those in MLA and beyond. Public Web Space has been set up for your usage with your chair or coordinator as the site administrator.

Private Work Space: Work Spaces are open only to members of your particular committee, round table, system user group, or task force. This space is your opportunity to work on and share documents and files and keep an archive of your committee’s work. If you are interested in a private Work Space, email to have one set up for you.

●Groups: Our new web platform refers to committee, round table, system user group, or task force. spaces as “Groups”. We will refer to committees, round tables, system user groups, and task force spaces throughout this document as groups.

Group Administrator: As the Chair or Coordinator of an MLA committee, task force, round table, or system user group you are known as a Group Administrator in the web platform. If you would prefer another member of your group be the administrator of your web space(s), email

Below you will find a simple list of best practices followed by a full description of various features available in the new site along with detailed instructions on how to use these features. Please do not hesitate to email the Web Committee at with any questions you have about these web features or implementation of features.


Best Practices for Committee & Task Force Public Spaces

●Keep your homepage in the current template with the charge at the top of the main column and the list of committee members at the top of the right column. This will help all users find this information quickly and efficiently.

●Please also add a small summary about your group in the Group Short Description area. This description will show up in the browse list of committees or task forces.

●Follow web style guidelines outlined in the Web Committee’s style guide.

●Committee Handbooks should be publicly posted on your Committee homepage as they are developed.

Best Practices for Round Tables & System User Groups Public Spaces

●Keep your homepage in the current template with the coordinator listed at the top of the right column. This will help all users find this information quickly and efficiently.

●For round tables, your “approved through” date should be listed at the top of the main column.

●Add a description of your round table or system user group to the top of the main column so that visitors to your page know what to expect from the group. This will help them to determine if it makes sense to join your group.

Please also add a small summary about your group in the Group Short Description area. This description will show up in the browse list of system user groups orround tables.


General Description of Features[1][2][3]

The new MLA web site includes several new, interactive features to help enhance your committee, round table, system user group, or task force’s work. A full description of these features is listed below. Follow the document link to the section that will guide you through implementing each of these features.

●Forums: Online discussion boards on a particular topic.

●Calendar: Share events with those who join your online group.

●Custom Pages: Webpages that may be linked to your group homepage (or they will appear at the top of the page as "Group Pages"). You can set custom pages so that only an administrator can edit them or use wiki mode to allow any group member to edit them.

●File library: Share files or links with or without descriptions. The file libraries are then embedded into a custom page. Like custom pages, file libraries can also be set up so that only the group administrator has access to upload files, or in wiki mode, so that anyone in your group can add materials to the file library.

●Blog: Create a blog to share your group’s work! Blogs include the ability to leave comments and add tags.

Message Group Members: This feature is an easy way to send messages with attachments out to the group. Note that there isn't a way for group members to reply to all.

●Photos: Create albums to share images. Be sure to submit a Photo Release Form for any photos appearing on the MLA website.

●Forms: In addition to these options, the Web Committee has the ability to create forms and surveys that you can link into your site. Contact for more information.

Exploring and Implementing Web Features

To begin as an administrator, you’ll need to log into the web site using your MLA username/password. Once logged in, go to your profile.

Look under the “Groups” heading below your profile picture and click on the link for the group of which you are an administrator.

You can also find a list of your groups by clicking the “Groups” link in the “My Profile” box in the left column. This list will indicate whether you are the administrator of a group with a person icon to the right of the group name.

Once you click on the link for the group, you will be taken to the homepage for your respective committee, round table, system user group, or task force.

Please note the Charge for committees will be at the top of the main column. Round Tables and System User Groups should consider adding a short description here to inform visitors to your page of your group’s purpose. The membership of your group will be listed on the right. Please keep this layout for all public group pages. We want users of the site to be able to locate charges/descriptions and membership rosters easily and to have a consistent experience throughout the site.

The Change Homepage Layout button allows you to select what options appear on your homepage. Options include:

●Group Newsfeed: This is similar to your Facebook wall where only members within your particular group can post messages to the wall of your group’s space. Other MLA members and non-members can view these posts.

●Group Reps: This pulls data from the online directory to include who is the chair of a committee, coordinator for a round table, etc. Always leave this box checked.

●Events: If your group chooses to use the calendar function, events from your calendar will be pulled in your homepage.

●Recently Updated Profiles: This will log a note on your group’s homepage each time a member of your group updates his or her profile. We recommend leaving this box unchecked.

●Photo Gallery: Your group has the option of creating a photo album to share photos with the public. If you do add any photos to your group page, please submit a signed Photo Release Form for whoever took the photo and for whoever appeared in the photo. We want to make sure we have permissions for each photo appearing on the MLA website.

Welcome Message: This is the space where the committee charge and round table and system user group descriptions will go. Always leave this box checked.

●Recent Group Related News[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]: If the Web Committee posts a news item or press release related to your committee on our site, it will show up in this feed. This feature is not likely to be used at this time.

●Recent Blog Activity: If you create a blog for your group, headlines from your blogs may be included on your homepage.

●Recent Forum Activity: Titles of forum posts created by your group members will display on the homepage.

●Group Navigation: This controls whether or not a shortcut icon for your blogs, forums, and calendar show up on your site.

Bold denotes boxes that are required to be checked.

To the left of the Choose Your Features list, you’ll find the Select a template options. Leave the “Right Column” selected.

Below this, you’ll notice the option to Create Your Layout. We recommend keeping the Header Zone empty although you may choose to include photos here. Items displaying in the Main Content Zone and Right Rail depend on which items you checked in the Choose Your Features Section above. Items may be easily dragged from one section to another to display in your order of preference. Please keep the Welcome Message as the first item to appear in your Main Content Zone and the Group Reps as the first item to appear in your Right Rail. You may also set how many items you want to display at a time on your homepage. For example, I can adjust the dropbox next to Events from 5 to 2 if I only want to show two upcoming events at a time. Make your desired changes and Save Layout.

You’ll also notice the Group Admin Options link. This will give you options available for further options for expanding your Group’s site.

Content Management

Homepage Options

This is where you add your welcome text, and decide what icons show up in the Group Navigation. Please also add a small summary about your group in the Group Short Description area. This description will show up in the browse list of committees, round tables, system user groups, and task forces.

Group Homepage Layout

This will take you to the same page as the Group Homepage button next to the Group Admin Options button.

Custom Pages

Custom Page is another term for webpage. Webpages may be linked from your homepage or may be found under the Group Pages button above your welcome message (charge/description). There are a couple of things to note when setting up custom pages:

●Resource Manager: The Resource Manager button on the right of the screen is where you’ll upload any photos or files you would like to link into your custom page. This resource manager is yours and you may organize it in folders how you see fit. Again, please fill out a Photo Release Form for any photos that will be displayed publicly on the website.

●File Library: If you have a collection of files you wish to share, it may make sense to create a file library. There is more to come on this in the next section, but if you created a file library, you will see it listed under Group File Collections. Simply check the box next to the appropriate collection to embed it in your custom page.

●Show in Group Menu: If you select Yes here, the page will display under the Group Pages button. If you select No, the page will be hidden from navigation. We recommend you select Yes.

●Collaboration (Wiki) Mode: Enabled will allow any member of your group to edit this custom page. You must be a member of the group to edit the page (editing isn’t open to other MLA members or non-members). Disabled means that only you as an administrator will be able to edit the page.

●Enable Bookmark Widget: This determines whether or not a social media bookmark (Facebook, Twitter, etc. icons) appears at the top of your page for easy sharing of your page.

●Redirection: Always keep this at Do Not Redirect unless otherwise recommended by the Web Committee.

●Searchable: This determines whether or not your page appears in the Site Search. For Public Groups, we recommend you set this option to Yes. For Work Spaces, we recommend you set this option to No.

●Enable Voting and Score: This feature allows site visitors to rate your page thumbs up or thumbs down. This will be translated into a star scoring system on your page.

●RSS Feed URL: You may add an RSS feed to automatically populate in your page. If your group has an external blog, you could use this feature to populate the page with headlines from your blog.

Add any text, images from the Resource Manager, links, etc. in the Content box. Be sure to follow the Web Committee’s Style Guide [***link style guide] to help create a consistent look and feel for content throughout the site.

Once your page is created, you may edit it by clicking on the Edit This Page button on the custom page itself.

File Libraries

File Libraries are an easy and clean way to store and share files or URLs. They may be embedded into a custom page or may be found on their own under the Group Pages icon. On the File Library page, follow the link to Add a New Collection.

Collaboration (Wiki) Mode will determine if anyone who is a member of your group is able to add files to the file library or if only you as the administrator are allowed to add files to the file library.

Pay close attention to settings as you add files and URLs into your file library! Consider carefully the use of the Protected field. Selecting Yes will mean that only MLA members will have the opportunity to view your file. Selecting No leaves your file open to viewing by anyone.

You may easily add additional files or URLs to an existing file library. Just go to the Group Pages and select Links to Files. From here you may add additional files using the Add a File button or reorder files in a collection using the Manage Collection link.

Calendar Management

View Dates & Events

This feature will take you to a full listing of current date/events you have created. You may edit your event information by clicking on the paper/pencil icon.

Add a New Date

The Web Committee recommends you skip this feature in favor of the Add a New Event feature. Add a New Event allows you to include additional options such as contact information, event URLs and location of the event.

Add a New Event

This feature is recommended by the Web Committee for most uses of the calendar. Filling out the New Event form is pretty straightforward with the exception of the registration options.

Always leave the Enable Online Registration set to No. Online registration is tied to MLA financials and must be set up by the MLA Administrative Officer.

Enabling the RSVP option will allow you to see who may attend your event and this may help with event planning. You can set the RSVP feature so that RSVPs will only be visible to you as a group administrator or open your RSVP list up for everyone to see. Please note that only MLA members will be able to RSVP for an event. Users will be prompted to sign in with their MLA login and passwords in order to RSVP for an event. If you do not want an RSVP option, please select the No, registrant list visible only to Site Admins.

Adding Your Event to the MLA Homepage Calendar

If you would like to add your event to the MLA homepage calendar, please email .

Photo Management

Manage Photo Albums

Add a new photo album to your site in this space. You may also edit photo albums that currently exist by clicking on the paper and pencil icon. You may also click on the link for the album’s title to view items in that album, change settings on each photo in your album, or add additional items to your photo album. Be sure to fill out the Photo Release Form for all photos appearing on the website.

Add Photos

To add photos, go to the +Directory & Features and then click on Photo Gallery. If you’ve created an album, it will be displayed here as a box. There will also be a box entitled All Photos where you’ll find all of your group photos including those not included in photo albums. Click on the photo album of your choice or on the box for all photos. Browse for your photo, decide if you would like viewers to have the ability to add comments to your photo by adjusting the comments drop down menu, and click the icon to the right of the browse button to upload your photo.

View All Photos

See a full list of all photos in various albums here and easily delete photos. Settings for groups [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]require you as the admin to approve all photos to make sure the Photo Permission Form is filled out for each photo appearing on the public website. You should see photos pending approval here. To approve (or reject) photos, simply click the checkbox next to the photo and click the Accept Selected Images button.