IASA is bringing together key ingredients for superintendents as they address real-timemeasurementto monitor reading growth and student engagement. Academically, it’s more important than ever for school districtsto have their students reading at or above grade level. This is a tremendous opportunity for district leaders to learn how to achieve this success.

Christina Jordan, Education Consultant, will be speaking on behalf of myONand will focus on driving student engagement and fostering a growth mindset with personalized literacy and instruction.

Mike Rocco, Director, K-12 Solutions Specialists with SunGard K-12 (an FIS Company) will focus on the vision of supporting educational excellence in our students that is not part of the conversation when we talk about business and technology systems.

IASA is proud to bring this seminar to our membership FREE of charge. You will need to register so that we have accurate counts for the lunches.

For information contact Kim Herr at 217-753-2213 or .

Empowering Learners with Engagement and Choice

Traditional methods of measuring reading rely on quizzes and end of the year results. New technologies enable real-timemeasurementto monitor reading growth and student engagement as it happens.Christina Jordan, Educational Consultant for myON, will focus on:

  • The success derived from engaging students with choice and ownership of their reading and learning.
  • The impact on instruction and learning that results from connecting with text andmeasuring the readingexperience.
  • How myON enhances effective teaching strategies and demonstrate how it works intandemwith classroom instruction for learners at all levels.
  • The power ofincremental, daily summer reading to mitigate the concerns and negative impact associated with summer slide.

Rethinking the Enterprise Learning Ecosystem: A New Model for Building K-12 Technology Solutions

All too often today, our vision of supporting educational excellence in our students is not part of the conversation when we talk about business and technology systems. We draw an artificial line between systems and processes that support student learning and those that support the operational and business side of our institutions. This divide is engrained in the organizational chart, policies, and culture of many districts. Mike Rocco, Director, K-12 Solution Specialists, will discuss the following:

  • Reform: Provides meaningful data that drives systematic improvements.
  • Administration: Helps manage the flow of information between systems and users.
  • Accountability: Aids in meeting regulatory, audit, local, and public accountability needs.
  • Action: Supports high-quality classroom interactions that drive student success.


10:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.

10:00 to 11:30 a.m.:myON Presentation

11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.: Lunch

12:15 to 1:45: SunGard Presentation

  • When

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
10:00 AM - 1:45 PM

  • Where

Universal Technical Institute
2611 Corporate West Drive
Location: Main Campus - Auditorium
Lisle, Illinois 60532

Click here to register.


  • When

Thursday, October 27, 2016
10:00 AM - 1:45 PM

  • Where

Bloomington School District #87

Educational Services Center

Community Room – Main Level

300 E. Monroe Street

Bloomington, Illinois 61701



Click here to register.


  • When

Friday, October 28, 2016
10:00 AM - 1:45 PM

  • Where

Mount Vernon Township High School

11101 North Wells Bypass Road

Building G – Room #G123

Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864



Click here to register.