Carrington Primary School
Pupil Premium and vulnerable groupsexpenditure 2017/2018
Overview of schoolNumber of pupils on roll / 210
Numberof pupils eligible for PPG / 35
Amount received per pupil / £1900 LAC, £1320 other groups
Total amount of PPG received / 48,360
Common barriers to achievement
- Emotional difficulties due to unsettled home circumstances
- Dyslexia and dyspraxia are common in this group
- Attendance
How the PPG is being spent in 2016/17
Specific targeted support / Social skills, EAL, dyspraxia, dyslexia and
Literacy/numeracy support / £29,221 / Targeted support for vulnerable children to help raise achievement. / Funding (school budget contributes the rest) to ensure that each class receives at least 3 days support from a teaching assistant delivering interventions such as Switch On Reading, beat dyslexia and social skills groups
1:1 tuition Y6 / £10,145
Specialist TA support5 children / 7,180 / Y3LAC/EHCP
Curriculum enrichment / Enrichment budget/ subsidy for trips , visits and residential / £6,500 / Ensuring FSM pupils access opportunities such as residential trips and music tuition / Pupil premium pupils F2-Y6
13 Y4/5 pupils get wider opportunities support
Wider opportunities / £3,000
Other / Literacy volunteers / £300 / Develop reading skills and confidence / Continue to support a key group of EAL/PPI pupils in Y5
General support to access school clubs and other activities / £1,000 / Access to clubs or breakfast club / PP Pupils across school.
Extra admin support for attendance / £1149 / Monitoring, and early response to absence and lateness / Monitoring key PPI pupils with attendance issues and helping to put together the case for prosecution if needed.
Total / £58, 495
Detail ofuse of PPG in 2017/2018
- One to one and small group support works well in the current format so this will continue, Headteacher meets regularly with staff to ensure this is targeted in the right way.
- We are continuing to target specialist support for a group in Year 6 with complex needs and pupils in Year 5 and 3 with complex needs. These are predominately Pupil Premium Pupils who are receiving or have received multiagency support e.g. social care,TFST and early intervention (YOT), SEN team.
- Year Five and Sixattend residential in September and other classes have opportunities for trips and visits. This is expensive for families on low incomes, the enrichment budget helps us subsidise trips and residential for those families.
- Class four and class five free guitar tuition, giving poorer families access to musical tuition.
- Our literacy volunteer does 1:1 reading with targeted pupils, most of the children in this group are PP pupils.
- A small fund is available to help families access school clubs and breakfast club for which other parents pay fees
- Analysis of absence shows that PPI pupils have higher levels of absence than other pupils so extra admin support has been put in place to monitor and support the response to improving attendance for this group.
Impact in 2016/2017
- Across school, 71% PP children made expected progress in at least one subject RWM. 20% made accelerated progress. 17% achieved GDS in at least one subject
- One to one and small group support from TAs helped children who receive pupil premium make progress.
- Children in Year 5 and a child in Year 2 with complex emotional difficulties benefitted from extra support, in all cases behaviour improved allowing pupils to access the curriculum and make progress.
- PP children from Year Five and Year Six were able to attend residential because the visit was subsidised.Class budgets for visits and visitors have reduced the costs to all families and allowed us to further reduce the cost for Pupil premium families (free for families on benefits).
- Attendance for PPI pupils was 95.59% (Non-pupil premium is 96.96). One family prosecuted.
- We have also supported PP pupils who wished to attend breakfast club.
- Allchildren in Y4 and Y5 are now able to access musical instrument tuition.
Y6 (7 pupils) / %PPI children achieving expected levels
Reading / 29%
Writing / 57%
Maths / 57%
Spelling, punctuation, grammar / 86%
Y2 (3 pupils, one child with EHCP, one child new to school) / %PPI children achieving expected levels
Reading / 33%
Writing / 0%
Maths / 33%