The ImmPact2 Immunization Registry is a population-based Web application containing consolidated demographic and immunization history information. ImmPact2 is able to perform a variety of functions for health care providers, including, but not limited to:

·  ADA compliancy

·  VFC Annual Agreement Integrated with Org/Site Management

·  Comprehensive client and vaccinemanagement

·  Fully integrated VMBIP/Vaccine Management

·  Integrated Optical Character Reader Technology

·  Time savings data entry Page designed (integrated administration and batch entry SCREEN - 5 pages down to 1)

·  CASA-Like Reports (Up To Date Report and Immunization Coverage Reports)

·  Program Activity Tracker (Track VFC and Program related interventions across all 12 Grant Components)

·  Medicaid Well Child Forms

·  Medicaid Contact Management Functionality

·  Obesity Data Collection and Connections to Medicaid Data Collection

·  School Access (View Only Currently)

·  Ability to Import/Export the Vaccine Schedule for centralized maintenance and contracting

·  CDC Annual Report Generation- Non validated Dose Collection (Collect doses from WIC, HeadStart, Schools, etc. and Validate in Provider Offices)

·  Ability to create forms online and store within the Database

·  Ability to import past CASA/Co-CASA

·  Data Exchange (outbound completed, inbound pending)

·  VPD Surveillance Initiation Form (2008 deliverable)

·  Hep B. Surveillance Functionality (slated for2009)

ImmPact2 is provided free of charge to health care providers in Maine. To use the registry, providers are required to attend an ImmPact2 training session and sign an enrollment agreement.

The following instructions were developed for you to use as a resource within your practice to help increase immunization rates.

Each year, MIP conducts site visits to at least 25% of all Vaccine for Children (VFC) enrolled providers. If your practice is one of those identified as a provider that will be receiving a visit, your office will be sent a letter during the first quarter of the assessment year. This letter will notify you that an assessment report for your practice will be generated, using formal extracts that are run between the months of April and July.

Clinical Assessment Software Application (CASA) is a software application supplied by the CDC which the Maine Immunization Program uses to assist us when conducting our provider assessments. If you are a participating provider in the registry, MIP uses the request CASA extract functionality within the CASA software program to pull your data out of Immpact2 and bring that data into the CASA tool supplied by CDC. The information generated through this system is used by MIP when reviewing your immunization rates.

MIP has modified the system to allow you, the provider, to run these reports yourselves using links that have been set up in IMMPACT2. In this way, you can evaluate your patient immunization histories. By reviewing the information in the reports that are generated, you can take action to get your patients up to date and also identify patients that may no longer belong to your practice.

Note: If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you will need to pre-install prior to trying to use this functionality. You can get the Adobe Acrobat Reader by going to

The instructions below show you how to run the IMMPACT2 up to date reports. We encourage your office to run reports on your own on an ongoing basis to look at immunization rates within your practice. By comparing information from these reports with your client paper charts or EMR records, you are able to ensure information in IMMPACT2 is up to date. This will also allow you to identify patients who are not up to date on their immunizations. Your practice can than work towards getting them into the practice and up to date.

NOTE: The reports you can run are comparable to the reports used by MIP to assess your immunization coverage rates. The only difference is that the patient cohort MIP runs reports on is for 24-35 months old and your reports will pull 19-35 month olds.

Instructions for generating an Up-to-Date Report by

Patient Listing

Log onto IMMPACT2

From the blue menu bar on the left side of your screen, click on request uptodate rpt. This link is found under the Reports – Casa heading.

Verify that the Organization name shown on the screen is correct.

Verify that the Site name shown is correct. If you have multiple sites, choose the correct site from the drop down menu.

Under the Output Type Options, you are able to generate a report by either Patient Listing or Coverage Rates.

To generate a Patient Listing Report:

Click on the circle next to Patient Listing

Click Generate Report

The report page comes up and starts processing. Under the Practice Status Report Listing you will see the current day’s date and time under the Started column.

You can see in the example below that the Percent Complete column shows 10 percent.

To complete the process of generating the report you must click the refresh button on your browser or hit F5 button on your keyboard to refresh the screen. You should continue to click the refresh button or the F5 Button until the Percent Complete column shows 100.

Note: Practices with a large number of clients in age cohort 19-35 months may have to refresh several times before the report is able to be accessed.

Once Percent Complete changes to 100, the date & time stamp under the Started column will change to blue. Click on that blue link.

The system will open Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Click on the Open button of the File Download Window.

Note: If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you will need to pre-install prior to trying to use this functionality. You can get the Adobe Acrobat Reader by going to

The Immunization Coverage Report by Patient Listing will appear on your screen.

As you can see, the report shows a list of your patients in alphabetical order, last name first. The list includes a birth date for each patient. Also included is the responsible person or primary contact for that patient and a phone number for each contact. The final 2 columns show all vaccines that the patient is overdue and the past due date of when each particular vaccine should have been administered.

This report may be used for several different purposes.

1.  You can pull each patient paper chart or EMR record and compare immunization histories. Necessary updates to IMMPACT2 can be made to ensure all data entry into Immpact 2 is accurately up to date.

2.  If the patient is indeed missing any of the particular vaccinations shown, you can contact the responsible person at the phone number listed to schedule an immunization appointment.

3.  You can view your practices missed opportunities. For example, by looking at patients who have received a 4th DTaP, but did not receive an MMR (which should be given at the same immunization visit) you can tell if your office is not taking every available opportunity to immunize patients.

4.  If the report shows that the patient is missing immunizations, you can look at your records to see if 2 or more scheduled visits have been missed. If the patient has missed 2 or more scheduled visit, you may decide to inactivate this patient by using the Moved or Gone Elsewhere (MOGE) function. By inactivating from the last visit date, you will remove this patient from your CASA client list and, as a result, increase your immunization coverage rate.

The Immunization Coverage Report by Patient Listing will also provide you with a separate list of your patients who are up-to-date on their vaccinations. This portion of the report follows your overdue client list.

You can now print a copy of these documents or save a copy to your files. Once you are done, you can exit out of the report by clicking on the red box with the X in it that is located at the top right of your screen.

You can then log out of the system or continue with the following steps to generate a report by Coverage Rates.
Instructions for generating an Up-to-Date Report by

Coverage Rates

Log onto IMMPACT2 (if you are not already logged on)

From the blue menu bar on the left side of your screen, click on request uptodate rpt. This is found under the Reports – Casa heading.

Verify that the Organization name shown on the screen is correct.

Verify that the Site name shown is correct. If you have multiple sites, choose the correct site from the drop down menu.

Click on circle next to Coverage Rates

Click Generate Report

The report page comes up and starts processing. Under the Practice Status Report Listing you will see the current day’s date and time under the Started column.

You can see in the example below that the Percent Complete column shows 10 percent.

To complete the process of generating the report you must click the refresh button on your browser or hit F5 button on your keyboard to refresh the screen. You should continue to click the refresh button or the F5 Button until the Percent Complete column shows 100.

Note: Practices with a large number of clients in age cohort 19-35 months may have to refresh several times before the report is able to be accessed.

Once Percent Complete changes to 100, the date & time stamp under the Started column will change to blue. Click on that blue link.

The system will open Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Note: If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you will need to pre-install prior to trying to use this functionality. You can get the Adobe Acrobat Reader by going to

Click on the Open button of the File Download Window.

The Immunization Coverage Report by Coverage Rates will appear on your screen.

The first page of this report will show you your practices total patients within the chosen cohort, the number of your patients who are up to date and the number of your patients that are off schedule. You will also see the CASA-like rate of percent of patients up-to-date and percent of patients who are off schedule.

From these numbers, you will have an indication of what the Maine Immunization Program will find for your practices formal assessment rate.

The second page of this report, which is a graph, shows the percentage of your patients who are up-to-date and the percentage of those that are off-schedule. These are broken down by specific vaccine series.

Insert graph here

This graph can be used as a quick indicator of those vaccine groups to focus on in the near future.

The most frequently asked question in respect to this graph is “why are the individual antigens so high and my client total rate is so low?”


1.  The total is based on clients.

2.  The vaccine types are by vaccine missing.

Example: 6 clients, each missing 1 of the vaccine types will result in 83% rate by vaccine, yet 0% by client total.

You can now print a copy of this report or save to your files. Once you are done, you can exit out of the report by clicking on the red box with the X in it that is located at the top right of your screen.

You can then log out of the IMMPACT2 system.


S:\Immunize\Consumer Services\Webinars\UTD_ICR\webinar_utd_11062008_FINAL.doc