Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies!

Mrs. Harris

Listed below are guidelines for this school year. Included is what will be needed from each student as well as what will be expected. I am looking forward to an exciting school year!

Course of study and description

Eighth grade Social Studies is an exploration of American history from the Reconstruction Era up to and including current day events. We will study topics through teacher directed lectures, projects, reading and homework assignments. You can expect to work in cooperative groups and individually.


1. HOMEWORK: Students will receive brief homework assignments 3-4 times per week. Homework is essential to your success in this class. If a homework assignment is missed due to an absence, it is your responsibility to make up the assignment. Late work will be deducted 50%. Homework will not be accepted after the chapter test has been given.

2. NOTEBOOKS: A notebook will be kept for the entire year. Notebooks must be kept neat and follow the table of contents.

3. TESTS/PROJECTS: A test will be given at the end of each chapter. If you are absent the day of the test, you must make it up within a week of the absence. In class review sessions will take place the day before the test. You can expect to receive one project per quarter.

4. EXTRA HELP: Extra help is always available. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask. If you do poorly on an assignment, I will expect to see you for extra help. Do not wait until the last minute!


  1. BE KIND TO OTHERS. Put downs, insults and ridicules will not be tolerated. Respect for the opinions of others must be shown at all times.
  2. BE ON TIME, READY AND PREPARED TO WORK when the bell rings with all the required materials.
  3. SPEAK AT APPROPRIATE TIMES AND USE APPROPRIATE VOICES. Do not call out or talk without being called on.


Below are the class procedures we will use this year to ensure that each class runs smoothly. We must all work together to make this a great year.

  1. Entering class- Please be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Writing utensils-Use pen or sharpen pencils at the beginning of the class period.
  3. Homework-At the beginning of each class, copy any homework assignments posted on the board. They stay posted for the entire week. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class or it is late. **Sign up for remind text alerts.
  4. Asking questions-Raise your hand or wait to be called on.
  5. Absence-If you are absent, you will find any missed work in the daily folders on the front table.
  6. Handing back assignments-If you are absent when work is handed back, you may find the assignments in the class baskets in back of the room.
  7. Restroom-Students may not use the restroom during discussion or lecture. Only one student may use the restroom at a time. Use the passes hanging near the door.
  8. Testing-During testing, talking is not permitted. Raise your hand if you have a question.
  9. Noise level-When the “zero noise” signal is given during group work, stop and focus on the teacher.
  10. Classroom appearance-Clean up all garbage from your area and discard at the end of the period. When working on a group project, put away all art supplies in the front cabinets.
  11. Dismissal-I will dismiss the class, not the bell. Please push in your chair before leaving the room.
  12. Emergency procedures-Obey all other directions given during the class period, including emergency and fire drill procedures.

Negative Consequences

*Failure to comply with any of the above rules or procedures will result in any or all of the following*

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Phone call home
  3. School detention assignment
  4. In school or out of school suspension

Positive Consequences

*Students may be given any of the following rewards for demonstrating positive behaviors*

1. Verbal praise

  1. Positive note or phone call home
  2. Additional privileges
  3. Material incentives
  4. Recognition award

Content Covered in Social Studies

  1. Introduction and review
  2. Reconstruction-Chapter 18
  3. Immigration-Chapter 21
  4. Urbanization/Industrialization-Chapter 20
  5. The Westward Movement- Chapter 19
  6. The Progressives & Reformers-Chapter 22
  7. America Becomes a World Power-Chapter 23
  8. World War I-Chapter 24
  9. The Roaring Twenties-Chapter 25
  10. The Great Depression-Chapter 26
  11. World War II-Chapter 27
  12. The Cold War-Chapter 28
  13. Prosperity and Reform-Chapter 29
  14. New Directions-Chapter 30
  15. Exam Review and Preparation

I am looking forward to an exciting school year. If have any questions or problems, please see me immediately. I am here to help you make this a great year!

I understand Mrs. Harris’s course outline and my responsibilities in this class.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature