Screen Academy Scotland Short Course Booking Form

Your full name:______Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other______


Postcode:______Email Address ______

Daytime phone: ______Mobile phone:______

Please write in the course title, course date(s) and fee.

Course Title / Course Date(s) / Concession
(Yes/ no) / Please indicate concession you are eligible for. / Fee
1. / £
2. / £
ILA Scotland fund amount if relevant. Enter acct no here> / ILA ACCT NO. / £

Student Support

Do you have any specific requirements that we should be aware of inorder to facilitate your access to or learning on the course?

  • Yesplease specify______

How did you find out about the course?

  • Screen Academy Scotland: SASNewsletter SAS Website
  • Creative Scotland Opportunities
  • The Writer's Compass bulletin
  • Voluntary Arts Scotland
  • Screen HI newsletter
  • Women in Film and TV
  • Bectu newsletter
  • Filmbang advert
  • Twitter please specify Twitter acct if known ______
  • Personal Recommendation: please specify who______
  • Other: please specify______

Pay by cheque

Please make cheque or postal order payable to:Edinburgh Napier University.

Pay by credit card over the telephone

  • I would like to pay my fees by credit card

In order to comply with University Finance regulations, we now require that all credit card payments be made over the telephone. Please tick the box above indicating that you intend to pay by credit card and when we have received your booking form (either by email or post) and have confirmed your place on the course we will contact you to organise payment of your fees by phone.

Pay by company invoice

Please invoice my company for the fee

Company name: ______

Contact: ______

Company contact email: ______

Please complete, sign and send your booking form along with your payment to:

Screen Academy Scotland

Edinburgh Napier University

2A Merchiston Ave

Edinburgh EH10 4NU

Help with your course fees

Below are listed funding programmes that you might be eligible for to part fund your course. You still need to pay the relevant course fees (as above) as the funding schemes will reimburse you direct. Please let us know if you are applying for these funds as Screen Academy Scotland will have to confirm your attendance on the course.

  • I am approaching SDS Flexible Funding

Apply direct to SDS and if eligible they will reimburse you direct

  • I am approaching Creative Skillset Craft and Technical Bursary

Apply direct to Creative Skillset and if eligible they will reimburse you direct

NB: Please check with Creative Skillset which courses and areas they are offering a bursary for currently.

  • I am approaching Creative Skillset Health & Safety Funding for Training

Apply direct to Creative Skillset and if eligible they will reimburse you direct

NB: Please check with Creative Skillset which courses and areas they are offering a bursary for currently.

Creative Skillset web site:

Using an ILA Account to pay for your course fees

To use an ILA account to pay your course fees you must provide anactive ILA number on the booking form. Once we have received your ILA Account number, we will register you on the ILA website. A paper voucher will then be sent to you by ILA. To complete the payment of your fees you must sign and send the voucher to Screen Academy Scotland.

Terms & Conditions


In order to qualify for the reduced concession fee, you must supply a copy of a document showing you receive one of the following:

  • Income based Job Seekers’ allowance
  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Pension Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax Benefit
  • Fulltime Student (Student ID)
  • Screen Academy Scotland graduate (Edinburgh Napier/eca)
  • Staff (Edinburgh Napier/eca)

Cancellation policy

A fee of £25 is payable for all course cancellations within 10 working days prior to the start date of a course. NB:If you cancel a course 5 working days prior to the start date, full course fees will be charged. Payment will be taken from the credit card details that you have provided or an invoice will be raised by Edinburgh Napier University.

Our cancellation policy reflects the need to confirm course numbers in advance of the course start date in order to assess whether a course can run or not. . If you have any questions or wish to discuss extenuating circumstances please contact us at or 0131 455 2572.In the event that Screen Academy Scotland cancels a course, your fees will be fully refunded. We will endeavour to let you know no less than 5 working days prior to the start of the course if this is going to happen.

Data Protection Act 1998
Edinburgh Napier University complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal data provided to the University will be used in accordance with the University’s registration under the Data Protection Act and to comply with any statutory or legal requirements. Any questions regarding the Data Protection Act should be directed in writing to the Data Protection Officer, Edinburgh Napier University.

By signing this form you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions as outlined above.


Date: ___/_____/____