POP0812: B01001_001 (Population) Total Population ACS 2008 – 2012 5yr
HISPANIC: B03002_012 (Hispanic) Hispanic or Latino
WHITE_NH: B03002_003 (White) Not Hispanic or Latino: White alone
BLACK_NH: B03002_004 (Black) Not Hispanic or Latino: Black or African American alone
NTVAM_NH: B03002_005 (Native Am) Not Hispanic or Latino: American Indian and Alaska Native alone
ASIAN_NH: B03002_006 (Asian) Not Hispanic or Latino: Asian alone
HAWPI_NH: B03002_007 (Haw/PacIs) Not Hispanic or Latino: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
OTHER_NH: B03002_008 (Other Race) Not Hispanic or Latino: Some other race alone
TWOPLUS_NH: B03002_009 (Two Races+) Not Hispanic or Latino: Two or more races
MALE: B01001_002 (Male) Male Population
FEMALE: B01001_026 (Female) Female Population
AGELESS10: [B01001_003] + [B01001_004] + [B01001_027] + [B01001_028] (Age less than 10) Age 0 to 9
AGELESS18: [B01001_003] + [B01001_004] + [B01001_027] + [B01001_028] + [B01001_005] + [B01001_006] + [B01001_029] + [B01001_030] (Age less than 18) Age 0 to 17
AGE18_24: [B01001_007] + [B01001_008] + [B01001_009] + [B01001_010] + [B01001_031] + [B01001_032] + [B01001_033] + [B01001_034] (Age 18 to 24) Age 18 to 24
AGE25_34: [B01001_011] + [B01001_012] + [B01001_035] + [B01001_036] (Age 25 to 34) Age 25 to 34
AGE35_44: [B01001_013] + [B01001_014] + [B01001_037] + [B01001_038] (Age 35 to 44) Age 35 to 44
AGE45_64: [B01001_015] + [B01001_016] + [B01001_017] + [B01001_018] + [B01001_019] + [B01001_039] + [B01001_040] + [B01001_041] + [B01001_042] + [B01001_043] (Age 45 to 64) Age 45 to 64
AGE65PLUS: [B01001_020] + [B01001_021] + [B01001_022] + [B01001_023] + [B01001_024] + [B01001_025] + [B01001_044] + [B01001_045] + [B01001_046] + [B01001_047] + [B01001_048] + [B01001_049] (Age 65+) Age 65 or Older
AGE_0_9: [B01001_003] + [B01001_004] + [B01001_027] + [B01001_028] (Age - Chart) Age 0 to 9
AGE_10_19: [B01001_005] + [B01001_006] + [B01001_007] + [B01001_029] + [B01001_030] + [B01001_031] (Age - Chart) Age 10 to 19
AGE_20_29: [B01001_008] + [B01001_009] + [B01001_010] + [B01001_011] + [B01001_032] + [B01001_033] + [B01001_034] + [B01001_035] (Age - Chart) Age 20 to 29
AGE_30_39: [B01001_012] + [B01001_013] + [B01001_036] + [B01001_037] (Age - Chart) Age 30 to 39
AGE_40_49: [B01001_014] + [B01001_015] + [B01001_038] + [B01001_039] (Age - Chart) Age 40 to 49
AGE_50_59: [B01001_016] + [B01001_017] + [B01001_040] + [B01001_041] (Age - Chart) Age 50 to 59
AGE_60_69: [B01001_018] + [B01001_019] + [B01001_020] + [B01001_021] + [B01001_042] + [B01001_043] + [B01001_044] + [B01001_045] (Age - Chart) Age 60 to 69
AGE_70_79: [B01001_022] + [B01001_023] + [B01001_046] + [B01001_047] (Age - Chart) Age 70 to 79
AGE_80_PL: [B01001_024] + [B01001_025] + [B01001_048] + [B01001_049] (Age - Chart) Age 80 or Older
MED_AGE: B01002_001 (Median Age) Median Age
HOUSEHOLDS: B11001_001 Number of Households
FAMILYHH: B11001_002 Family Households
NONFAMHH: B11001_007 Non-Family Households
HHLDRALONE: B11001_008 Householder Living Alone
HHLDR_NALN: B11001_009 Householder Not Living Alone
HOUSING_UN: B25002_001 (Housing Units) Number of Housing Units
OCC_HU: B25002_002 (Occupied) Occupied Housing Units
VAC_HU: B25002_003 (Vacant) Vacant Housing Units
OWNED: B25003_002 (Owned) Owner Occupied Housing Units
RENTED: B25003_003 (Rented) Renter Occupied Housing Units
POP25PLUS: B15003_001 (Pop. 25+) Population 25 years or Older
NOHSDIPL: [B15003_002] + [B15003_003] + [B15003_004] + [B15003_005] + [B15003_006] + [B15003_007] + [B15003_008] + [B15003_009] + [B15003_010] + [B15003_011] + [B15003_012] + [B15003_013] + [B15003_014] + [B15003_015] + [B15003_016] (No HS Degree) Population 25 + without a High School Diploma
HSGRAD_SC: [B15003_017] + [B15003_018] + [B15003_019] + [B15003_020] + [B15003_021] (HS Grad / Some College) Population 25 + with a High School Diploma or Some College as their educational attainment level
BACHL_HGHR: [B15003_022] + [B15003_023] + [B15003_024] + [B15003_025] (Bachelors or Higher) Population 25 + with a Bachelors Degree or Higher level of educational attainment
MED_HH_INC: B19013_001 (Median HHld Income) Median Household Income
MED_FAM_IN: B19113_001 (Median Family Income) Median Family Income
PER_CAP_IN: B19301_001 (Per Capita Income) Per Capita Income
MED_YR_BLT: B25035_001 (Median Year Built) Median Year Housing Unit Built
MED_C_RENT: B25058_001 (Median Contract Rent) Median Contract Rent
MED_G_RENT: B25064_001 (Median Gross Rent) Median Gross Rent
MED_HM_VAL: B25077_001 (Median Value) Median Home Value for Owner Occupied Housing Units
CITZ_BIRTH: [B05001_002] + [B05001_003] + [B05001_004] (Citizen by Birth) US Citizen by Birth
CITZ_NAT: B05001_005 (Naturalized Citizen) US Citizen by Naturalization
NOT_CITZ: B05001_006 (Not a Citizen) Not a US Citizen
BORN_IN_CO: B05002_003 (Born in Colorado) Born in Colorado
BRN_OTH_ST: B05002_004 (Born in Another State) Born in Another State
NTV_B_O_US: B05002_009 (Born Outside US) Born Outside the United States (in a US Territory)
FOREIGN_B: B05002_013 (Foreign Born) Foreign Born
POP_1P: B07003_001 (Population Age 1+) Population 1 Year or Older
SAME_HOUSE: B07003_004 (Did not Move) Lived in the Same House as One Year Age
SAME_CNTY: B07003_007 (Moved within County) Moved within same County
SAME_STATE: B07003_010 (Moved; Different County) Moved from Different County Within Same State
DIFF_STATE: B07003_013 (Moved; Different State) Moved from Different State
FRM_ABROAD: B07003_016 (Moved from Abroad) Moved from Abroad
WRKRS_16PL: B08006_001 (Workers Age 16+) Workers 16 years and over
CAR_ALL: B08006_002 (Car) Drove a Car Truck or Van
CAR_ALONE: B08006_003 (- Drove Alone) Drove alone
CAR_CARPOO: B08006_004 (- Carpooled) Carpooled
PUBLIC_TRN: B08006_008 (Public Transportation) Used Public Transportation
PT_BUS: B08006_009 (- Bus) Used a Bus
PT_OTHER: [B08006_010] + [B08006_011] + [B08006_012] + [B08006_013] (- Other Transit) Used a form of Public Transportation other than a Bus
BIKE: B08006_014 (Biked) Biked to Work
WALK: B08006_015 (Walked) Walked to Work
TR_OTHER: B08006_016 (Other Transportation) Used other means to get to work (Taxi Motorcycle etc)
WRK_HOME: B08006_017 (Worked from Home) Worked at Home
W_16PL_NH: B08012_001 (Commuters) Workers 16 years and over who did not work at home
T_LESS_10: [B08012_002] + [B08012_003] (Commute < 10 min) Commute of Less than 10 minutes
T_10_19: [B08012_004] + [B08012_005] (10 min to 19 min) Commute from 10 to 19 minutes
T_20_29: [B08012_006] + [B08012_007] (20 min to 29 min) Commute from 20 to 29 minutes
T_30_39: [B08012_008] + [B08012_009] (30 min to 39 min) Commute from 30 to 39 minutes
T_40_59: [B08012_010] + [B08012_011] (40 min to 59 min) Commute from 40 to 59 minutes
T_60_PL: [B08012_012] + [B08012_013] (60 min +) Commute 60 minutes or longer
POP_3PL: B14001_001 (Population 3+) Population 3 years and over
ENROLLED: B14001_002 (Enrolled in School) Enrolled in School
PRESCHOOL: B14001_003 (Preschool) Enrolled in Preschool
KNDRGRTN: B14001_004 (Kindergarten) Enrolled in Kindergarten
GR_1_4: B14001_005 (Grades 1 to 4) Enrolled in Grade 1 to Grade 4
GR_5_8: B14001_006 (Grades 5 to 8) Enrolled in Grade 5 to Grade 8
GR_9_12: B14001_007 (Grades 9 to 12) Enrolled in Grade 9 to Grade 12
UNDERGRAD: B14001_008 (Undergraduate) Enrolled in College Undergraduate Years
GRAD_PROF: B14001_009 (Grad or Prof Sch) Enrolled in Graduate or Professional School
N_ENROLLED: B14001_010 (Not Enrolled) Not Enrolled in School
BLT_2010_P: B25034_002 (Built: 2010 – 2012) Built 2010 or later
B2000_2009: B25034_003 (Built: 2000 – 2009) Built 2000 to 2009
B1990_1999: B25034_004 (Built: 1990 – 1999) Built 1990 to 1999
B1980_1989: B25034_005 (Built: 1980 – 1989) Built 1980 to 1989
B1970_1979: B25034_006 (Built: 1970 – 1979) Built 1970 to 1979
B1960_1969: B25034_007 (Built: 1960 – 1969) Built 1960 to 1969
B1950_1959: B25034_008 (Built: 1950 – 1959) Built 1950 to 1959
B1940_1949: B25034_009 (Built: 1940 – 1949) Built 1940 to 1949
B1939_E: B25034_010 (Built: 1939 or Before) Built 1939 or Earlier
OWN_OCC_HU: B25075_001 (Owner Occupied) Owner Occupied Housing Units
V_L_50K: [B25075_002] + [B25075_003] + [B25075_004] + [B25075_005] + [B25075_006] + [B25075_007] + [B25075_008] + [B25075_009] (Value < $50k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Less than 50K
V50K_100K: [B25075_010] + [B25075_011] + [B25075_012] + [B25075_013] + [B25075_014] ($50k to $100k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 50K and 100K
V100K_150K: [B25075_015] + [B25075_016] ($100k to $150k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 100K and 150K
V150K_200K: [B25075_017] + [B25075_018] ($150k to $200k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 150K and 200K
V200K_250K: B25075_019 ($200k to $250k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 200K and 250K
V250K_300K: B25075_020 ($250k to $300k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 250K and 300K
V300K_400K: B25075_021 ($300k to $400k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 300K and 400K
V400K_500K: B25075_022 ($400k to $500k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 400K and 500K
V500K_750K: B25075_023 ($500k to $750k) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 500K and 750K
V750K_1M: B25075_024 ($750k to $1m) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Between 750K and 1M
V_1M_PLUS: B25075_025 ($1 million +) Value of Owner Occupied Housing Units Greater than 1M
RNT_OCC_HU: B25063_001 (Renter Occ. HU) Renter Occupied Housing Units
RNTL400: [B25063_003] + [B25063_004] + [B25063_005] + [B25063_006] + [B25063_007] + [B25063_008] + [B25063_009] (Rent < $400/mo) Gross Rent less than $400 per month
R400T599: [B25063_010] + [B25063_011] + [B25063_012] + [B25063_013] ($400 to $599) Gross Rent between $400 and $599 per month
R600T799: [B25063_014] + [B25063_015] + [B25063_016] + [B25063_017] ($600 to $799) Gross Rent between $600 and $799 per month
R800T999: [B25063_018] + [B25063_019] ($800 to $999) Gross Rent between $800 and $999 per month
R1000T1249: B25063_020 ($1,000 to $1,249) Gross Rent between $1000 and $1249 per month
R1250T1499: B25063_021 ($1,250 to $1,499) Gross Rent between $1250 and $1499 per month
R1500T1999: B25063_022 ($1,500 to $1,999) Gross Rent between $1500 and $1999 per month
R2000PL: B25063_023 ($2,000 +) Gross Rent $2000 per month or more
RNOCSHR: B25063_024 (No Cash Rent) No Cash Rent collected
PS_Uni: C17002_001 (Total Sample) Population for whom poverty status is determined
PS_BELOW: [C17002_002] + [C17002_003] (In Poverty) Population living below Poverty
PS_BEL150: [C17002_002] + [C17002_003] + [C17002_004] + [C17002_005] (Under 150% of Poverty) Population living below 150% of Poverty
PUNI_L18: [B17001_004] + [B17001_005] + [B17001_006] + [B17001_007] + [B17001_008] + [B17001_009] + [B17001_018] + [B17001_019] + [B17001_020] + [B17001_021] + [B17001_022] + [B17001_023] + [B17001_033] + [B17001_034] + [B17001_035] + [B17001_036] + [B17001_037] + [B17001_038] + [B17001_047] + [B17001_048] + [B17001_049] + [B17001_050] + [B17001_051] + [B17001_052] Population under 18 for whom poverty status is determined
PUNI_65PL: [B17001_015] + [B17001_016] + [B17001_029] + [B17001_030] + [B17001_044] + [B17001_045] + [B17001_058] + [B17001_059] Population 65 or older for whom poverty status is determined
POV_L18: [B17001_004] + [B17001_005] + [B17001_006] + [B17001_007] + [B17001_008] + [B17001_009] + [B17001_018] + [B17001_019] + [B17001_020] + [B17001_021] + [B17001_022] + [B17001_023] (Age Under 18 in Poverty) Population under 18 living in poverty
POV_65PL: [B17001_015] + [B17001_016] + [B17001_029] + [B17001_030] (Age 65 or Older in Poverty) Population 65 + living in poverty
AVGHHSIZE: B25010_001 (Avg HHld Size) Average Household Size
HHI_L20K: [B19001_002] + [B19001_003] + [B19001_004] (Income – Chart) Household Income Less than 20K
HHI20_30: [B19001_005] + [B19001_006] (Income – Chart) Household Income between 20K and 30K
HHI30_40: [B19001_007] + [B19001_008] (Income – Chart) Household Income between 30K and 40K
HHI40_50: [B19001_009] + [B19001_010] (Income – Chart) Household Income between 40K and 50K
HHI50_60: B19001_011 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 50K and 60K
HHI60_75: B19001_012 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 60K and 75K
HHI75_100: B19001_013 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 75K and 100K
HHI100_125: B19001_014 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 100K and 125K
HHI125_150: B19001_015 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 125K and 150K
HHI150_200: B19001_016 (Income – Chart) Household Income between 150K and 200K
HHI_200_PL: B19001_017 (Income – Chart) Household Income greater than 200K
CIV_NI_POP: B18101_001 (Universe) Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population
DISABLED: [B18101_004] + [B18101_007] + [B18101_010] + [B18101_013] + [B18101_016] + [B18101_019] + [B18101_023] + [B18101_026] + [B18101_029] + [B18101_032] + [B18101_035] + [B18101_038] (Disabled) Population with a disability
POP16_PLS: B23025_001 Population 16 years and over
LABORFORCE: B23025_002 In Labor Force
CIV_LF: B23025_003 In Labor Force: Civilian Labor Force
EMP: B23025_004 In Labor Force: Civilian Labor Force: Employed
UNEMP: B23025_005 In Labor Force: Civilian Labor Force: Unemployed
ARMEDFRCS: B23025_006 In Labor Force: Armed Forces
NOT_LF: B23025_007 Not In Labor Force
CIV_NI_P: B27001_001 (Universe) Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population
INSURED: [B27001_004] + [B27001_007] + [B27001_010] + [B27001_013] + [B27001_016] + [B27001_019] + [B27001_022] + [B27001_025] + [B27001_028] + [B27001_032] + [B27001_035] + [B27001_038] + [B27001_041] + [B27001_044] + [B27001_047] + [B27001_050] + [B27001_053] + [B27001_056] (Insured) Population with Health Insurance
NOT_INS: [B27001_005] + [B27001_008] + [B27001_011] + [B27001_014] + [B27001_017] + [B27001_020] + [B27001_023] + [B27001_026] + [B27001_029] + [B27001_033] + [B27001_036] + [B27001_039] + [B27001_042] + [B27001_045] + [B27001_048] + [B27001_051] + [B27001_054] + [B27001_057] (Uninsured) Population without Health Insurance