This contractis between NottinghamCommunity Housing Association acting as lead partner for NottinghamshirePartnership for Social Care Workforce Development,and the employer (name):
The fundingperiod
The employer will be able to claim eligible units (see page 2) completed during the following period: 1st January 2013 to 17th March 2014 inclusive.
Payment will be made upon the submission of the correct completed claim forms.The payment will be made by cheque to the employer.
Funding for QCF units is calculated on the credit size of the unit. Each credit will be funded at £15.00. QCF units vary in size between one and 12 credits so the amount of funding that can be claimed ranges from £15.00 to £180.00 per unit.
Conditions for payment
Skills for Care (SFC) will only release funding whenthe following requirements are met:
- The employer must fully complete or update their NMDS-SC establishment data (including organisational information) and provide us with the unique reference number.
- The employer mustupdate their NMDS-SC records fully (this includes the individual NMDS-SC worker records for 90% of your workers). Employers who update their NMDS-SC in line with current requirements at any time on or after 1st April 2013 will remain eligible for the period of this contract. If after reviewing the data nothing has changed, employers must click the section up to date link.
- Systematically uploading false and inaccurate data will not be accepted as fulfilling the requirements with respect to NMDS-SC completion.
The employer’s responsibilities
- To ensure that no profit is made from their claim. Funding from all sources – including free training – must not be more than the total cost of the training to the employer. The total cost can include the actual costs incurred by providing cover for staff work time spent on the unit/s claimed. This must be supported by evidence of the costs incurred.
- To inform their training provider that they will be claiming funding and to give them details of the units they are claiming.
- To keep records of all expenditure incurred in achieving the units claimed, including invoices. NCHA reserves the right to request copies of invoices in order to comply with SFC requirements. These records may also be subject to audit by Skills for Care andmust be kept for six years after the end date of this contract.
- To provide a report on the impact of the WDF on their staff skills levels, qualification levels and the quality of services provided to their customers/service-users.
- Employers who have their own assessment centres for NVQs, diplomas or other awards, may be required to demonstrate the costs per candidate of providing these awards.
- Not to claim SFC WDF funding through any other contract. (Employers can only be a member of one WDF contract).
- Not to mention the WDF agreement with SFC in any advertising or promotional material without first getting the written consent of SFC. Applications for consent must be passed to NCHA.
- To act in accordance with the Skills forCare policy statement on equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice in relation to any activities for which they receive funding.
- To be fully insured for liability to their employees and to the public at all times. NCHA reserves the right to request copies of employer’s insurance in order to comply with SFCrequirements.
- To inform NCHA in writing if their organisation becomes insolvent or if there is a change in ownership or control of the organisation.
- To inform NCHA in writing if any of their managers or staff are found guilty of any misconduct which affects the management of this contract.
NCHA's responsibilities
- To forward eligible claims to Skills for Care in line with contractual requirements.
- To notify employers where their claims are not eligible.
- To notify employers of changes to the funding contract including any restrictions on the number of units available.
- To make payments to employers for eligible units claimed within
20 working days of receiving the funding from Skills for Care.
- To provide employers with access to a complaints procedure (attached).
Skills for CareWorkforce Development Fund (WDF)
Skills for Care funding is a contribution towards the cost of staff training. Employersare expected to make a contributionto the overall cost of their staff training andmust be able to demonstrate the costs they have incurred.
Reclaiming of funding
NCHA reserves the right to reclaim funding if any of the above conditions have not been met, or inaccurate claims have been made.
Eligible units
The full list of units that employers can claim is set out in the Skills for Care document Workforce Development Fund, Eligible Units 2013-14available on the Skills for Care website.
Electronic and paper copies are available from NCHA on request.
Declaration of interest
If you or any other member of staff or the owner of your home/company holds any office or other interest or relationship with Skills for Care whether paid or voluntary, please declare it here.
I understand the contents of this contract and agree to comply withthe requirements set out in it.
For the employer:
Name of person responsible for the contract
Position in company……………………………………………......
You must complete this section to be eligible for funding.
Please enter your NMDS number C______
We cannot sign the contract without this number.
Please tickthebox/esthat apply.
Our organisation holds a contract to provide care services with:
City of Nottingham
Nottinghamshire County Council
Neither of these
Address for correspondence, including payments
Payment details:Cheques should be made payable to
For Nottinghamshire Partnership for Social Care Workforce Development
Signed……………………………………………….. Date……………………………
Richard Burke, Assistant Manager HR Training and Employability
Nottingham Community Housing Association, Lead Partner
Please sign both copies of this contract and return one copy to
Cheryl Henry, NCHA, 12-14 Pelham Road, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham,
NG5 1AP.
Please keep the second copy for your records
Nottingham Community Housing Association is the lead partner for Nottinghamshire Partnership for Social Care Workforce Development and is responsible for managing the Skills for Care Workforce Development Fund (WDF)contract. Employers who have a complaint about the management or administration of this contract should follow the procedure below.
Stage 1 Informal - NCHA
The employer should contact the Skills forCare (SFC) contract administrator at NCHA to discuss their complaint. The contract administrator will try to resolve the complaint at this point, and within 10 working days of the complaint being received.If this timescale cannot be met then the employer will be notified.
Cheryl Henry, Training Officer NCHA, 12-14 Pelham Road, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham, NG5 1AP tel 0115 8443375
Stage 2 Formal - NCHA
If the employer does not feel that the complaint has been satisfactorily resolved through the stage 1 process, they should put their complaint in writing to the SFC contract manager at NCHA. The contract manager will respond in writing within 10 working days of the complaint being received. If this timescale cannot be met then the employer will be notified.
Richard Burke, Assistant Manager HR Training and Employability, NCHA, 12-14 Pelham Road, Sherwood Rise, Nottingham, NG5 1AP
tel 0115 8443380
Stage 3 - Formal
If the employer does not feel that the complaint has been satisfactorily resolved through the stage 2 process, then they should put their complaint in writing to the contracts manager at Skills for Care head office.
Contracts Officer, Skills for Care, West Gate, Grace Street, Leeds LS1 2RP.
Please note that the SFC Contracts Manager may change from time to time.