Paper Tile (bold time new roman, font size 18, upto 14words)

First Author[1]

Affiliation of the first author, City, Country

Second Author[2]

Affiliation of the second author, City, Country


Self-contained abstract of up to 200 words, outlining in a single paragraph the aims, scope, and conclusions of the paper

Key words:maximum four keywords or phrases

1. Introduction

The original manuscript file should be submitted to the Editor by posting at Articles should be up to 6,000 words long, equivalent to 20 pages, although articles longer than 6,000 words will be accepted on an occasional basis, if the topic demands this length of treatment. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all manuscripts, whether original or revised, are accurately typed before final submission. Manuscripts may be returned to the author with a set of instructions if they are submitted in a form substantially different from our style.

2. Section Title

2.1 Subsection Title

Manuscripts should be typed single-sided and double-spaced with a 11-point font. Every page should be numbered. The footnotes, abstract, and references should also be double-spaced. Size A4 paper is preferred, with a left-hand margin of 20 mm.

Main body of text, suitably divided either under numbered side headings with un-numbered and un-titled paragraphs, or numbered main paragraphs with titles containing related, numbered subparagraphs for which further headings are optional (i.e., paragraph numbering 3., 3.1, 3.1.1, etc.).

2.2 More Subsection Title

The text should be organized under appropriate side or main paragraph headings, which, ideally, should not be more than 500-600 words apart. If side headings are used, they should be in capitals and placed on the left-hand side at the start of the related text, with a double-line space above and below. If main paragraph headings are used, they should be in capitals and placed at the beginning of the paragraph text with a double-line space above; the first line of subparagraphs should be indented with titles in italics. Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible, but not at the expense of clarity. Descriptive or explanatory passages, necessary as information but which tend to break up the flow of the text, should be put into appendices.

A sample equation is shown below.


3. More Section Title

3.1 Subsection Title

The Vanquver style system is the preferred reference system for stipulations not otherwise described below: References should be listed at the end of the paper, double-spaced and conforming to current Journal style. Corresponding bracketed numbers are used to cite references in the text [1]. For multiple citations, separate reference numbers with commas [2, 3], or use a dash to show a range [4–7]. Reference citations in the text should be in numerical order. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) should be incorporated in every reference for which it is available (see the first reference example). For more information on DOIs, visit or

4. More Section Title


The Acknowledgment section, if used, must be placed before the References. Sponsorship or financial support acknowledgment should be included here. The Acknowledgement section and the References must not be numbered.


[1]Wang, Z., Behal, A., and Marzocca, P., “Adaptive and Robust Aeroelastic Control of Nonlinear Lifting Surfaces with Single/Multiple Control Surfaces: A Review”, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2010, pp. 285-302.


[2]Oksanen, T., and Visala, A., “Coverage path planning algorithms for agricultural field machines”, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol. 26, Issue 8, 2009, pp. 651-668.

[3]LaValle, S. M., Planning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006.

[4]Volpe, R., “Techniques for Collision Prevention, Impact Stability, and Force Control by Space Manipulators”, Teleoperation and Robotics in Space, edited by S. B. Skaar and C. F. Ruoff, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, Washington, DC, 1994, pp. 175–212.

[5]Liang, Y., and Lee, H., “Decentralized formation control and obstacle avoidance for multiple robots with nonholonomic constraints”, Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2006.

Appendix A

An Appendix, if needed, appears after the references.

List of tables

Table 1. Table Title here

List of Figures

Fig. 1. Figure Title

Originals of tables used in the text (each on a separate sheet).

Table 1.Table Title here

Case / Grid size / / Remarks
1 / / 0.017049 /
2 / / 0.008602
3 / / 0.004320
4 / / 0.002165

Originals of illustrations used in the text (preferably with captions on a separate sheet or well separated from the illustration to enable scanning).

Fig. 1.Figure Title


[1] Ph. D Student

[2] Professor, Corresponding author: e-mail address