Our time in the USA is nearing an end. It has been an enjoyable – if unusually cold! – time. By the time we finish, we will have visited 23 churches, 8 Christian schools and numerous individual supporters and friends. At times it was tiring but it was always a blessing to us, because the churches and supporters we met with are the kind and generous people who make our ministry possible. We hope and pray that the Lord used our visits to encourage and bless the people we met.

During this home service, we raised our goal of $18,000 to replace our 1998 Caravan with a newer mission vehicle. We are pleased to announce that we now have a 2007 Chrysler Town and Country (pictured below) to drive down to Mexico City in. Many thanks to the Lord and to everyone who made this possible.

I (Dave) also took some time for personal growth. I did a lot of reading and took a helpful seminar at Calvin Seminary. I especially enjoyed the helpful Getting Things Done by David Allen and the heart-wrenching Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario. For pastors I highly recommend the brand new Stories with Intent by Klyne Snodgrass, on the parables of Jesus.

Home service was a mixed blessing when it came to our health. Sure, we got glasses and dental checkups, and we made some mild progress on Blanca’s sleeplessness. But home service was pretty rough on our waistlines. First, we got home just in time for the holiday feasts. Since then, just about every Sunday has provided us with a delicious church potluck. And most visits with supporters were over lunch, supper or dessert. Pray for the new car to be able to handle the extra weight we take with us to Mexico!

Prayer requests as we return to Mexico

·  For all the things we need to get done before we leave.

·  For our visas and passports to get processed and arrive before we need to leave.

·  For Blanca’s continued quest for good sleep.

·  For us as we struggle with mixed emotions – sadness to leave family and friends here, eagerness to return to our life, ministry and friends in Mexico. Remember our children Daniel and Alexandra especially in this regard.

·  For safe travel on the road, and an easy time crossing the border. Lord willing, we will leave Michigan on June 17 or 18 and after visiting a church in Houston we will arrive in Mexico City on June 24.

·  For me (Dave) as I take on exciting new ministry responsibilities -- and the adjustments needed to make me most effective as I carry them out. I plan to write more about them in our next prayer letter.

Thanks again to all of you who support us in so many ways. In Christ,