San Dieguito River Park Trails Committee Meeting Notes

August 12th, 2014, 12:30pm to 2:00pm

Shawna Anderson

Jeff Barnouw

Terry Badger

Susan Carter

Ed Spaeth

Carol Carr

Tony Joseph

1.  Status Reports

c. Pamo Valley Trail: The permit application was submitted to City of San Diego.

d. Craig Ranch: Staff is working with SDRVC on a feasibility study to add a bridge where the trail must cross wetlands near Morgan Run Golf Course. SDRVC may have a donor to pay for the study. A trail leading to San Dieguito Rd is needed, but it crosses City of San Diego land where a threatened bird species may be present.

h. Boardwalk update: Staff submitted a Coastal Commission permit amendment to delete language that would remove the boardwalk.

2.  Trails around Lake Sutherland dam

a. Ed said the Ramona Trails Assn. may replace their lost staging area sign. Don Wendt, as RTA President, will propose adding “Coast to Crest Trail” to the new sign. Ed believes RTA has funds to pay for the new sign.

b. Ed said he and Don are waiting for Jason’s return next week, hoping to schedule an exploratory hike with Jason from the dam to the Santa Ysabel Gorge area.

c. Carol said she will attend the SDRVC hike at Lake Sutherland on Aug. 23rd and will bring pictures and maps of the hike to our next meeting.

3.  Update on Ranger Bryan Ward’s new directional signs

Carol distributed her notes from the July 8th site visit to the Piedras Pintadas and Bernardo Bay Trails.

She said we found 10 locations for directional signs, including several in the staging area (see Attachment #1). We have 8 other suggestions, including repairs to the interpretive panels mounted on rocks near the start. Susan said there are already plans to replace the panels, and noted a recent $5000 grant from Supervisor Roberts for signage. Staff will consider how best to use the grant for directional signs and/or interpretive panels. With technology improvements, Dick thinks placing QR codes might be a better option than panels. We discussed finding 3 locations near the Senior Center building with supports for benches but the bench itself is missing; possibly the Senior Center staff could take on replacing the benches.

4.  Update 2006 Gap Analysis Binders

Carol said as of April 2006 all committee members had a binder with maps and status on each gap in the trail system. Susan suggested the committee should update the Gap Analysis binders, which were used to help the committee focus on what the committee can do to complete the gaps. Carol handed out “Table 1: Trail Status” along with 5 of the 10 gap analysis pages on the trails that are unfinished. (See Attachment #2.) Susan said that eventually the CAC and the JPA may need to seek buy-in from public meetings for the final trail designs, and records such as Shawna’s “Reach the Beach” feasibility study should be in the Gap Analysis binder. Ed said this should be considered a strategic plan, and as a member of the County Parks Advisory Committee, he may have some ability to help implement the plan. The 10 gaps on “Table 1” are not a complete picture. We need to identify and list other gaps, such as the one mile on Farmers Road separating Santa Ysabel East and Volcan Mountain Trails. Susan said we must update the Gap Analysis with action items and add what we already know. Ed presented recommendations for the gaps between Sutherland Dam and Santa Ysabel East Preserve (See Attachment #3).

5.  Other

a. North Coast Corridor/SANDAG railroad platform at the fairgrounds is funded up to the 60% engineering drawings, however, our trail is not included. The 1000 ft. platforms planned may be an obstacle for accommodating our trail.

b. Lake Hodges bench that David Leigh arranged for was recently installed by the rangers.

6.  Next meeting date: Tuesday, Sept. 16th, 12:30pm, at the River Park offices.