Amendments to BV Rules Part A applicable from the 1st Jan 2008.
Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2.2]: Amendments in accordance with PR 29 Rev.4 (Jun 2007) and related to the contract of construction of series of ships.
Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.5.1]: Addition of a note referring toNR 533 (Approval of Service Suppliers) which includes the requirements of UR Z17 Rev.6 (June 2007).
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.2] and [4.4.2]: Addition of applicability forCPS(WBT), in accordance with IACS PR 34 (Dec 06) and clarification of examples.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.2]:Introduction of the additional service feature asphalt carrierfor the service notation oil tanker.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.4]: Clarification for ships intended to carry only one type of cargo.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.5]: Clarification of example.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.4.6]:Editorial corrections and clarification for ships intended to carry only one type of cargo.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.3]: Clarification that ships assigned with the service notation yacht and having alength less than 24 m are not submitted to annual surveysfor hull and machinery.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.11.4]:Editorial correction in accordance with NR 490 (Crew boats) related to the length.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [5.1.1]:Amendments in accordance with NR 500 (Rules for the Classification and the Certification of Yachts) and related tothe assignment of navigation notationsfor yachts and charter yachts.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.7.1]:Clarification related to verification of levels for the additional class notation COMF.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.12]and Tab 2Ch 1, App1, Tab 5:
Addition of reference toNR 526 (Rules for the Classification and the Certification of Cranes onboard Ships and Offshore Units) and clarification that NR 184 (Rules for the Classification and the Certification of Lifting appliances of Ships and Offshore Units)applies for derricks including union purchase use.
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.13.11]:Clarification and up-dating of IMO reference standard.
Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2.1]: Addition of a note for clarification related to transfer of class at ship’s delivery.
Ch 2, Sec 2, [1.1.4]:Amendments in accordance with UR Z3 Rev.4 (Oct 2006), UR Z 7 Rev.14 (Oct 2006), UR Z 18 Rev.2 (Oct 2006), UR Z 21 Rev.2 (Oct 2006) and related to commercial ships owned or chartered by Administrations which are utilized in support of military operations or service.
Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.2]:Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to spaces for bulk carriers.
Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.3.4] and [2.4.1]: Addition of a note referring toNR 533 (Approval of Service Suppliers) which includes the requirements of UR Z17 Rev.6 (June 2007).
Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.5.2], [2.5.3], [2.5.4], [2.5.5], [2.5.6], [2.5.7], [2.5.8]:Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007), UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007), UR Z10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to preparations and conditions for surveys.
Ch 2, Sec 2, [5.4.6]:Editorial corrections related to service notations HSC.
Ch 2, Sec 3, [1.1.1]: Clarification related to treatment of class withdrawal in the Register.
Ch 3, Sec 1, [1.1.1]: Addition of a note clarifying that ships assigned with the service notation yacht and having alength less than 24 m are not submitted to annual surveysfor hull and machinery.
Ch 3, Sec 1, [3.1.4] and [3.2.1]:Editorial corrections.
Ch 3, Sec 3, [3.8.2. c)]:Clarifications related to deep fat cooking equipment.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.1.5]: Transfer of previous paragraph in [4.2.2] and addition of a paragraph in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev. 23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev. 5 (Feb 2007) and related to the extent of thickness measurements.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.2.1], [1.2.3]: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to documentation on board.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.4]: Addition of new rule requirements [1.4.1], [1.4.2] in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to conditions for survey.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.5.1], [1.5.2]: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to access to structures.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [1.5.3], [1.5.4] and Tab 8: Clarification in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.25 (July 2007) and related to cape size bulk carriers.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [2.1]: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev. 23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to hatch covers and coamings annual surveys.
Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1 and Tab 2:Amendments in accordance with respectively UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to annual surveys of piping and penetrations for bulk carriers between 10 and 15 years of age.
Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 3: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and related to intermediate surveys for existing bulk carriers with coated or recoated cargo holds.
Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 5 and Tab 6: Amendments in accordance with UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007).
Ch 4, Sec 2,[4.1] : Amendments of rule requirements [4.1.1], [4.1.2], [4.1.3], [4.1.4]and deletion of rule requirement [4.1.5] in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to survey programme and preparation for survey.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [4.2]: Addition of new rule requirements [4.2.1], [4.2.2], [4.2.3] in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to survey planning meeting.
Ch 4, Sec 2, [4.4]: Amendments for the rule requirement [4.4.1] and addition of the new rule requirements [4.4.2] and [4.4.3] in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to hatch covers and coamings
Ch 4, Sec 2, [4.5.5]: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.2 Rev.23 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.5 Rev.5 (Feb 2007).
Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.1.5]: Transfer of previous paragraph in [6.2.2] and addition of a paragraph in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to the extent of thickness measurements.
Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2.1], [1.2.3]: Amendments in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to documentation on board.
Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.4]:Addition of rule requirements [1.4.1] and [1.4.2] in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to conditions for survey.
Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.5]:Addition of rule requirements [1.5.1] and [1.5.2] in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) and related to access to structures.
Ch 4, Sec 3, former [2.3.3] and [4.2.3]: Deletions in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev. 14 (Feb 2007)and related to ballast tanks adjacent to heated cargo tanks for single hull oil tankers.
Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.1]: Amendments of rule requirements [6.1.1], [6.1.2], [6.1.3], [6.1.4]and deletion of rule requirement [6.1.5] in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to survey programme and preparation for survey.
Ch 4, Sec 3, [6.2]: Addition of rule requirements [6.2.1], [6.2.2], [6.2.3] in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) and UR Z 10.4 Rev.5 (Feb 2007) related to survey planning meeting.
Ch 4, Sec 3, former [6.3.4]: Deletions in accordance with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007) related to ballast tanks adjacent to heated cargo tanks for single hull oil tankers.
Ch 4, Sec 3, Tab 1 and Tab 2:Editorial alignment with UR Z10.1 Rev.14 (Feb 2007).
Ch 4, Sec 5, [3.2.1]: Addition of a reference to note 1.
Ch 4, Sec 5, [7.1.2] and [7.1.3]:Amendments in connection with UR Z 16 Rev1 (Mar 2006) and related to surveys of electrical equipments.
Ch 4, Sec 7, Fig 3: Editorial correction.
Ch 4, Sec 8, [13.2]: Deletionof requirement.
Ch 5, Sec 10, [10.3.1]: Editorial corrections.
Ch 6, App 1 [1.1.1]:Editorial correction.