Put your title here using 18 point, Arial, centered, bold
--- blank line between title and authors (14 Point)
Gil Dong Hong 1, Gu Ryo Ko 2, and Chul Soo Kim 3* 12.5 point Arial
--- blank line here (12 Point)
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Alfa University, Seoul, Korea
2 Department of Architecture Engineering, Beta University, Seoul, Korea
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gamma University, Seoul, Korea
* Corresponding author (email address)affiliation in12 point, Arial italic
--- blank line here (12 Point)
Copy and paste here the final accepted text of your abstractin 9 point Arial..
--- blank line here (9 Point)
Keywords: Maximum 1 line, 9 point Arial italic
--- blank line here (12 Point)
It is recommended that you use this Microsoft Word file as a template as you prepare your extended abstract. Size of paper should be A4. Paper margin should be 2cm (up, down, left, right). Font should be Arial,size 9.5 point with a line spacing of 1.15 for the whole document. Indentation on the first line of paragraphs is not required. Text is filled out and hyphenated.
Total length of the paper is usually 6 pages, but may be somewhat shorter of longer, when needed by the content of the paper.
--- blank line between paragraphs of 9.5 points
Figures and tables
The book will be printed in black and white. Please print your final (camera-ready) copies in black and white mode, and then check that any color figures in your document are legible. If a graph has red marks and blue marks, for example, both will become grey when you print in black and white - so do check that the reader won’t get confused as a result. All figures should be integrated in the text and we suggest it is best to use the “inline” placement option in Word. A “figure” style and “figure caption” style are provided in this template.
The figure and table captionsare in Arial, size 9 pointsitalic.
Text in tables are in Arial 9 points.
Headings in text
A maximum of three headings are accepted. The format of heading 1 is Arial size 10, small caps, the format of heading 2 is Arial size 9.5 bold and for heading 3 this is Arial, size 9.5 italic.
Heading 1
Xerum, illa vellabore sam qui sus re que sus, quis et quidiandel ex ent maionsed mod ut occae. Ut as dem es eiciissed quae plis atet proria vit aut laturehende endae. Aquia nit dolorporem quam res modigendam ipidessi aut ulpa nem quis net estiorem volestis eatquae. Asperun diciis conet landaerspero dem hilitatem ipictas si doles est, corem eribus siminto rerorem faccabo reseque magnihillor sent ent.
Heading 2
Udae non resedignimos modiam ea is ut vellanditat ium resto maio. Itaspel magnam rest, is dignima ximus, consect endiasin et fuga. Bus dolore et pro dolorem ea conectur?Ces es nonsedis as nulparum sitaquis et vitis volest, volora pos et ex eaqui doluptament voluptus remporest, si temporp ossinct atiassi soloratestem reseribus.
Heading 3
Lutemque venim verit faccaborum nem atiumet eatiumque niet laboreh eniatin ihicate eum in et laccus senemquis nesequi aut re ommolorit faceati oreperit idesece strunt quae nam eiunt il. Aquia nit dolorporem quam res modigendam ipidessi aut ulpa nem quis net estiorem volestis eatquae. Asperun diciis conet landaerspero dem hilitatem ipictas si doles est.
Fig.1. Relationships between crosslink density for the rubber specimens SBR No.1 to No.12 and the moduli M100 , M300
References in the text should be numbers in superscript like this1, and then there should be a key to such numbers at the end, as shown below in Arial 9 points. These examples also show the expected reference format:
1.Bell, J., “A Mixed-use Renaissance”, Mortgage Banking, Vol. 5(8), pp. 66, 2004.
2.Flynn, L., “Developing a Winning Combination”, Building Design and Construction, Vol. 44(3), pp. 26-32, 2003.
3.Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Mixed Use Development: Concept and Realities, RICS Research, 1996.