Advanced Education
Template for Designation Eligibility Review of Programs from Public Institutions
(to be used for programs that do not require ministerial approval)
Program nameProposed program ID
Program type / X / Provider contact
New program / E-mail
Credential / Certificate
Select one. / Diploma
Primary funding source
Describe source.
Program length—years/weeks
Program start and end dates
Program overview
Describe the program, content, target student group, target employment, further education options, etc.
Provider comments
Include information about brokering or contractual arrangements, status of any program accreditation or approval by an outside body, etc.
Section B: Detailed System Coordination Analysis
Fit with mandate and business planHow does the proposed program fit with the institution’s mandate and business plan?
Relationship to existing programs at the institution
How does the proposed program fit with other programs at the institution, in terms of program type, student mix, and instructional expertise? What are the anticipated impacts (positive or negative) on existing programs?
Similarity or relationship to other programs (in the region, province, country)
How does the program fit within Alberta’s post-secondary system? Which programs does it complement/compete with? If there is duplication, how is it warranted? What are the laddering opportunities to/from the program? What features make the program unique?
Consultation with other Alberta institutions offering similar programs
What consultations have taken place with institutions thatoffer similar programs or that may be affected by the implementation ofthe program? What are the potential student transfer arrangements?
What alternatives exist and why is this proposal the best strategy for the system?
Why is a new program being developed? Is brokering or expanding an existing program an alternative? How will the system benefit from designating theproposed program rather than reviewing the proposal for ministerial approval?
Section C: Marketability Assessment
Results of student demand analysisWhat steps have been taken to assess student demand (Application Submission Initiative data; student inquiries, surveys, wait lists, etc.)? What are the qualitative/quantitative results? What is the institution’s plan for student recruitment and selection?
Results of labour market demand analysis
What steps have been taken to assess regional, provincial, and national labour market demand (e.g. employer surveys, job ads, etc.)? What are the qualitative/ quantitative results? Provide statistical evidence of reasonable labour market demand for program graduates.
Evidence of support from industry, employers, professional organizations, other institutions
Which employers, professional associations, regulatory bodies, and institutions were consulted, and which of themhave provided letters in support of the program?
Work Experience/Clinical/Practicum
If work experience, clinical, or practicum is part of the program, provide evidence of employers willing toprovide placements. If students are paid during this work experience please provide their estimated hourly/weekly income.
Employability outcomes
What are the expected outcomes of the program in terms of employment? How will this program fit into a student’s career path or lifelong learning plan?
Provide an estimated hourly starting wage for graduates of this program.
Section D: Demonstration of Financial Viability
Provide the program budget, including the applicable sources of revenue in the following categories. If program implementation will occur over a number of years, provide data for each year up to full implementation.
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3Annual budget amount
(projected expenditures)
Institution financial contribution
(list source)
Tuition revenue amount
(total anticipated amount)
Partner contributions amount
(list source – e.g. corporate, employer, or foundation support)
Student tuition rate
(per student/FLE tuition)
Provider comments
Provide a brief explanation of the budget information included in the funding table. Identify anticipated in-kind contributions by the institution or by corporations/employers.
Anticipated impact on internal resources
If institutional resources will be a source of revenue, what is the source of funding (e.g.: fundraising, industry)? What will the impact be onother programs and service areas (e.g.: student services, library, facilities)?
Anticipated financial impact on students and Students Finance
How does the tuition fee compare with similar programs at the institution and across the system? What is the anticipated percentage of students who will seek SF support?
Provide a detailed breakdown of the program costs (e.g. tuition, fees, books, supplies, other).
Section E: Evaluation Plan
Procedures for evaluationWhat are the institution’s procedures for program evaluation?
Performance measures and expected outcomes or performance targets
Identify the employment rate and graduate ratetargets that will be used to measure success of the program. Provide any additional performance indicators that will also be used.
Appendix A—curriculum and program structureList course names, numbers, credits/hours; practicum credits/hours; course descriptions; and total instructional hours showing the program delivery plan. Describe how the program will be delivered (e.g. full-time vs. part-time).
Appendix B—other
Include any additional information in support of the proposal.
List proposed enrolment data. Provide data for each year up to full implementation.
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3Total full-time or part-time
Full-time year 1
Full-time year 2
Full-time year 3
Part-time year 1
Part-time year 2
Part-time year 3
Total FLE number
FLE year 1
FLE year 2
FLE year 3
Number of graduates
Provider comments
Provide clarification of or additional information about the data in the enrolment table.
Specialization(Specialization name will be the same as the program name unless there are two or more specializations in the program. If two or more specializations are being proposed, please duplicate the information below for each specialization proposed)
Specializationname / Nature of change / NewSpecializationcode / Implementation date / dd-mmm-yyyy
Specialization Load/Length
Program Length (Years) / Year of Study / Session Length (Weeks) / Practicum Length (Weeks) / Actual Weeks / Practicum Adjustment Factor / Actual Load / Adjusted Actual Load / Full Load / FLE Value1
Year of Study / Maximum Potential Credits/Hours
Summer / Fall / Winter / Spring
Instruction / Practicum / Instruction / Practicum / Instruction / Practicum / Instruction / Practicum
Institution Review and Approval
Vice President Academic: / Date:Contact Information: Phone: / Email:
The Student Finance Designation Template is to be completed and signed by the VP Academic when requesting a designation review for programs that do not require Ministerial approval. The completed Template can be returned to my attention either by e-mail, mail, or fax.
In addition, the following is the criteria used when reviewing these types of programs for student financial assistance eligibility:
- The program must lead to a certificate or diploma
- The program must be a minimum of 12 weeks in length
- Designation will be provided for 3 years or a shorter period if appropriate after consultation with the institution
- There must be assurance of reasonable prospects for employability of the program graduates
- And if appropriate, approval of an existing regulatory authority is required
- If you have questions regarding the designation process please contact Cathy Christie at:
Cathy Christie, Designation Officer
Alberta Advanced Education and Technology
Private Vocational Training Branch
10th Floor, Commerce Place
10155 – 102 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 4L5
Phone: (780) 427-5609
Fax: (780) 427-5920
New Program Proposal Template1