The Citadel Board of Visitors held its monthly meeting in the Scarborough Multimedia Room, Holliday Alumni Center, at 0900 hours on 2 December 2011.

The following members were present: Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Chair; Colonel Glenn D. Addison, Vice Chair; Colonel Allison Dean Love; Colonel W. Thomas McQueeney; Colonel Fred L. Price, Jr.; Lieutenant Colonel Ben W. Legare, Jr.; Lieutenant General W. Michael Steele; Colonel Dylan W. Goff; Lieutenant General John B. Sams, Jr.; Colonel Tecumseh Hooper; and Colonel Leonard C. Fulghum, Jr., member emeritus. Also in attendance were President John W. Rosa and senior members of his staff. Mr. Dawes Cook, outside counsel, and Mr. Frank E. Gibson, III, representing The Citadel Alumni Association, were also present. Members of the local media attended as well.

Voting members absent: Colonel James M. McQuilla.

The meeting followed the agenda at enclosure 1.

Colonel Myron Harrington, Board Secretary, stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act in that notice had been posted in Bond Hall 24 hours in advance and local media sources were notified electronically and by fax.

A motion to go into executive session for legal matters was made by Colonel McQueeney, seconded by Colonel Love, and unanimously passed.

A motion to come out of executive session was made by Colonel Legare, seconded by Colonel McQueeney, and unanimously passed.

Chair Snyder appointed Colonels Goff, McQueeney and Addison to serve with him on an ad hoc committee to interview potential attorneys to work with the Board and administration in regards to ongoing legal matters.

Brigadier General Thomas J. Elzey, Executive Vice President, introduced Mr. John D. Walda, President and CEO of the National Association of College and University Business Officers, who addressed the board on the multitude of challenges confronting governance in higher education.

The Citadel Board of Visitors Meeting Minutes

2 December 2011

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Mr. Walda shared his experiences as a board member at several colleges and working with higher education boards in his current capacity. His presentation was insightful, informative and provided ideas and examples for the board to review regarding board structure, strategic initiatives, risk management and alignment with other institutional entities.

Chair Snyder thanked Mr. Walda for his excellent presentation.

President Rosa was called on for remarks.

President Rosa provided the board with a comprehensive review of the multitude of initiatives that had been developed since his inauguration in 2006 to change the climate and culture of the college so that respect for others and respect for self is a trait each and every cadet internalizes and personifies. His goal is to ensure an appropriate process is in place to make certain every cadet receives the training and experience they need to develop into a principled leader. He outlined the numerous programs initiated to accomplish this and highlighted the emphasis on principled leadership development since 2006. Key among these programs was the hosting of an annual leadership symposium where student leaders from the U. S. military academies, other military schools, and civilian colleges and universities send their developing student leaders to hear from military and corporate leaders. In 2006, the summer camp was closed and all the policies for children’s programs at the college were reviewed and revised. He reviewed security enhancements taken as a result of the tragedy that took place on the Virginia Tech campus in 2008.

In closing, he noted that all current policies and programs are being reviewed to ensure the safety and security of cadets and others who participate in college sponsored events and programs. He emphasized the college’s commitment to transparency in handling issues of a public nature.

President Rosa introduced Ms. Janet Shealy, Director of Cadet Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE), a position the college established in 2007 to respond to the results of a 2006 cadet survey which indicated sexual assault/harassment were issues of concern.

Ms. Shealy complimented the president’s presentation by detailing her myriad duties and responsibilities in advocating for students who have been affected by a sexual incident. Additionally, she develops plans, coordinates, implements, teaches and

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2 December 2011

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supervises all aspects of the sexual assault/harassment awareness educational programs for students, faculty and staff.

In describing the critical role she has in helping to change the culture of the Corps, Ms. Shealy stressed the following responsibilities:

·  Primary point of contact for the college and community to coordinate sexual assault/harassment victim care

·  Advocate for students who have been affected by sexual assault, rape or harassment

·  Principal advisor to the Commandant of Cadets and the college’s leadership team on women’s issues

·  Advisor to cadet women’s and men’s groups

·  Constantly assessing and adjusting the responsibilities of her programs based on societal and Corps trends

She pointed out that the Spring 2011 Social Climate Survey showed:

·  An increase in the percentage of cadets who know the definition of sexual assault/harassment and how to report

·  An increase in the percentage of cadets who acknowledge actions are being taken by the administration to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct

In closing, she discussed the following areas of improvement that her office is working on:

·  Increasing the percentage of women in the Corps

·  Achieving consistency in procedures and compliance throughout the battalions and companies

·  Changing the misperceived “traditions” and practices of the Corps

·  Countering a society that promotes a climate ripe for sexual assault and sexual harassment

Chair Snyder thanked Ms. Shealy for her excellent presentation.

Colonel Tecumseh Hooper, Chair of the Finance Committee, was called on for a financial update for the first quarter of FY 2012.

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2 December 2011

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Colonel Hooper reviewed the first quarter’s results highlighting the following:

·  Projected enrollment is estimated to be higher than budgeted

·  In-state vs. out-of-state ratio will be approximately 50-50; we originally budgeted 46% in-state vs. 54% out-of-state.

·  Expenditures trending lower than budgeted

·  Lapsing salaries trending higher than budgeted

Colonel Hooper presented the following Finance Committee motion for action:


“That the Board of Visitors approves step 2 of The Citadel’s Employee Recognition Plan as presented by the administration.”

Following discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Colonel Hooper closed by complimenting the staff for their professionalism in supporting the conduct of the college’s annual audit which resulted in a “clean” audit report.

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Colonel McQueeney, seconded by Colonel Goff, and unanimously passed.

Meeting adjourned at 1145 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Myron C. Harrington, Jr.

Colonel, USMC (Retired)

Secretary to the Board of Visitors