STEP 1: Complete ONE Ed Benefit Review for for EACH IEP Year—1 (3 years ago), 2, and 3 (current year)
NEEDS / PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids / Services / Goals / Objectives / Programs and Services / ProgressWhat needs are listed in the PLAAFP? / List the supplementary aids and services? / List the goals and objectives / benchmarks? / What are the programs and services? / What evidence of progress is available and did the student meet the goals?
STEP 2:Analyze the Relationship among Components: ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
NEEDS / PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids / Services / Goals / Objectives / Programs and Services / ProgressAre the needs in the PLAAFP the PRIMARY ones related to the disability andaccessprogress inthe general educationcurriculum and environments compared to peers?
Where is each need addressed in the IEP? / Does EACH supplementary aid and service addressa need(s) specificallylisted in the PLAAFP?
Are Universal Supports for students with ASD considered / addressed? / Does each goal specifically address a need(s) listed in the PLAAFP?
Are the goals and objectives/benchmarks measurable? / For each goal and objective/benchmark, is there a program or service to address it?
Are the programs and services designed to ensure progresson the goals and objectives / benchmarks?
How did the IEP team consider LRE in the development of the programs / services? / Is there objective data (i.e. direct assessment or observations) to support progress on the goals and objectives?
Did the student meet the goals?
If not, was the IEP re-designed to address it?
STEP 3:Analyze the Relationship across the Years
What do you find?
What the Core Components of the IEP Should Include
PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids & Services / Goals and Objectives / Benchmarks / Programs & ServicesThe PLAAFP should identify the areas about the ASD (e.g. Independence, Socialization, Engagement, Communication, Academic, Behavior, etc.) that are impacting access and progress in the general education curriculum and environments?
All needs listed in the PLAAFP should be addressed in either the Transition Plan, Supplementary Aids & Services and/or Goals and Objectives. / The PLAAFP should include data (e.g. observations, interviews / checklists, standardized scores, grades, behavior reports, etc.) for each area as compared to typical peers of the same age or grade. / The PLAAFP should describe the impact of each area on access and progress in the general education curriculum and environments. / Each supplementary aids and services should address a specific need listed in the PLAAFP / Goals and objectives / benchmarks should address needs that cannot be met through the Transition Services or Supplementary Aids and Services
needs that require specialized instruction (e.g. communication, social competence, visual systems of supports)
Goals and Objectives / Benchmarks should be measurable (e.g. countable by number or time) and include the skill to increase, the condition(s) for teaching, and the criteria for mastery. / For each goal, there must be a program or service to address it.
Program decision must include consideration of LRE.
Year 1 2 3
NEEDS / PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids / Services / Goals / Objectives / Programs and Services / ProgressEDUCATIONAL BENEFIT Review
Year 1 2 3
NEEDS / PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids / Services / Goals / Objectives / Programs and Services / ProgressEDUCATIONAL BENEFIT Review
Year 1 2 3
NEEDS / PLAAFP / Supplementary Aids / Services / Goals / Objectives / Programs and Services / ProgressSTART IEP Development and Implementation Module edited 2-1-13