Yearbook Staff Grading Policies

Welcome to Yearbook!

Objective: To create an outstanding ALL COLOR yearbook using desktop publishing (InDesign CS3),

Adobe Creative Master Collection, 35mm cameras and digital cameras.

This class will assist students to become better Skilled Communicators, Academically Proficient, Technologically Literate, and Socially Responsible.

Each of you will have to use all of your varied talent, positive attitudes and personalities, interest in publications, and strong work ethic to pull out the best yearbook Kennedy has ever seen! I am thrilled you have decided to join us this year.

As you probably know, being part of the yearbook staff is a lot like being a member of any team. You will have individual assignments and deadlines to meet, but you will also work as part of a group. You will be responsible to a section editor who receives instructions form the editor in chief, who is under Mrs. Clark’s direction. None of us can accomplish this tremendous task of creating a quality publication without a great deal of dependability, communication and cooperation.

In order to help you succeed in this program, student’s grades are based on their productivity and attendance. If a student is not here work cannot be done and the team suffers. Grades are based on the following:

An “A” student….

  1. Meets ALL final deadlines and ALL mini-deadlines and sells 1 business ads.
  2. Produces work that is judged consistently excellent by editors and adviser.
  3. Has an excellent attendance record. This includes: no more than 2 tardies in a semester, no more than 5 absences in a block and does not leave class without permission.
  4. Shows a positive, cooperative attitude and eagerness to work as a team member. This includes undertaking additional tasks and assisting other to complete their tasks (without being asked to do so.)
  5. Keeps all work and materials organized, neat and in the correct filling spot.

An “B” student….

  1. Meets ALL final deadlines and ALL mini-deadlines.(remember, missing one deadline will automatically drop your grade one full letter grade.) and sells 1 business ads.
  2. Produces work that is judged consistently above average by editors and adviser.
  3. Has an excellent attendance record. This includes: no more than 2 tardies in a semester, no more than 5 absences in a block and does not leave class without permission.
  4. Shows a positive, cooperative attitude and eagerness to work as a team member.
  5. Keeps all work and materials organized, neat and in the correct filling spot.

An “C” student….

  1. Has likely missed at least one deadline and only sells 1 business ad.
  2. Produces work that is judged consistently average by editors and adviser.
  3. Has an average attendance record. This includes ANY of these: more than 2 tardies in a semester, more than 5 absences in a block and has left class without permission.
  4. Has an inconsistently cooperative attitude and is less than willing to work as a team member.
  5. Keeps most work and materials organized, neat and in the correct filling spot.

NOTE: “D” and “F” students do not exist in this class. As mentioned above, once a student reaches the “C” level, a serious recommendation will be made to the student and the administration that the student transfers into a different class.

Also this does not include the final projects at the end of the year. There will be two final projects. It will be worth a lot of points and will be a huge part of your final grade. If you decide not do the project it will be an automatic Failure for the quarter.

If you have any Questions, please feel free to call me, Dee Clark, 510-657-4070 x27114 or email me at

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______