Highlands Parent Advisory Council

Policy and Procedures

Job Title: Class Representative
Member of HPAC Executive: No / Revision Date: Sept. 18/09


At Highland’s School the relationship between the staff and parents is integral to

the success of the students at our school. The Class Representatives are the communication link between the parents in their class, the Highlands Parent Advisory Committee (HPAC) and the classroom teacher. At least two volunteer parents are assigned to represent each classroom/division in the school.


The HPAC executive will provide an orientation meeting for Class Reps. to explain their role and responsibility. Typically, that meeting will be held one-half hour before the first general HPAC meeting of the school year.

The duties listed below are to be shared between the Reps.

HPAC Duties:

One Class Rep. should attend each HPAC meeting held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm, to participate in the decision making process on behalf of the parents in their classroom.

Information from the HPAC meetings should be communicated to the teacher and the classroom parents when necessary.

Class Reps. are responsible for supporting HPAC events throughout the year within their classroom. This might involve coordinating volunteers, decorating, collecting donations and assisting with the distribution of meals during hot food days.

Special tasks for Grade 6 Class Reps: organize the first aid training in the Spring, recruit a couple of parents to help with the Hep B immunization date (first one is usually in Oct. check with the office staff for the dates), The grade 6 classes have traditionally hosted a Farewell Tea for our grade 7 families immediately following the graduation ceremony. See volunteer job tools on the website under Grade 7 farewell.

Special tasks for Grade 7 Reps: Organize a meeting for grade 7 parents to discuss grad activities and form committees. Some areas to think about: ordering hoodies for the kids, graduation gift to the school, grad ceremonies and dinner, yearbook, slideshow, fundraising activities etc. See volunteer job tools on the website under Grade 7 farewell.

Classroom Duties:

Class Reps. Interaction with Teacher and Letter to parents

Reps should meet personally with the teacher to discuss their roles. Teachers have different styles when interacting with parents and have different requirements. It is important to meet initially to establish expectations, and clarify that the parents are available to support the needs of the teachers. Following this conversation please email home a letter of introduction to the parents letting them know who you are. See website under volunteer resource tools for class reps for a sample letter.

Process for Approval of Info. and Photocopying/Distribution

Please email all letters or information being sent to classroom parents to Arlie Thompson, Principal first for approval. Her email is:

Once approved, it can be emailed out to class parents. Please cc it to the school office staff (Daphne: , Donna: ).

For any kids without email who need a hard copy there are classroom mail slots for each teacher in the office - just be sure to put kids names on the top of it.

Photocopying (if needed) can be done in the school office. Just check with office staff that it is a convenient time. Please avoid before the bell in the morning as teachers are often using it at this time. The id code on the photocopier for HPAC is 3544 (same as the call in line).

Classroom Parties

These are organized jointly between the teachers and the parents. Early in the year, dates and events should be determined and a calendar prepared and distributed to parents. It is important to discuss these details with the teacher. In some cases, a teacher may wish to celebrate a special event such as “Chinese New Year” rather than, or in addition to, the more traditional celebrations. Teachers of the more senior grades may have alternative plans for holiday celebrations. Class Reps. are responsible for the communication to parents about these events (reminders a couple of days before the event to parents involved is helpful). See website examples of party schedules.

Friday Lunch Volunteers

This involves grades one to five only. One volunteer parent is needed each Friday to come in and distribute the pre-ordered food to their child’s classroom. Post a schedule at the classroom door (or email a list) for parents to sign-up. Please make sure the days are filled so the teacher can have a full lunch time.. See website under class rep tools for more food day specific info. and sample sign up form.

Field Trip Supervision and Organization of drivers for field trips

In regard to the new field trip requirements all driving volunteers must have had their driving record sent to the school in addition to completing the school volunteer forms (available in the school office). To get a driving record sent to Highland’s parents can call the B.C. Drivers license at 604-661-2255 and get them to fax the school at 604-903-3541 with the driving record. It takes 2 minutes to do. A few parents may also be required to help the teacher with supervision on trips.

Teacher Gifts

Class Reps. will often collect money from parents for teacher gifts at year-end, or for a special occasion like a new baby, or a marriage. This is entirely optional, and parents should not feel like they must participate in this type of gift giving.. (Generally at Highlands we have collected for a year end gift- kids and families who desire to, do their own gift giving/cards at Christmas). See website for example requests

Class Contact Information

Each Class Rep. will be provided with a confidential list with emails, home and work phone numbers by our HPAC member-at- large communications. This information is for schooo/HPAC use only. No information is to be given out without written permission (email is fine) from the parents. . Please store the permissions received in case of need for reference. Class lists can be distributed for parent use (ie for playdates/carpooling) if desired but only once the written permission has been received from each parent/guardian listed.

Emergency Preparedness

Please check that all of the students in the class have returned the comfort kits. If there are any missing, please make a list of those missing and follow up with the parents. Once you have reminded them once it is their responsibility. As well, please check that each child has at least an emergency blanket and on the other end of the spectrum that the bags are not over flowing (excess stuff should be returned to the parent). If parents have put in drinks they must be removed because if they leak it can cause problems to the supplies. The school will provide water.

Building Volunteerism

Highlands has been fortunate to have a long history of great community and a high level of parents involved. This results in excellent opportunities for our students. As class reps having a vision for always growing volunteerism is very beneficial to our school. Some ways to encourage this as a class parent are: planning a classroom coffee morning to help connect parents; sharing opportunities to volunteer, helping people begin (ie come and do food day with me this time to see how it works); inviting people to the HPAC meetings. Remember, probably the most successful way to help people get involved is personal contact/ word of mouth.

Other classroom duties

These vary depending on the needs of the teacher, they might include: Classroom Assistance (displays, charts, reading programs, special activities), Special Event Performances (organizing rehearsals, costumes).

Please note: the role of class rep is not necessarily to do all the work yourself. You are there to organize it and ensure it is done.

Many thanks for taking on this valuable role. Good luck with your year and if you have any questions or ideas don’t hesitate to contact Sue Carabetta, class rep. coordinator at 604-983-0182 or by email at: