Oxnard College Associated Student Government
4000 S. Rose Avenue, Oxnard CA 93033
Phone: (805) 986-5968 Fax: (805) 986-5806
Associated Student Government Board Meeting
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Associated Student Government Conference Room
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The ASG Board reserves the right to modify the order of the day at any time during the meeting. This may include the removal of items from the agenda prior to their discussion. No topics or items will be added to this agenda, except as allowed by the Ralph M. Brown Act.
A. Call to Order
ASG President Mario Ramirez Called meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
B. Pledge to the Flag
C. Roll Call
a. President: Mario Ramirez (P)
b. Vice President: Alex Pimentel (P)
c. Secretary: Anna Anchondo (P)
d. Treasurer: Jesus Vazquez (P) 2:55pm
e. Public Relations Officer: Jonathan Lopez (Dismissed)
f. Senate Chair: Amoni Windsor (P)
g. Senator 1: Noe Ortiz (Dismissed)
h. Senator 2: Paul Medina (A)
i. Senator 3: Vacant
j. Senator 4: Vacant
k. Senator 5: Rebecca Lopez (P)
l. Senator 6: Pablo Rios (Dismissed)
m. Senator 7: Victor Arredondo (P)
n. Advisor: Gabriela Rodriguez (P)
D. Adoption of the Agenda
Secretary Anchondo objected the agenda. Vote 3-2-0. Due to the vote President Ramirez adopted the agenda.
E. Approval of Previous Minutes
Minutes for November 05, 2015
Minutes for November 19, 2015
Secretary Anchondo moved to table the previous minutes for the November 05, 2015 and November 19, 2015 meeting, Senator Arredondo seconded. Without any objections ASG President Ramirez tabled the approval of the minutes.
F. Public Comment
This segment of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Oxnard College Associated Student Government Board on any matter of concern that is not stated on the agenda. A time limit of two (2) minutes per speaker will be allowed. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion (Brown Act §54954.2).
· Noe Ortiz, ASOC student, shared that the board decides and makes final decisions not the advisor. Evening attendant Dorians hiring has been delayed by advisor Gaby Rodriguez, Dorian has been given many excuses in regards to his hiring he changed his schedule to be available for this position and still has not been hired. Noe Ortiz shared his personal opinion in regards to advisor Gaby Rodriguez.
· Israel Lopez, Veterans Club President commented on the Veterans Day event, it was a success and there is approximately $764.23 left from the budget he will confirm the amount, he would like to know how to return the remaining amount to ASG. Also thank the board for the support on the Veterans Day event.
· Secretary Anchondo commented on the delayed in hiring the evening attendant Dorian Guerrero, in August 18, 2015 there are minutes that states that he is approved as the evening attendant part time staff at the cost of $14,000 per academic year 2015-2016 and in September 01, 2015 minutes, there is a motion to hire Dorian Guerrero as a part time provisional hire as the ASG evening attendant for the fall 2015 semester. Many excuses have been given to him and that needs to stop, his hiring proses needs to be pushed forward, there were special instructions given to Gabriela Rodrigues by previous advisor Linda Webb in regards to the hiring and nothing has been done.
· John Williams, ASOC Student, commented on investigating things from the past not just focus on the issues that are going on now.
G. Unfinished Business
a. Charter of New Clubs: (Action Item)
i. The ASG will charter the following clubs as Official Oxnard College Clubs:
1. OC Monster Fitness Club
Vice President Pimentel Checked the Club Members application and constitution
all their paperwork is turned in correctly. No objections from the board, ASG
President Ramirez Chartered OC Monster Fitness Club.
b. Upcoming Events Scheduled: (Action Item)
i. Please Review calendar and updates for Proper Planning Procedures.
ii. Take Action on making the amended calendar the Official Calendar for the
Senate Chair Windsor moved to table the amended calendar, Vice President Pimentel Seconded. Without any objections ASG President Ramirez tabled the item.
c. Senator Seats: (Action Item)
i. Currently there are two Senator Positions open. Are we actively accepting
applications to fill these positions?
ii. Take Action on opening up the two senator positions to the entire student
The board voted on opening the senator position to the entire student body,
Vote 3-2-0. Applications will be accepted to fill in the opening positions.
H. New Business
a. Student Communication Project (Action Item):
i. Several Communication Students wished to give an Informational Report / Presentation on their ideas for the Student Lounge.
ii. The ASG will discuss and take action of what they wish to do with the disseminated information.
Advisor Rodriguez attended a meeting with Professor Amy Edwards that is working with eight student and brought ideas on how to bring the student lounge to live and make it friendlier and encourage students enter the Student Lounge.
Secretary Anchondo moved to table this item for the next ASG meeting to give the Students an opportunity to give the board more information, Senate Chair Windsor seconded. Without objections ASG President Ramirez tabled this item.
b. Student Representative for Hiring Committee (Action Item)
i. The Student Government will be selecting an individual to serve as a Student Representative for the Hiring Committee of New Faculty and Staff. Please be advised that this hiring committee is only for the Executive Vice President Position.
Rebeca moved to table this item until we get more information, Senate Chair
Windsor seconded Vote 3-2-0 ASG President tabled the item.
c. Return of all ASG Equipment (Action Item)
i. The Associated Student Government will take action on whether all ASG
Members must return borrowed equipment back to the ASG Advisor for
Itemization and rechecking out to those specific individuals.
ii. The ASG will adopt and implement an Equipment Check-out Policy.
ASG members voted on returning the items for itemization and checking them in and rechecking them out if needed. Vote 4-1-0 ASG President passed the motion.
Advisor Rodriguez shared that she spoke to Dr. Cobian in regards to the Equipment Check –Out Policy and he suggested this is not necessary due to there are district policies yet, She feels we need internal ASG Policy.
Secretary Anchondo moved to table this item for the next ASG meeting, Senator Arredondo second this item. Objection on the table Vote 3-2-0
Senator Arredondo moved to appoint Secretary Anchondo to work on the editing of the Equipment check out policy, Secretary Anchondo Seconded. Objection on the table Vote 2-3-0 Motion Failed.
Senate Chair Windsor moved to spearhead the equipment check out policy, Senator Lopez second. Objection on the table Vote 3-2-0 motion denied.
Senate Chair moved to create an ad-hoc committee, Vice President Pimentel Seconded. President Ramirez passed the motion and will be assigning a chair.
d. Emerge Latino Conference with LULAC (Information):
i. The ASG will debate and take action on if they wish to attend a LULAC Leadership Training in Washington DC.
Advisor gave some information in regards to this organization, it’s a leadership
conference for students, it is a scholarship event. This is not an ASG event.
e. New York City SG Training Conference hosted by the ASGA (Action Item)
i. The ASG will debate and take action on if they wish to attend a leadership
conference for the ASGA in New York.
The board members agreed that this will be a great opportunity to go. Voted 6-0-0 President Ramirez approved the vote to attend New York City SG Training Conference hosted by ASGA.
f. Next ASG Meeting
i. The ASG will debate and take action on if they wish host a regular meeting on
December 10, 2015 as it is scheduled to happened.
The board members voted on having an ASG Meeting on December 10, 2015. Vote 1-4-0. Due to the vote ASG President Ramirez announced that there will be no ASG meeting on December 10, 2015.
I. Reports
a. ASG Officer Report
· Vice President Pimentel reported that the board needs to pick up the slack of the
members that were dismissed.
· Secretary Anchondo reported on Winter Wonderland that will be held on
December 8th, volunteers are needed.
· Treasurer Vasquez reported that he is working on the numbers of the budget, he will be reporting soon.
· Senate Chair Windsor reported on the HA-HA Holiday that happened yesterday was a good event.
· Senator Lopez reported that the board might not agree with each other or like each other but we need to put issues aside.
· Senator Arredondo volunteered to work on the water bottle canteens project.
· ASG President Ramirez distributed his report in writing.
c. Student Trustee Report
· Ilse reported that there will be conference January 22, 2016 with Oxnard, Ventura and Moorpark colleges. Also shared some information in regards to moving up student elections to give more time with the elected members and train them properly.
d. Gabby’s Report
· Advisor passed all the board members binders with all the previous minutes.
· IOC Meeting will be held Monday December 7, 2015 Jennifer Clark will be talking about financing.
· ASG Promotions to consider for next semester like Key chains, pens, notebooks, water bottles.
· Christmas parade and tamale festival need volunteers to meet at Vallarta in Oxnard Blvd. 9:30 am-12:00pm
I. Announcements
Next ASG Meeting will be held on January 14, 2016 at 2:00 pm
J. Adjournment
ASG President Ramirez adjourn the meeting at 3:43 p.m.