Using schoolwires to create your website

1st, from your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc) go to

2nd, click the Sign In tab and enter your Novell username and password.

3rd, select the Senior High from the drop down list

4th, click on the Teacher WebSites menu

5th, click on your name

Once you navigated back to your site, you should see something similar to the following:

You should see an additional tab in the top right corner that says Site Manager. This is what you will use to make changes.

This is what the Site Manager page looks like:

To change the content on the Welcome Page, simply click on the page name “Welcome.” You can edit the text, add pictures, etc. Make sure you click Save at the bottom.

To create a new page, click on the button “New Page”

You have to choose which type of page it will be. Most people will use a Flex Page.

To add assignments or events to the calendar, first you have to click the Calendar page to edit it.

Then fill in the text boxes

Once you have created a new event, if you want to add attachments, edit the event, etc, then put your mouse over the event and click Edit.

To create a directory or list, first go to the page that you want to create the directory in,

Then click on tools at the top of your screen. Then click on directory/list.

Then click on the New List button.

Fill in the Title & Description, and fill in how many records you want per page. Then click on the Fields tab.

This is where you put the titles of the information you want (i.e. First Name, Last Name, email address).

To add information into your list, click on Records in the list that you just made.

Then click on New Record.

Enter the data, then click Save. Continue this process until all information is entered.

Embedding Web 2.0 tools into SchoolWires

Using Glogster

Glogster is a way to be a little more creative with your website. By using glogster, you are not limited to the tools that come with SchoolWires. You can also in sound(s), videos, etc.

First, you have to create an account with glogster (it’s free). Then you click on Create Glog.

When you create a new glog, you can delete the default text and images by clicking on them and pressing the DELETE key.

To change the background, you click on the Wall button.

You can choose from the various themes or just use a solid color.

Once you find the image or color that you want, make sure it is in the box and click Use It.

You can record your voice or a video by clicking the Grab button and using a microphone and a webcam if you have one.

When you are finished, click Save and Publish. Give your glog a name and choose a category (School).

This is the screen that we need. You can just give your students the URL to your glog or you can embed this into SchoolWires.

To embed your glog into SchoolWires, go back to Site Manager and click on the page that you want to embed your glog into.

Then click on the view HTML button.

Paste the code at the very beginning and click OK…Save your page, then go and view it.

If you change your glogster page, your SchoolWires page that has the embedded glog on it is automatically changed.

Creating a Google calendar and putting it into SchoolWires.

First you have to create an account with Google (again…it’s free).

Once you create an account and login, you now have access to create as many calendars as you want.

Click on the calendar that you want, then click on the arrow beside it. Then choose Share this calendar

At the top of the page, click on Calendar Details.

Towards the bottom of the page, copy the code in the “Embed this calendar” section.

Now go to the Site Manager in SchoolWires and click on the page that you want to embed the calendar.

Now paste your code. This time I pasted it after some of the text that I already had on the page.

Now when you make a change in your google calendar, it automatically changes in your SchoolWires site. You can create a new calendar for each class.

Using Forms and Surveys

In Site Manager, go to the page that you want to create a Form or Survey on. Then go to tools and click Forms and Surveys.

Insert the type of question(s) that you want and then click Save to save the form/survey. Then go to the page that you want to insert the form. Highlight the text and click on the icon to insert the new form.

Choose the form that you want and click Next

Once the students take the survey, you can review the results/answers. Go back to the Forms/Surveys tool and click on the Reports tab.

Click on the View button to see the responses.

Here is what the response will look like.