/Summary Statement Parts Quick reference Card
Summary Statement Filter Options
Fiscal Period (required) the default is the current period. The periods are represented by months of the year with a fiscal year that begins July 1. For example first period of 2012 would be July 2011 or 1 2012.
Month Ending (display only) This field is automatically filled in by SAP based on the fiscal period.
Cost Element Group (required) The default cost element group, CEMIT-0, will display the standard Summary Statement. To use other cost element groups, see Reporting Fundamentals: Selection Options for Cost Element Groups.
Company Code (required) CUR is the default code for MIT’s books. At least one profit center group, profit center, project, or Cost Object (WBS element, internal order, or Cost Center) is required:
Profit Center Group Profit center grouping is an SAP feature that offers flexibility in categorizing individual profit centers into groups. For example, if you run the report by profit center group, the report will be grouped by Cost Objects of the same type (Cost Centers, internal orders, and WBS elements) for all profit centers.
Profit Center Your profit center number is your department number prefaced by the letter "P" for a consolidated or full department report.
Project Project number for a consolidated project (parent/child WBS elements) report.
WBS Element Enter an individual WBS element, two or more nonconsecutive WBS elements, or a range of WBS elements.
Include lower level WBS's (optional) Check this box to display all the lower level WBS elements associated with the higher level WBS element,
WBS Level (optional) Use this field to limit the display of lower WBS levels; for example if you want to see only one level, type in the level number (such as 2 or 3) of the lower WBS elements. You can display more than one level by filling in the To field on the right, such as 2 to 5. Be sure to complete the WBS Element and the Include lower level WBS's fields. Note: Only WBS element numbers with data will be displayed on the report.
Internal Order Enter an individual internal order, two or more nonconsecutive internal orders, or a range of internal orders.
Cost Center Enter an individual Cost Center, two or more nonconsecutive Cost Centers, or a range of Cost Centers.
Cost Object (unknown type) (optional) Use this field if you don't know whether the Cost Object is a Cost Center, WBS element, or internal order. Type in the Cost Object and press the Enter/Return key. The numbers appears in the correct Cost Object field above. Continue completing the rest of the screen.
Term Code (optional) click in the box to include the Cost Objects by status on the report. Values are:
blank = Open for charges between start and end dates
Open =Displays only open cost objects.
1 = Closed. Pre-end date charges are allowed
2 = Suspended. Charges are not allowed.
3 = completely closed, and no charges are allowed
Supervisor MIT ID (optional) Rather than using the cost object selection criteria, you can select cost objects by Supervisor. Enter the MIT ID of the Cost Object's supervisor. To find the supervisor's ID number, use the MatchCode button to search for the supervisor's name. Double-click on one of the resulting ID numbers to select it. All Cost Objects for the supervisor for which you have authorization will be displayed when you run the report.
Exclude Blanket Orders (optional) Unchecked, all open blanket POs will appear in the Commitment Listing. If checked, blanket POs will be excluded from the Commitment Listing.
Budget Version - (optional) Defaults to the current Institute budget, version 0. If a departmental budget plan exists, you can enter the plan number to view the actuals against the department plan figures. When displaying Budget Version 0:
Cost Centers the Budget column reflects the Office of Budget Operations budget for the selected fiscal year.
Internal Orders no budget is entered.
WBS Elements the authorized total is reflected in cost element #400000 in the Budget column.
Report Type (required) if you select more than one Cost Object
Individual Lists information for each Cost Object on separate pages.
By Project Reports on project rather than individual WBS elements within the project.
Consolidated Combines information for multiple Cost Objects into one report.
Title for Consolidated Report (optional) Type in a title for the report. It will display on the second line of the report title after "Consolidated Report.
Summary Statement Buttons
Expand All displays the most detailed view of the cost element group, showing a breakdown of transactions by cost elements.
Expand displays cost element levels incrementally.
Collapse moves up to the next higher level or less detailed view of the cost element hierarchy.
Collapse All displays the most compressed version of the Summary Report with the least amount of detail.
DTR displays the Detail Transaction report for the Cost Object.
Download allows you to download the report to a spreadsheet.
Summary Statement Columns
Budget For Cost Centers, the budget values for the current year display. For Internal Orders, no budget displays, except for Dept. of Facilities. For WBS Elements, authorized total specified by the sponsor displays in cost element 400000. Drill down on dollar amount to see details.
Current reflects the selected month's activity, sub-totaled by cost element, on this cost object. Prior to close of month, overhead is calculated on expenses to date and shown in the Current column as Calculated Overhead. Drill down on dollar amounts to see the details.
FYTD or Fiscal Year To Date column reflects the activity from the beginning of the fiscal year through the selected reporting month.
Cumulative For Cost Centers, the Cumulative column matches the fiscal year activity. For Internal Order and WBS Elements the column reflects cumulative activity for the life of the cost object. Drill down on dollar amount to see details.
Unexpended column is calculated from the Budget minus the Cumulative columns. There is no drill down on the Unexpended column.
Commitments can include: manual funds reservations, purchase order commitments, blanket orders (if not excluded), and labor distribution reservations (where available). Employee benefits, overhead, and allocations are calculated on all commitments when applicable. Drill down on dollar amount to see details.
Uncommitted column is calculated on the Unexpended column minus the Commitment column. There is no drill down on the Uncommitted column.
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